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T7 Improvement Ideas/ENN Log

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2014-03-22 18:11:37 Pluribus: Tap, tap, tap... Just checking to make sure this thing still works... I will see you all roughly 80 minutes. 2014-03-22 18:35:03 Obol: must have been a foot of dust on that mic 2014-03-22 18:35:41 Pluribus: Yes it did. Many cleaning slaves perished to clean that mic. 2014-03-22 18:36:29 Remases: free the slaves of dusting duty! 2014-03-22 18:36:30 blondie: wait, you said in an hour, i gotta go prepare my snacks for them 2014-03-22 18:36:31 Obol: lol 2014-03-22 18:36:31 Harvey: lol 2014-03-22 18:36:57 Pluribus: The dust bunnies mounted a considerable defense. 2014-03-22 18:38:58 Obol: u could have sent ur killer beetles after them 2014-03-22 18:38:58 Tyreus: they were here for so long that they managed to invent wheel 2014-03-22 18:39:08 Tyreus: and started their civilization 2014-03-22 18:40:49 Obol: killer beetles is april fools event still? 2014-03-22 18:40:49 Rabble: If this tale lasts another 2.5 months, it will be the longest tale ever 2014-03-22 18:42:49 Pluribus: Please hold your questions and comments for the event. I will most definately be taking questions and I am done talking. (I have blocked out 90 minutes for the event in the off chance that Teppy can attend after he is done with prior commitment.) 2014-03-22 19:32:01 Pluribus: Hello all 2014-03-22 19:32:04 Remases: All bow... 2014-03-22 19:33:12 Pluribus: Lots of players on right now... That is a good sign. Today I would like to let everyone know what is going on with the game, where it is today, and where i would like to take it. 2014-03-22 19:33:16 Sabuli: Long live the Regent! 2014-03-22 19:33:17 Jaylenaeybarre: hi, and I'm taking a front row seat 2014-03-22 19:33:18 Honasha: Hello Pluribus. Ty for taking the time to speak with us today 2014-03-22 19:33:19 ChiliPep: hi :) 2014-03-22 19:34:17 Pluribus: Please hold your comments and questions for a bit as I would like to get a bunch of things covered before getting distracted :-) I promise that I will give plenty of time for questions / comments following my talk. 2014-03-22 19:35:35 Pluribus: Ok, As you all have heard by now, I am in the process otaking over management of ATITD. That is still in process untill Teppy and I can make a joint announcement. The website is the beta to replace the live one :-) 2014-03-22 19:36:59 Pluribus: The devil is in the details. At this point, I am treating the game as if I manage it. You will notice that I try and spend a significant amount of time in game 2014-03-22 19:38:33 Pluribus: I will make this commitment right now. If this goes through, I intend to continue being visible and working on player issues. (Rough meaningless stat... I have done more code changes in the last 30 days than have been done in the last 4 years.) 2014-03-22 19:39:55 Pluribus: The game codebase is again under active development. However, I am just one man, so right now the things that are important to me are the things that get priority. I DO however take many side bar trips to fix issues currently effecting players. 2014-03-22 19:41:22 Pluribus: So, Current State: Billing is Disabled. Why? It broke about 6 months ago due to payment processor changes. With the switch to a new company, there is a change in requirements by the new payment processor. 2014-03-22 19:42:20 Pluribus: This code is taking longer than expected to complete, but I hope that everyone will be happy with it. (It should allow for better tracking of transactions and unrolling of transaction errors better) 2014-03-22 19:43:47 Pluribus: I also needed to re-implement the email system, the new payment processor wants me to send reciepts for payments, so I will be implementing that. (The players will have the option to get them in game or out of game when fully implemented) 2014-03-22 19:44:44 Pluribus: Expected time for the email system is another week or so. First pass at the payment system will be a week or so beyond that. (The accounting system rewrite was by far the hardest) 2014-03-22 19:45:43 Pluribus: I need to discuss with Teppy the thoughts on the timing to re-enable billing. I will give at least a weeks notice before requiring payment. Most likely more. 2014-03-22 19:46:40 Pluribus: So, my CURRENT priorities are the mail system, followed by the billing system (Credit card, then bitcoin payments), then the final 4 tests. 2014-03-22 19:48:21 Pluribus: Where are in the telling: This telling has gone on way too long, The players are bored, the game suffered greatly from a lack of dev involvement. I plan to correct that. Unfortunately, this late in the telling is too little too late. I would like to wrap up this telling and regear for T7 with a fresh start. 