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Genome Research Roundtable/BlessAThon
What is a Bless-A-Thon?
- Its a party of people all working to get data about how we affect mosses when we bless aquaduct towers.
Why do we need one?
- Mutagenics research gets hung up on moss needs, and we need more data to understand how specific moss characteristics are created. Also, because each avatar does different things to moss, the more people that know their moss habits, the more easily we can get the mosses that we need.
And did we mention we need all this to open Test of Festivals? :)
When and where will it be?
- Sunday September 2nd. Time tbd (4 hours). At an aquaduct line to be determined.
How will it work?
Each participant will join the Worship Channel for chatting about the event. Head to the assigned aquaduct line, and find a tower with either common or green moss on it only. Open a chat with Orchid. You'll chat her the location of the tower, what statistic is raises, and then start blessing! Every five minutes, bless the tower, and note the changes in the moss in your chat! Very easy!
- Example of chat:
- Avanya[15m] Starting moss is Green.
- Avanya[15m] blessed - no change.
- Avanya[10m] blessed - no change.
- Avanya[5m] blessed - added Crackly! moss is now Green, Crackly.
- Avanya [0m] blessed - removed Green! moss is now Crackly.
We ask that each person bless at least 10 times on a tower (longer is appreciated as well, because sometimes a 3rd or 4th characteristic takes that long to show up!).
That's all there is to it! Bring along a hookah, some veggie seeds or have a good book handy. If we all pitch in an hour, we can really make great strides!!
Prize Headquarters compound is located at: Every participant will be given a bulb of their choice, from the flowers on display at the prize headquarters.
In addition, some special prizes will be awarded:
- Most enthusiastic blesser:
- First person to get a tower with 2 characteristics (not counting green!)
- First person to add Spongy
- First person to remove Crackly
- First person to bless 20 times on one tower
- need more ideas, hehe