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Demipharaoh Debates/2013 05 2013
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Demi-Pharaoh Results:
Demi-Pharaoh results from 94 voters: Demi-Pharaoh Results:
Ranno (61.70)
Mehrane (38.29)
Debate occurred on Saturday, May 11 at 23:00 GMT (This was Friday May 10th at 18:00 Eastern Time (US))
Debate between Mehrane and Ranno from May 11, 2013
GHawkins: *Cue intro music*
GHawkins: Hello, and Welcome to the latest DP debate. For the duration of the debate, normal Worship Station deadair will be halted (you can use L2PBS for worship station related posts during this period). The candidates in this election are Mehrane and Ranno
GHawkins: If you have questions that you would like to submit during the debate, just submit them to Worship Station or via Chat to GHawkins but please note that comments, discussion, personal attacks, and redundant questions will be tabled or asked to be rephrased. Also, I will do my best to also reframe any candidate-specific questions so that all candidates can answer them (though your original question will remain intact for the person you specified.)
GHawkins: It's late on the other side of the pond, so let's get started.
Ranno: Hi everyone, I'm Ranno. I've been playing snce the beginning of tale 6.My favorite part of the game has been team projects with friends and guildies. Khelben and I started off early making Toil inthe desert guild where we have been helping new folks whenever possible in the 7 lakes region. My goals this tale from the start was to try everything, and I figured there was pleny of time to do that. I've enjoyed it very much.
Mehrane: I've been playing off and on in the first 3 tales, mainly in the beginning of them except #1 that I started somewhere in the middle. Seen the rush of new technologies and the race to get them open, new tests pursuit, and all that. I went nowhere close in terms of achievements to this present tale though.
SECOND QUESTION Would you consider not eating camel sink a bannable offense?
GHawkins: SECOND QUESTION comes from the audience.
Dunagain: Hello, i would like to ask to both candidates if they would ban someone who repeatedly doesn't eat sink food :)
Mehrane: I would ban him from accessing the kitchen but that's about all. Let's be serious here.
Ranno: Hi Dunagain. No, this is not worth a ban. While it is an annoyance the best someon could do would be to talk to the person.. But I dont know of any way of telling if someone actually eats it or not, unless they say so.. So a rule like that would not be enforceable anyway :D
THIRD QUESTION: If you win this election you will pass the test of the Demi-Pharaoh and be our 18th DP of this tale. There are a variety of points of view on what the role of DP should and shouldn't be, what is yours?
Mehrane: A Mediator. Someone you would go seek for advice and possibly intervention if serious troubles emerge, to have him/her resolve said trouble and weighing in with his position to get the situation resolved as peacefully as possible.
Ranno: Well as has been said in the past, the game mechanic for DP is very limited. You basically get a title and a ban stick, and the ban seldomly used. Beyond that its all about what a person can bring to the post. If elected I would try to be a positive and enthusiastic person anyone can go to.. I will be trying to work with the events team on a coupole of projects, and as always, I'm here to help, and to listen. I think thats the best a good leader can be.
Ranno: On the use of bans... I was around when Geodude and butterfree were running amok.. I've seen bannable behavior. Interpersonal conflicts would certainly need to be handled differently. If I found I was involved in a conflct of interests, happily, there is a guild/group of DP's to draw from in that case, for advice or a consensus of how to act. I would use all this kind of resources I could before taking any action.
Mehrane: I would first, if at all possible, avoid getting involved with the problem at hand. But if there was no way around, I would approach it as neutraly as possible. Being a friend does mean a lot, but not to the point of affecting my judgement. Of course it relies a lot on the situation at hand.
FIFTH QUESTION How are you planning to provide leadership to the game and foster activity among the playerbase?
GHawkins: FIFTH QUESTION comes from the audience
Bamrak: More importantly ( to me anyway) is the leadership role that is assumed with the DP title, but it seems as is custom lately, for a player to become inactive once becoming DP. How are you planning to provide leadership to the game and foster activity among the playerbase?
