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Level 44 - Sage of Architecture
Primary Guild: Sinai Central [1]
Personal Guild POND [2]
Humble Priest: Thoth's Blessing: effects unknown- [3]
Formulae [4]
MAdLaBz [5]
SC Quarries [6]
Carpentry Blades: Dae's Way [7]
Mutagenics [8]
Tests Needs
0/7 Razor's Edge
Vines (In Progress)
AACCQQQS - #73 (most recent Akhet IV-15 12:30PM)
Koinif #11 SSSSSSSSSSS [9]
Koinif #13 GGS
Koinif #14 ACKV
Koinif #15 AGQQQQ
Koinif #16 GGVQ
Koinif #17 VSSSSSSGG [11]
Koinif #18 Imense SSSS's (uncharted)[12]
Koinif #38 AACCQQQQ [13] (aka 11:59 PM)
(RS[Diamond] RYYRYYR) (Clear) was only YRYY
(RS[Crystal] ROOYYG)
(RS[Diamond] YYGRROO)
(RS[Milky] ORY)
(RS[Milky] RYR)
Best Guess at this point, is something like : K?RROOYYRROOYYGOYYGOYYGRYYRYRYYRYYRYYR?K
Hopeful 1st "planned" genome crossing. Frivolity (l) and 11:59 (r) with crackly,dry green. Then instantly taking result (untested K64 -right result) and placing it back on the right w/ frivolity (l) again ... green prickly spongy, resulting in *65-assumed trash- and 66 (contestant)
Koinif #42 GGQQQSSSSSSS [14]
Koinif #40 FrankenVine - Residual Genome swap of Hereje's Wine Vine (r) with Koinif #38 (l) and calico,crackly. muta
Koinif #43 AGQQQQSSSSSSSSSSSSSS(14s+uncharted sugar) [15] - #42(l)Facepalm(r)
Koinif #44 AGQQQSSSSSSSSSSSSS Facepalm(l)#42(r)
Koinif #45 8K
Koinif #46 AACCCGG
Koinif #47 (3+A)uncharted CCCC [16]
Koinif #49 ACG(Usame as K#43)
Crossbreeding in Progress
11:59 (l) Frovility (r) fuzzy, prickly, retic #67 #68
frovility (l) 11:59 (r) green Retic Spotted #69, #70
Note: this test shifted the prospectus of a 2nd color genome from the end of 11:59 strand to 'near' 11th genome
11:59 (l) Frovility (r) Green Hairy Reticulated #71 #72
bolded should be changed with a Y
to test changing genome near end of strand:
11:59 (l) Frovility (r) Calico, Green, hairy #73#74
Leapfrogging for next test:
Appreciation (l) K #73 (r) Dry, Green, Spongy #75 #76 used only for next
Appreciation (l) K #76 (r) Crackly, Mottled, Smelly #78 (goal)
Nehebaku #1 ACV
Nehebaku #2 ACVQQ [17]
Vine Template ('?' placeholders for blanks) [18]
Using Genome Lengths to Anticipate Mutagen Target Spreadsheet [19]
Personal Best 1st tends for Phenotype:[20]
fat - mist
wilting -trim
shrivel -tie