2014-03-22 19:49:16 Pluribus: T7 Plans: First off... I want to bring back EVERY legacy test that is possible to bring back. Title of Oracle will still be for 7 tests passed, not passing all available. (I may make achievements for that) 2014-03-22 19:50:53 Pluribus: Second, I will most likely be dropping the monthly rate (to about the $12 rate per month) with discounts for longer terms. Bitcoin payments will have steep discounts over that. (Sorry, but bitcoin doesnt have a concept of chargebacks so it is lower risk) 2014-03-22 19:51:25 Pluribus: Things that I know that want to change for T7... 2014-03-22 19:52:59 Pluribus: Mentorship needs to be tweaked to encourage longer term interaction between mentor and mentee. I recently heard comments from players who I had known for at least three months tell me that they just found out that it was possible to build a shrine to thier mentor, that indicates a flaw in the process. 2014-03-22 19:54:13 Pluribus: Ah, someone just mentioned, Conflict tests... I cant bring back the discipline of conflict, however, I will bring the games and work out something for the players to do with them. 2014-03-22 19:54:50 Pluribus: (Kinda like tests, but not "really" tests in the storyline perspective. 2014-03-22 19:55:29 Pluribus: I think that about covers the main things that I wanted to say. I will take questions now... 2014-03-22 19:55:33 Renard: hello Pluribus :) 2014-03-22 19:55:36 Ekko: wow...joined by incident 2014-03-22 19:55:36 Sabuli: hi 2014-03-22 19:55:36 SmokeyBear: Hello Pluribus 2014-03-22 19:56:00 Ekko: Thank you so much! this is destiny... atitd has so much potencial! i am a passionated game-designer and currently building up a streaming-community. I'd love to contribute what i can if its possible 2014-03-22 19:56:04 ChiliPep: hey bud :) 2014-03-22 19:56:05 Aubery: Are there any plans to market the game at all ? 2014-03-22 19:57:02 Pluribus: Marketing... Plans, I will have to do additional marketing, although my current plan is to get the game back into shape first as otherwise people will see it as more of the same thing 2014-03-22 19:57:10 Nemoder: What is the goal for how long tale 7 will last? 2014-03-22 19:57:26 Pluribus: The IDEAL telling should last 1 year to 18 months. 2014-03-22 19:57:33 Obol: so each disipline will have more then 7 test but we will pick the 7 we want to do? 2014-03-22 19:58:11 Pluribus: That is the goal. That does mean that some of the "easier" tests will have to be tweaked some, but the overall flavor of the tests should still be there. 2014-03-22 19:58:25 Coors: have you ever thought about pure "mules" at a discounted rate, but unable to pass tests or vote? 2014-03-22 19:59:42 Pluribus: Actually, I have toyed with a couple of concept to either make mules less needed or reduce the cost on them. It isnt likely for the beginning of T7 but hopefully when I have my head wrapped around. 2014-03-22 19:59:48 Shemei: we are just so happy to have you take over, Pluribus 2014-03-22 19:59:50 Hounddog: i know alot of players would like to see Oyster Catcher back for End... 2014-03-22 20:00:01 Pluribus: Oyster Catcher.... Hmm... 2014-03-22 20:02:45 Pluribus: Here are my thoughts on Oyster Catcher... It is currently slated to be replaced with Isis' Bounty. That test is the only likely bit of planned content for T6 that is likely to delay the ending. I can have Oyster Catcher ready in a day or two, Isis' Bounty will take a close to a month to code/test/debug. I am willing to put that test up for a vote to the players to decide if they want that test or Oyster Catcher to the end of the telling. 2014-03-22 20:03:18 TheMazeEcho: do you have an idea of the order of the release of the last 4 tests? 2014-03-22 20:04:46 Pluribus: Promotion is the easiest and will be first. The Artists are already working on the buildings for Throne of Pharaoh, so it will be next, Messenger is a fairly straightforward one to code. so likely next, Isis' bounty is the hard one... 2014-03-22 20:04:57 DisShovel: levels remain I assume and content still gated by level? 2014-03-22 20:05:47 Pluribus: Levels will remain. Too many years and too much content to re-write to remove the levels. (Note: Levels were added at the request of players so that they could gauge were they were in the content) 2014-03-22 20:06:24 SmokeyBear: Is there an expected date when this tale might end, and new one start up? 2014-03-22 20:07:28 Pluribus: My hope currently (shot in the dark really, but I thing realistic) is late june to wrap up, a week of "open beta" then a reset and go live for T7... 