Mehrane: I don't think it would change me in any way. I generally prefer getting involved in projects that come and go, more as a supportive role, since we have great leaders in place already, and I'll continue doing so, "giving back" all the help and support I collected along the road to where I stand now, to those following.
Ranno: Great question Bamrak. I have had friends disappear from the game after becoming DP and it's known as the DP curse. Besides visiting an altar to meditate and hopefully gain protection from the gods to protect me from the curse, I can ust say this.. I love the game and dont plan to leave. I have alot left to accomplish and never a lack of things to do. As for a leadership role I have touched on this a little bit in a previous answer, but i will expand to say I am very enthusiastc about some upcoming event that hopefully I will have a hand in. And also I plan to encourage new and veteran players the best ic an by providng positive energy and sometimes the pace of ATITD is limited by Teppy so I will also encourage folks to contact him as well as they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease..
SIXTH QUESTION: Under what circumstances would you consider utilizing the tools created by the (AGA) law? What do you consider 'griefing'? Do you feel the AGA has been used well so far?
Ranno: AGA was created to counter the chaos brought upon us by Geodude and butterfree. I think it has served its purpose, but the sad thing was it took so long for the laws to go into affect, and for our frst dps to be elected. The griefers were able to run around unchecked and the GMs hands were tied to deal with them as well. This is why there were several other laws proposed at the time to try and counter this kind of behavior, AGA was the one that won. I also have a law petition called the rules of conduct reform that is designed to counter griefers that happen early in tale before DP's are elected, but interest has been low ever since the AGA went into effect and the griefers were eventually banned
Mehrane: I can't comment on the use of the AGA itself, having never seen it happen myself. But that law is exactly how the banning tool should be used. Seek the consensus and resolve a situation is nice and all, but you just can't negociate with some people that are being a nuisance just because they WANT to be. Placing the power to exile in the hands of the population through vote is exactly how it should be done, to let those griefers feel how unwelcome they were. Now about griefing, I classify it as "being an ass and proud of it", the immature kind that would spew basic profanity everywhere to gain attention, that would stalk people to harass them in their chores or projects. The Geodude case comes immediatly back to mind, and I remember a similar case in a past tale, and frankly, if not for him, banning power would barely be required at all
SEVENTH QUESTION: The AGA is one power that the DPs have in their toolkit, what other powers would you like to see DPs hold, in the interests of improving game play?
Ranno: Ban power is really the only special tool available in that very limited toolkit. And that took draws a lot of dust. There are many other things a community leader can do to improve gameplay, with or without coded changes to the game. A few ideas would be to have the event system fixed and have the DP be involved in events in some way. A dp could be granted limited travel powers similiar to what gm's have (the ability to travel to a certain person) in order to come to aid, or to catch a griefer.. (one of the issues early along were that the DP's could not catch physcally catch up to the griefer in order to click them to do the ban) Perhaps a DP could be granted some godly powers similiar to wht the prize for humble priests.. so he or she can open a bottle of wine and have 10 glasses instead of 7. or a DP being able to grant the blessing of amun.. These would be nice perks, and a great attition to a DP's toolkit, but they would in the end probably require petitionings and coding :D
Mehrane: the ability to mute would be nice. When someone gets a bit too unfriendly, preventing him from going farther would certainly douse his will to be a nuisance. Then a form of jailing, if muting didn't calm down enough the growing nuisance. If he can't talk or move, one should calm down drastically, unless he's clearly here with griefing firmly in mind, and well, see previous statement :) Of course, I'm looking at the question from a moderator point of view, an "offensive" arsenal versus those on a mission to bother the rest of the world. I'm thinking a way of delegating your power, temporarily, to get to a griefer could be nice too, kuupid had to run a lot after geodude to nail him, since he knew exactly how to avoid his well-deserved fate. a griefer knowing that just anyone could get him would clearly douse his motivation a lot more.
EIGHTH QUESTION: Does anyone have access to login to your account? (i.e., would any person other than yourself ever have access to your ban powers)? Note: spouselog does not allow access to ban powers.
