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Wine Flavors
This page describes the theory of wine flavors. It is a work in Progress, and some of the ideas here have not been thoroughly tested, so be free to add comments if you have something to add, or your own data do not match the theories on this page.
What is a Flavor?
A bottle of wine contains up to 7 flavors that may be detected when tasting the wine. Whether or not you are able to detect a flavor depends on the intensity of the flavor in the wine and of the wines age. Each flavor has a certain vintage the wine must obtain before the flavor shows. A wine may lose some of its flavors as it age, if alcohol or acid levels are not high enough, but the original flavors are still there even if they cannot be detected when drinking. This means they can still be used for other purposes where the hidden flavor is required.
Flavors originate from the soil where the vinyard is located, and a single vinyard may contain up to 5 flavors. To get more flavors in the wine, grapes from different vinyards must be blended in the barrel. Each flavor originates from assumably circular blobs, with maximum strength at the center, and gets more dilluted the farther the vinyard is from the flavor center. This is assumed to be true for both the intensity and the complexity of the flavor.