2014-03-22 20:07:44 redcrowley: I notice you mentioned "If this deal goes through". What would be the stopping points for the deal going through between you and Teppy? 2014-03-22 20:08:59 Pluribus: Currently, it is just making sure that we can come to a financial agreement that gives me enough funds to keep ATITD afloat. Currently it take about 300 paying subs just to pay for the hosting. (after taxes, and fees) 2014-03-22 20:10:21 Pluribus: I want it to be fair considering the current state of the game for both of us. Either way, I will continue working on the game. However it needs to pay its own bills. 2014-03-22 20:10:27 Remases: Pluri, beyond the existing cornerstone system, maybe consider flat selling a fix number more? More revenue potential and more convenience for guilds and such. 2014-03-22 20:11:05 Pluribus: That is a good idea, part of what I meant with trying to figure out a way to reduce the need for mules. 2014-03-22 20:12:35 Pluribus: If a good method can be determined to allow the selling of those type of things or balance it so that it doesnt throw off the game, I will likely proceed with it. The game is the important thing, I dont want to kill it for short term monetary gain. 2014-03-22 20:12:56 Sabuli: A question related with more than 7 tests per line. Body tests increment stats. Can a player select 2 tests that increment the same stat and get 14 in that stat? 2014-03-22 20:14:32 Pluribus: That is a good question. The body tests will need some of the closest looks, I am concerned with the seeming runaway in stat stacking, I would like to come up with a way to control that and still make body worthwhile 2014-03-22 20:14:46 Nemoder: Will there be any major changes to the legal system? how often will new laws be implimented? 2014-03-22 20:15:58 Pluribus: Legal system... I dont have anything currently planned for it. Implementing them generally is a lower priority task... but they do stay visible to be done. 2014-03-22 20:16:18 Tyreus: question about this tale: is it still possible to pass marriage test by "casanova rule"? 2014-03-22 20:16:42 Pluribus: Casanova rule? New one on me, what was that one? 2014-03-22 20:16:59 Lothaire: Question: In Tale 7, do you intend to make a real work-around about levels ? Be it based on petitions (achievements...), previous suggestions (bribes to schools and univerisities), experience points, or any other idea you might have come up with ? 2014-03-22 20:17:46 Pluribus: I had not planned on it, but let me put that on the list to investigate. It probably isnt bad idea. 2014-03-22 20:18:50 Lothaire: Not true, Pluribus! Levels were implemented by Teppy hoping for a higher player retention, it was never a player request ! 2014-03-22 20:19:48 Pluribus: It was a request / suggestion at the first player gathering... That Teppy liked... (Note: the old timers universally hated it) 2014-03-22 20:20:05 TheMazeEcho: Yes, but Teppy did say that levels wouldn't hamper anyone to do what they please. Levels were considered to be some sort of achievements, techs and skills were supposed to be accessible by all. 2014-03-22 20:20:47 Pluribus: It is already on the list to investigate... 2014-03-22 20:21:11 Hounddog: for the ppl that were not here at the time of teppy putting on the demo of oyster catcher you missed alot and he was very proud of it and ppl loved it, so maybe a demo of it again would be great for the many new ppl who never got you see it so they could make up there minds.. 2014-03-22 20:21:33 Honasha: In the beginning of this chat the first few statements were of support and offers to help. What can players do now, and in the coming months to assist you with making this game a success again? 2014-03-22 20:22:24 Pluribus: Right now, I would say let your friends know that ATITD is alive again. My goal right now is to bring back the game that I loved.. 2014-03-22 20:22:34 blondie: oh, gift subscriptions are something that maybe could be thought about. Many friends have helped others in giving a month of a game. An extension of that might be nice ( like the 3 month, 6 month, 12 month packages) 2014-03-22 20:23:27 Pluribus: Agreed. The old billing system was TERRIBLE about gift subscriptions... The new one will make it much easier to deal with. 2014-03-22 20:23:37 Nemoder: Would the game be more profitible as a free-to-play with hats? 2014-03-22 20:24:44 Pluribus: LOL, Free to play has lots other impacts other than revenue... (Think not being able to take paid status into consideration for DPA laws :-) ) 2014-03-22 20:25:08 Hatsheput: what about selling various item for real money to players instead of the only way to get them is events, like cucumber seeds, sickle, good fishing pole etc 2014-03-22 20:26:19 Pluribus: This ties