pass 2
- 50 Copper Strap: 150 copper, 100cc
- 55 Copper Sheeting: 330 copper, 55cc
- 29 Tin Sheeting: 232 Tin, 145cc
- 3 Lead Pipe: 15 Lead, 15cc
- 5 Lead Sheeting: 30 Lead, 50cc
- 46 Gold Wire: 5 Gold, 50cc
- 214 Nails: 20 Iron, 20cc
- 4 Magnesium Wire: 1 Magnesium, 10cc
- 40 Steel Wire: 4 Steel, 10cc
- 1 Thoth's Metal Sheeting: 6 Thoth's Metal, 10cc
- 3 Brass Plate: 60brass, 60beeswax and 180cc
- 1 Large Gears: 100 iron, 100 beeswax, 40cc
- 35 Bolts: 10 Iron, 10 Beeswax, 8cc
- 3 Small Gears: 20 Brass, 20 Beeswax, 4cc
- 18 Washer: 5 Iron, 20 Beeswax, 8cc
- Stainless Steel Pot: 20 treated steel (stainless, purity 4+), 30 beeswax, 60cc
TOTAL: 80 Brass, 115 Iron, 20 treated steel (stainless, purity 4+), 240 Beeswax and 300cc (600cc min to light)