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Demipharaoh Debates/2012 11 27
Back to Demi-Pharaoh Debates
Election 12 - November 2012
M: Larynth
M: Windrider
Welcome to our Debate in the 12th Election for Demi-Pharaoh of the 6th Tale of ATITD!
For the next 45 minutes the Game Station will be dedicated to the DP Debate. Welcome!!
If you have questions that you would like to ask the candidates, just submit them to GAMES or via personal chat to cate.
M: Larynth
M: Windrider
- Note: Larynth didn't make it to the debate and has the opportunity to add in comments below:-). I've corrected a few spellos here and there but the text below is otherwise complete, transcribed from screenshots from the Games chat window.
Windrider: I help people as I can along the way, and am usually there for them:-)
Cate: and can you tell our ‘listeners’ a little more about yourself? And then we have a question from solaris!
Windrider: sure, im a middle aged man with a lot of time on his hands, wich is why I am on game soo much, I have had medical issues in the past that made me have to stop playing here, and there, but am doing great now:-)
Cate: that’s good to know!
Windrider: I’m known as Windrider in the game and am married to a sweet woman called Kalmkitty. I live in RP near zfree guild up by UoA, and have a little guild of my own here:-) I reside in Florida, in the USA, where I have 3 girls I raised, my last being 13 is still with me:-)
Larynth: Sorry for having missed the debate I was with family in Memphis TN, and my wife was unable to make the trip so I had my hands full with our two year-old daughter. As to what I enjoy most about th game I would say it's the sense of community and working toward common goals while enjoying a bit of friendly competition along the way. I started about a quarter of the way into T1 and played through T4 when my daughter was born. Since then I've been a full-time Dad and gone back to school and have only recently found the time to come back to Egypt.
Cate: Larynth isn’t here yet, and I do hope he can make it. So, we go on…
Cate: Question 2: If you win this election you will pass the test of the Demi-Pharaoh and be our 12th DP of this tale. What is your view of what the role of DP is about?
Windrider: well, I believe a DP should be there for the people, to help settle disputes, answer questions as well as be a friend to most everyone. A DP should be ready at all times should a problem arise that needs handling, and consider his position above his own needs.
Solaris: will any of you be able to stop Pharaoh in his gambling ways?
Windrider: now I don’t know if that’s even possible, lol, though I have been to dragon tales and talked with him a few times, lol.
Cate: it’s a really interesting question because we all have different opinions about what is appropriate…
Zhukuram: as many of our DPs and players have moved on – do you think it is still important to have the office of DP?
Windrider: some DP’s remain, and it is always good for a DP to have others to consult with should a problem arise that he himself might have issues with.
Cate: which leads us beautifully to the next question… Question 3: If you were DP, how would you handle it if a close personal friend or guild mate made a complaint, or had a complaint made against them, and were seeking your intervention as DP?
Windrider: in the eyes of a DP everyone is equal, friendship cant get involved in any decisions made, the first thing to consider is the problem at hand, and how it was brought on. The next step is to determine how to solve it, satisfying both parties involved. You can’t favor one person over the other, or you just ain’t doing your job:-)
Cate: Under what circumstances would you consider utilizing the tools created by the Anti-Grievers Act? What do you consider ‘griefing’?
Windrider: Griefing is when a player has a problem or an issue with another, either chat related or otherwise. Meaning building of structures that interfear with anothers personal space… and as far as using the power of ban, it is extremely rare that it ever becomes necessary, I believe it would have to be an extreme circumstance to have to use it, like blowing up the CSs, schools, Universitys, etc…Chat related grieves can be handled by most players themselves by simply ignoring them in chat
Zhukuram: given that Egypt is soooo quiet now – would you consider having players like Geodude return to liven up the game? If not is there anything that can liven up the game?
Windrider: if a player is banned I don’t believe I would let them return, as they might still be holding a grudge and just want to return to cause more damage. As far as livening the game up the players we have now can do that by making more player events and games:-)
Kuupid: feels that’s a hint
Cate: well, time is running out really fast, so we might have to wrap up soon…
Windrider: plzz feel free to pose any questions:-)
Cate: so, last question – pirate or ninja?
Windrider: :-)
Cate: hehe!
Windrider: Ninja:-)... much more sly, and a lot quieter:-)
Cate: lol, well that’s it folks. Now roll up your sleeves, roll out your ambrosia and head off to Festivals. My, we are having a busy day!!