right back to the concept of reducing the need for mules, I can forsee a store to allow some items to be purchased. Some will have to stay exclusively event rewards (otherwise there is less incentive to participate :-) ) 2014-03-22 20:26:32 Rabble: You can end stat stacking by fixing the bug in herb stacking 2014-03-22 20:26:55 Pluribus: Please detail what you see the bug is in a private chat please 2014-03-22 20:27:06 blondie: casanova pass is older, it's not currently in use for marriage 2014-03-22 20:27:07 TheMazeEcho: you marry as many times as possible 2014-03-22 20:27:07 ChiliPep: marry all the toons possible lol 2014-03-22 20:27:38 Tyreus: i was told that you can pass marriage test for getting married 5 (or more) times 2014-03-22 20:27:50 Renard: I work hard at monument of body in T5, to find last wine flavors, and wait since then to see this new test, will be very disapointed if we dont get it, i think we can wait again abit insted of oyster catcher( like you said 1 month or so) 2014-03-22 20:28:11 blondie: we used to be able to pass marriage through using the "casanova' method, but that's not been the case for 2-3 tellings. so it's currently not happening that way. It would open up chances for more marriage passes and people do have complaints about getting into the game too late to pass marriage. 2014-03-22 20:28:38 Rabble: The levels were compressed a lot in T5 and that took away some complaints about them. Compressing them more would probably help imo 2014-03-22 20:30:07 Honasha: I'd like to give a shout out to Nikara and TheMazeEcho for their extraordinary contributions to the society. Thank you both and any other GMs out there I haven't met yet. (dont' mean to leave anyone out) 2014-03-22 20:30:14 blondie: how would you know that players didn't request levels? hehe. I don't think levels are the worst idea. I can see how they are useful to an extent. 2014-03-22 20:30:16 DisShovel: If I recall the original proposal, everything was to be accessable by 12 ... that changed with impliementation 2014-03-22 20:30:24 Lothaire: We DEFINITELY don't want ATITD to become a Pay-to-win ! 2014-03-22 20:30:32 toothless: or maybe do that with item that wont break the balance like pet cloth paint 2014-03-22 20:30:34 Shemei: and sickles :) 2014-03-22 20:30:44 DisShovel: In this day and age of FTP games, I don't think there would be a huge outcry against limited 'store' options like cornerstones, to waypoints maybe.. Cats are nice and all.... 2014-03-22 20:31:53 Pluribus: I definately have to investigate the level progression with releasing all the tests... That will greatly change the progress. 2014-03-22 20:33:01 Pluribus: The only thing that I need to keep in mind is that way to encourage players to continue progressing... Which levels actually have done... (T1 had the problem of everyone doing things, but very few actually doing the tests) 2014-03-22 20:33:20 blondie: you know what would be cool, even though i don't love cartouche (which actually has me hoping it's not used as a test, but that's another story). If we could build cartouches from previous tellings...Also, having events where we can build cartouche buildings. I think that's worked out very nicely when it's been done. 2014-03-22 20:33:59 Pluribus: Let me think on that one... Not a bad idea? Adding to the list. 2014-03-22 20:34:46 Lothaire: For the vote on Isis' Bounty vs Oyster Catcher, one won clearly to be implemented in T7, there's no vote needed ;) 2014-03-22 20:34:51 blondie: i would love to be able to swim and i did like oyster catcher but it seems a shame to lose a new test. I think people were looking forward to isis's bounty (unless that's the minority) 2014-03-22 20:35:06 Rabble: If we have the 3 other tests to play with, that will give us something to do while you finish up Isis' Bounty 2014-03-22 20:35:12 Obol: even tho I want Issis bounty I am willing to wait till T7 for it to make this telling shorter so I vote for Oyster 2014-03-22 20:36:11 Sabuli: Another thing that I'm missing is a greater selection of avatars. We had more than 3 in t2 and t3. 2014-03-22 20:37:07 Pluribus: The T3 avatars have some issues with the current set of tests... I need to audit them, and may be able to give them as add on items if they can be fixed. 2014-03-22 20:37:29 Honasha: I agree with blondie - some people just like to create things and toil on projets rather than puzzles and tests 2014-03-22 20:38:39 Pluribus: That isnt something for this telling. It is on a list to defaintely think about. Hmm, ..... 