Mehrane: No. Bloody. Way. I put some time and effort in my passwords, and they're not for the world to know. I've been, in other places, in situations where I was given access to other's accounts, and I never liked it, too big of a source of drama. Since then I refuse to know others' login info., you can't be put in an awkward position for something you never knew in the first place.
Ranno: Ah, an easy one. Nobody else has access to my account.
NINTH QUESTION: Have you played ATITD under other names in this tale or past ones, and if so, what were the names you played under?
Ranno: This is my first telling and I've always use this character, from the start. :D
Mehrane: I went by the name of Anihka in my very first tales. I used another that I don't remember in a following one.
TENTH QUESTION: When you come across a large camp eligable for DPA ing, what do you do? What if there are more people there than just you waiting for the timer to click over allowing ownership?
Mehrane: Never happened to me, so never thought a lot about this. Initial reaction would be claiming it, if we're talking about something of decent size with good and/or advanced facilities. If there are vultures though... just go away. It's a game mechanic, they are perfectly in their right to use it, who am I to judge the pertinence of a law ?
Mehrane: claiming and giving public access (missed that important bit)
Ranno: I have actually come across this situation a few times. I do tend to keep an eye on guildies who have departed, in one case they had a fair bit of guild property in thier warehouses, that I was trying to recover. But the DPA is not very forgiving. If you want the stuff, its first come first served. Whoever clicks first. You can always ask the others if they will yield but there is no thing compelling them to. Ad for DPA there is a certain amount of etiquette that has developed that folks should keep in mind. Especially if the dpa is near a sarch or other area with alot of new folks. It's best to get the area cleaned up. You want to leave a space for the new people to build. I know alot of egyptians frown upon a 'DPA Ninja' who claims a csamp and leaves it sitting and unused. It's considered wasteful. there is good positive work that can be done with DPA material, for example Glenbard's pubblic works camps in DOS and Lake of Reeds, built almost exclusively by honasha using DPA materials. Lately though, I havent been trying ashard to do DPA's.. I find it bothers me and makes me sad because of the friends that are gone, I miss them.
ELEVENTH QUESTION: If the general consensus of the rest of the DPs were that that person should not be banned, but you felt strongly that they should, what would you do?
Ranno: In a case like that I would not go against the other DP's and do the ban.. There is usually other routes that can be taken to resolve conflicts and in a case of griefing, it can always be left up to the population using the AGA.
Mehrane: "OK, I lose this one". If there's consensus, it's barely a question at all. You do the obvious and recognize you are in the wrong.
CANDIDATE STATEMENT: We're running over an hour, so I would like each of you to wrap up now and tell Egypt what they will get in a DP by voting for you. And if you do indeed want them to vote for you, please include why you would like them to.
Ranno: Thanks to everyone here for taking the time to watch the DP discussions. If I am elected DP I will be honored that egypt feels I am trustworthy of the position. As a dP I will keep on doing what I do.. Trying to have as much fun as possible in this game :D And I wont forget, that most important fact that this is a game, no matter how serious we take it sometimes. I will have an "open door" for people to come to me with any concerns or questions about the game they may have, as I have always done. I will continue to maintain Toilers and Amigos guilds and encourage new folks as best I can. I will continue to trade and help people with materials whenever possible. I will participate in events and even hopefully have a part in an upcoming event if at all possible. I will try to be a positive influence and encourage others and to be a good friend.
Mehrane: What will you get ? Same old me. Being DP doesn't magically changes you. Sure the banning power immediatly comes to people's mind, but face it, it's rarely ever needed, and as much rarely misused. The selection/election process, in my opinion, puts this power in good hands. Now why vote me... well Ranno is as good of a candidate as I am. Only default is she's not me. Too bad, you could be perfect candidate else ! But in all seriousness, all people I talked to said they would have trouble choosing, so just go with your gut feeling, make what you think is the right choice and it'll be allright.
Mehrane: And in case you lived on another planet this whole week and somehow never saw me saying it, see you all at the Osiris festival tomorrow~
GHawkins: And thus ends the debate. THank you to the candidates for coming out, to the audience for listening in and questions.
GHawkins: You've heard the candidates, now make sure the candidates hear you. Get your votes cast for the next DemiPharaoh.