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Carrot DeadTongue | R |-12, +57 Clay ToadSkin | R |-30, -11 Clay Copper | R |-25, +37 ToadSkin Potash | R |-50, -18 ToadSkin Lime | R |-46, -44 EarthLight RedSand | R |-23, +62 EarthLight Iron | R |-41, +5 EarthLight Sulfur | R |+36, -16 EarthLight Potash | R | +45, -16 RedSand Silver | R | +27, +3 Cabbage EarthLight | G |-7, -30 Cabbage RedSand | G |+54, -27 Carrot Lime | G |+56, +15 Clay Sulfur | G |-28, -3 DeadTongue ToadSkin | G |-28, -9 DeadTongue Lead | G | +3, -8 EarthLight Lead | G |-47, -56 Lead Saltpeter | G | +40, -21 Lead Silver | G | +39, +60 Silver Copper | G |-63, +42 Silver Saltpeter | G |+28, +21 Iron Sulfur | G | +46, -19 Sulfur Potash | G | -15, +39 Cabbage DeadTongue | B |-21, +20 Cabbage Potash | B | +10, +5 Carrot RedSand | B | +43, -2 Clay EarthLight | B |+58, +23 Clay Lead | B | -22, +47 Clay Silver | B | -24, +21 Clay Saltpeter | B | -15, -21 DeadTongue RedSand | B |+40, -8 DeadTongue Iron | B | +38, -26 DeadTongue Copper | B | +31, -64 DeadTongue Potash | B | -27, +12 Lead Iron | B | -49, -22 Silver Iron | B | -32, -53 Copper Saltpeter | B | +43, -33 Cabbage Iron | W | -45, +0 Cabbage Copper | W | +7, -29 Carrot ToadSkin | W | +60, +7 Carrot Lead | W | +52, +31 Carrot Potash | W | +2, +20 DeadTongue Lime | W |-27, +36 ToadSkin Lead | W | +50, -46 ToadSkin Copper | W | +41, +23 Lead Copper | W | +29, -26 Iron Saltpeter | W | -26, +49 Copper Sulfur | W | +48, -26

formal garden paints 250 Dark Red Paint 10rs 500 Deep Sky Blue Paint 1 Le, 1 CL, 1 SU, 10 Co, 1 Sa

350 Forest Green Paint 

6 CL, 1 Co, 1 Cj, 1 Si, 1 RS 25 Navajo White Paint 1 RS, 6 Cr, 1 Si, 1 Le, 1 CL

250 Slate Blue Paint
1 CL, 1 Cr, 1 RS, 7 Cj, 1 Co,
350 Tomato Paint 
11 Cr, 1 RS, 1 Si
500 Violet Paint
1 Cr, 1 Le, 1 Co, 1 CL, 6 RS