2014-03-22 20:38:53 Rabble: Teppy "sold" the old avatar designs at the start of this tale for $100 per toon. A few players bought them 2014-03-22 20:39:08 toothless: the idea to bribe university when you lack lvl would work well for these who dont want to lvl up to get to what they want 2014-03-22 20:39:48 Pluribus: Bribes are a thought if not in fact in practice... Let me think on it... 2014-03-22 20:39:54 DisShovel: don't bury yourself here.. lets get this finished up 2014-03-22 20:39:55 Fuzz: I vote for oyster as well 2014-03-22 20:40:27 Pluribus: All, I need to afk for a few minutes, I will be right back. More questions are still welcome. 2014-03-22 20:44:22 Pluribus: ok back 2014-03-22 20:44:30 Bellah: i personally dont like it when two tests are the same. like promotion and prophet 2014-03-22 20:45:29 Pluribus: Those tests arent exactly the same, they are close in that they both dealt with predicting player advancement. Slightly different details. How to resolve that for T7... No idea. 2014-03-22 20:45:38 Honasha: The Pharoah should have a special tomb or monument errected to mark the passing of leadership. 2014-03-22 20:46:09 Pluribus: I would love to, may make the Arch monument dedicated to Pharaoh. 2014-03-22 20:46:22 SmokeyBear: Thank you Pluribus for the info. Now where can we meet up so I can grab that achievement. And I vote for Oyster. I would love to learn to swim . 2014-03-22 20:46:25 Obol: wb 2014-03-22 20:46:27 blondie: Wonderful chat, Pluribus, thanks for talking to us and for working on this game we love. :) I posted a couple of messages about this on the active atitd facebook group. 2014-03-22 20:46:30 amron: any interface improvements? 2014-03-22 20:47:18 Pluribus: None YET. Given enough of a account uptick, I would like to hire a dedicated engine guy to make a lot of enhancements that I want to make just dont have time to make. 2014-03-22 20:47:37 blondie: You could do a survey, but in the spirit of doing new things after having so much of the old, it would seem Isis Bounty is a better idea than oyster catcher. I miss some old stuff but i'm kind of excited to think there's something new to look forward to. 2014-03-22 20:47:57 Obol: to encourage player to return to the next tale, how about allowing us to store somethings in the funerary temple that we have to find and dig up in the following tale 2014-03-22 20:48:38 amron: could we also update the internet home page?It is very out of date 2014-03-22 20:50:00 Pluribus: Once Teppy give me the go ahead. Then I will replace the existing one with my updated one, then I can see about more updates... Just remember, that currently it is just me.... Thoughts and mockups are welcome :-) 2014-03-22 20:51:05 Honasha: The atitd homepage is a deterrant to bringing in new players. So I agree it needs to be updated. In addition, a grassroots campaign on behalf of the players to bring attention to T7 would go a long way to revitalizing this community. 2014-03-22 20:51:39 Pluribus: Hello Pharaoh, Welcome Back! 2014-03-22 20:51:55 Pharaoh: 'afternoon all! 2014-03-22 20:52:12 Asnath: thanks for giving news pluribus ! Kastou and myself vote for isis bounty 2014-03-22 20:52:16 blondie: oh, love that Obol, it would be very ancient egyptian to be able to carry something over to the next life 2014-03-22 20:52:17 Lothaire: Its funny that Pharaoh will be buried before the 7th tale :D 2014-03-22 20:52:21 Rabble: I really want to see Isis' Bounty. I've been waiting all tale for that and wine book 5 :) 2014-03-22 20:52:52 Pharaoh: Reading back as far as I can on the caht, just got back to the office. 2014-03-22 20:54:03 Pharaoh: Ok, I'm caught up. 2014-03-22 20:54:44 Pluribus: Greatings O great Pharaoh. 2014-03-22 20:55:32 Obol: maybe Isis Bounty can have swimming too 2014-03-22 20:56:31 Pharaoh: Ok, so as I'm sure Pluribus has explained, and as everyone in ATITD has known for a while, I have been spending most of my time on Dragon's Tale, and on another non-game project (but one that uses everything I've learned about designing games.) 2014-03-22 20:57:12 Pharaoh: (That other project will be announced soon; my involvement in that is almost complete, so Dragon's Tale is my current foxus.) 2014-03-22 20:58:15 DisShovel: Is additional art required to Isis Bounty and is it done? 2014-03-22 20:58:23 Pluribus: Tons and No. 2014-03-22 20:58:47 ChiliPep: howdy pharaoh 2014-03-22 20:59:24 Pharaoh: Pluribus and I chat frequently, and if there's ever a technical or philosophical question about ATITD, I'm here. 2014-03-22 21:00:35 Pharaoh: And as many of you know, Pluribus has been involved with ATITD since pre-launch, so he knows the motivations behind all the quirky design decisions that I have made over the years, better than anyone. 2014-03-22 21:02:14 Pharaoh: And I should of course appoligise for not being around as much as I should have prior to the hand-over. 2014-03-22 21:02:45 Pharaoh: Any questions or thoughts that I can help with? It's been ages since I've had a chance to chat here like this. 2014-03-22 21:03:31 Pharaoh: Mind if I snag the call-board? 2014-03-22 21:03:58 Pluribus: Go for it 2014-03-22 21:04:14 Tyreus: oh, maybe Pharaoh will know answer to my question: is there possibility this tale to pass test of marriage by getting married with many people? 2014-03-22 21:04:59 Pharaoh: It's possible. Progression is based on the length of a marriage, and the number of levels that your spouse achieves. 2014-03-22 21:05:03 Obol: it is good to be the king :) 2014-03-22 21:05:09 Lothaire: Where should we build Pharaoh's Tumb as the Achitecture monument ? ;) 2014-03-22 21:05:15 SmokeyBear: There are many lontime loyal players in this game, and certainly most be bored with the same old tests. Being a somewhat new player has it's disadvantages at times. I like the idea of burying some of the items I have acquired and could possibly be able to find them and dig them up next tale. 2014-03-22 21:07:14 Pluribus: The idea of "free goods" from a previous telling is tempting, but would drasticly throw off the early telling economy... (What prevents you from stocking up the first dozen sets of requirements for research as an example) 2014-03-22 21:08:36 Pharaoh: Agreed. There's always something perculoiarly enjoyable in a new tale about using those crafting methods that you've long since abandoned. 2014-03-22 21:08:59 Pharaoh: The sense of fast progress is especially fascinating, I've always found. 2014-03-22 21:09:24 Remases: change the requirements so we won't know! 2014-03-22 21:09:27 Obol: no I was thinking only one or two items, like an hatchet or shovel 2014-03-22 21:09:28 Lothaire: I'd hide ONE hybrid flax seed. 2014-03-22 21:09:32 toothless: could make it a chance to recuperate the item and would have to be something that does not rot 2014-03-22 21:09:33 SmokeyBear: Set a number of items. Say 10 of your most prized posessions. 2014-03-22 21:10:14 Pharaoh: A way to do this - though it would be really hard to balance - would be to not have the tombs openable without some moderately advanced technology. 2014-03-22 21:10:32 DisShovel: no no.. vets have huge advantgaes over inexperianced players already.. please don't exaserbate 2014-03-22 21:10:32 blondie: hm, ten is a lot of items if a guild plans and saves items 2014-03-22 21:11:28 Pharaoh: It does remove a lot of flexibility in changes for a next tale thopugh. 2014-03-22 21:11:55 Pharaoh: (So on balance, I'd say it would tend to short-circuit a lot of fun stuff, and turn a greater part of the game into a grind.) 2014-03-22 21:12:01 Obol: I'd say just 1 item, and once placed in the tumb it is closed, not changable 2014-03-22 21:12:04 blondie: would it be that difficult to code Isis' Bounty? so much so that it would delay the progress towards t7? i'm just saddened by waiting for so long for new tests to have one just let go in favor of an old test. Specially if next telling a lot of older tests will be brought back anyway. 2014-03-22 21:12:06 SmokeyBear: It was a random number I put out there. 2014-03-22 21:12:14 Coors: I would love to see more exploration travel sites like there used to be 2014-03-22 21:12:26 blondie: Would you likely bring back oyster catcher next telling or not? 2014-03-22 21:12:30 Pharaoh: Plur? 2014-03-22 21:13:19 Pluribus: Next Telling Oyster Catcher WILL be back... As will Isis' Bounty (regardless of if it is coded for this telling or not) 2014-03-22 21:13:51 Pluribus: I do estimate about a month of work to code, test and debug, in addition to the artist time. 2014-03-22 21:13:56 Nemoder: I always enjoyed seeing everyone's reactions to upsetting story elements like the plagues, faulty items or poorly thought out laws that were implimented anyway. Are there plans for more fun things like this? 2014-03-22 21:14:56 blondie: eek! no, no more plagues 2014-03-22 21:15:41 Pluribus: I would most definately like to bring more disruptive events to the game. I have a bit of a mini one planned. 2014-03-22 21:15:55 Pluribus: but no more plagues... That one went on WAY too long 2014-03-22 21:16:36 Pharaoh: If the plague cure had been coded along with the plague itself, that would have been a fondly remembered event. Great concept, poor execution. 2014-03-22 21:17:09 Pluribus: Agreed 2014-03-22 21:17:18 cate: it could even be a pay to play option and link out to bitcoin stuff or conflict challenges for those potential new palyer who are energised by that stuff 2014-03-22 21:17:27 cate: i was wondering if anyone has mentioned trade, or doing something more interesting/useful with trade. Maybe with Phoenicians? 2014-03-22 21:18:01 Pharaoh: I think that real-world currency trades hurt MMOs. 2014-03-22 21:19:24 SmokeyBear: Good luck Pluribus, you've got your work cut out for you. Have enjoyed playing the game. 2014-03-22 21:19:32 Remases: trading port, go there to place an order for some quantity of something, then they tell you what they want in trade, 2014-03-22 21:19:35 Sabuli: Could be something like the Goods implemented as part of the fame? The difficult with the Goods is that the tellers frequently are not available 2014-03-22 21:21:58 Pluribus: Generally offline style trading has been discouraged. I may consider adding something to permit secure trading like that... Let me think about it. But generally things like that dont encourage player interaction 2014-03-22 21:22:42 Asnath: Sabuli, you're most welcome if you want to be teller at the Goods :) 2014-03-22 21:23:00 Kalmkitty: any way to modify the trading booth to hold stock at set prices and trade that way? 2014-03-22 21:24:20 Pluribus: That is kinda what I was thinking allow some sort of upgrade to it to allow locking your items etc...It would have to be an expensive upgrade. 2014-03-22 21:24:30 Honasha: I agree with Pluribus it removes the interaction between players. When I trade with someone I sign their petitions, acro a bit, etc. 2014-03-22 21:24:51 Pluribus: The preference is defiantely on encouraging interaction... 2014-03-22 21:25:54 Pharaoh: I've got a default-world commitment to attend to, so I'm going to sign off for now. 2014-03-22 21:26:06 cate: that's a good idea:-) I have a trading both and it never gets could even modify guilds since it would most likely be uild resources being traded 2014-03-22 21:26:07 cate: A focus on interaction is good, but time zones are so diverse and chats are asynchronous, so what's the difference? 2014-03-22 21:27:06 Pharaoh: On the Nile - Teppy! 2014-03-22 21:27:18 Pluribus: Agreed which is why I agreed to think about it. 2014-03-22 21:29:55 Lothaire: One of the greatest asset for atitd was to NOT have NPC sellers, all player-driven economy. While Id love to see Pheonicians, NPC trade has no place in ATITD, imho :) 2014-03-22 21:30:06 Sabuli: most of the interaction is done through the website. the real interaction is short 2014-03-22 21:30:13 cate: thank you:-) 2014-03-22 21:31:28 Pluribus: Ok, all I think that we have covered just about everything. I am going to wrap it up unless something really profound comes up in the next minute. 2014-03-22 21:31:46 Obol: how about a trade channel like this one that is not a palyer made microphone 2014-03-22 21:31:48 Bellah: profound like dinner? 2014-03-22 21:32:15 Pluribus: Player made channels that arent microphones become global chat channels. 2014-03-22 21:32:31 Lothaire: Profound question: Is ther emore something like the Stranger planned for T7 ? 2014-03-22 21:32:41 Pluribus: That would be telling ;-) 2014-03-22 21:33:39 Lothaire: Ok, let me rephrase my question then: How will Apophis be involved in the development of T7 ? ;) 2014-03-22 21:34:50 Pluribus: Apophis is still on the team, but his real-life is preventing more active involvement... He is welcome to do or propose evil :-) 2014-03-22 21:35:14 Bellah: (apophis role is to keep pluribus from being too evil?) 2014-03-22 21:35:19 blondie: oh, someone asked this question a while back, can items like cats carry over to following tellings? that may encourage people to buy them more. 2014-03-22 21:37:04 Pluribus: Hmm, let me think on that one. Right now it is harder to do than you would think (from a code perspective.) Since player accounts arent kept during a server reset. 2014-03-22 21:37:39 Obol: u also mentioned camel races awhile back, will that be a test or an event? 2014-03-22 21:37:40 Kartal: Or if the funding behind is critical, perhaps those that purchased them could repurchase at a discounted rate the next tale? 2014-03-22 21:38:23 Pluribus: Camels arent full models in game. I would love to see them in game, but it would have to be an event at least at first to test out. 2014-03-22 21:38:46 cate: if there are enthusiastic coders out there in player land, can they help out with the task you have ahead of you, for the love of it, and with appropriate controls? There are some very clever people doing amazing things with macros for example, who have the right skills (not me alas!) 2014-03-22 21:39:29 Pluribus: Cate, Appropriate controls means forsaking being a player at all.. You cant see the code (and all the secrets) and still participate in the tests and the game itself. 2014-03-22 21:40:00 Pluribus: Trust me on that... it takes all the fun out. 2014-03-22 21:40:07 Kalmkitty: I just want to say...Thank you very much for breathing life back into the game! 2014-03-22 21:40:09 Obol: have a good night Pluibus, thank you for taking this time to give us this information and for breathing life back to the tale 2014-03-22 21:40:12 cate: oh, hadn't thought of would be a problem 2014-03-22 21:40:18 blondie: funny thing, some people who do code hardly play, they just code a lottttt 2014-03-22 21:40:32 Pluribus: Blondie... Like me? :-) 2014-03-22 21:41:41 Pluribus: And thank you all for your support. Again, let me encourage you to tell your friends about the great things going on, and keep the suggestions coming... (I cant guarantee that I will like them all, but enough I do like :-) ) 2014-03-22 21:42:13 blondie: lol, i was thinking about people like Cegaiel, he gets so excited talking about coding but he seems to miss what's going on with tests and stuff. Which is cool, i love that there are people that can put all this coding and stuff i'll never understand into something playable. 2014-03-22 21:42:15 cate: yes, thank you so much. You breathe hope! 2014-03-22 21:42:19 Sabuli: I think takespot or whatever its name is was released only in t1 and t2. I didn't play t1 and in t2 it came practically at the end with a lot of people at the preview of t3 and it was impossible complete a team and play it 2014-03-22 21:43:01 Pluribus: Sabuli, You mean Takeskot. and yes, it was a Body test... Teppy hated it... I kinda found it fun... Longest game that I remember was over an hour. 2014-03-22 21:43:14 Pluribus: It can get annoyingly long 2014-03-22 21:43:29 Pluribus: So yes, it will be back for T7. 2014-03-22 21:43:44 Pluribus: Although the courts will have to be rebuilt. 2014-03-22 21:44:36 Pluribus: Takeskot was one that was never moved with the conflict tests, so the courts went away over the many rebuilds by otter. 2014-03-22 21:44:53 Pluribus: (Not her fault, they were dead courts) 2014-03-22 21:45:12 blondie: I had considered that maybe there could be a place where people could put suggestions about the game into. Possibly something like the wiki so that everyone could look and comment. That may also give some breathing space for you to consider if that kind of stuff was possible. 2014-03-22 21:45:25 Pluribus: Why not the wiki? 2014-03-22 21:45:38 blondie: hehe, Takeskot should be a conflict thing, that was one thing I never understood and people who did understand it gave those of us who didn't a hard time. It really reminded me of conflict games, hehe 2014-03-22 21:46:42 Pluribus: The running around constantly is why it was in body. It was basicly a giant game of tag. 2014-03-22 21:46:52 Kartal: Or the forums for that matter, I know something could quickly and easily be set up on either. 2014-03-22 21:47:37 Pluribus: I need to track down a forum admin, to reset my account credentials on the various boards... (Amazing what doesnt work when you login after a couple of years) 2014-03-22 21:47:45 Sabuli: Well... sometimes tests are not in the more logical place. Banquet is for me more harmony or leadership than body, for example 2014-03-22 21:47:55 blondie: oh, do you think that would be a good idea? it was something that i was considering, i didn't know if people might be interested. I would love to set something up or if someone had ideas on setting up something for it on wiki. Would you consider looking at suggestions in wiki? I thought it would be easier than crowding you with chats. 2014-03-22 21:48:35 Pluribus: Everyone who suggests it, I send to the wiki... No one makes a page :-) 2014-03-22 21:48:47 blondie: yea, i didn't suggest the forums because they seemed a bit complicated and no one seemed to be using them 2014-03-22 21:48:48 DisShovel: few have used the forum for years.. never was popular 2014-03-22 21:49:05 Sabuli: And there are some arch tests with a lot of running, like phoenix :) 2014-03-22 21:49:10 Obol: did that use those big fields of paths with statues here and there? 2014-03-22 21:49:32 Pluribus: Obol If I am thinking what you are then yes 2014-03-22 21:49:38 Sabuli: yes, those are the takeskot fields :) 2014-03-22 21:49:42 Kartal: I should be able to do that for you on the forums. PM me and I should be able to get it sorted for you. 2014-03-22 21:50:29 Pluribus: Ok all, we have reached the point of general chatting, I am going to close done this one. we can move to L2PBS or other channels. 2014-03-22 21:51:01 Pluribus: Thank you all for joining. 2014-03-22 21:51:51 Honasha: Thanks again Pluribus!! 2014-03-22 21:51:53 Mariamom: Thank you for your time Pluribus, it has given an insight into the future :) 2014-03-22 21:51:54 Obol: tc all, good discussion 2014-03-22 21:51:54 Sabuli: thanks to you :) 2014-03-22 21:51:55 Asnath: thanks to you Pluribus