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2014 Christmas Presents
Starting December 22nd, Christmas presents are being distributed all over Egypt in random locations. They will appear in snow storms and the common theory is they will stay around until collected by the recipient.
The presents will have random names on them and you do NOT need to participate (stand in snow) in order to receive a present. Note: some smaller presents may be hidden by the larger ones.
14 people need to stand in the snow to spawn the presents. Once a storm has had 14 people for at least a couple of minutes, all players in the storm received the following in their main chat:
- Wow, It is really snowing hard now! You have participated in XX snowstorms.
In previous seasons, pressies would be manually removed by administrators a few months after the event. From 2014 season (January 2015) all pressies will automatically remove themselves from the game a month after the event has finished.
In 2014, new achievements were added. Participating in at least one will give you an achievement
- Experienced an Egyptian Snowstorm
- Experienced 7 Egyptian Snowstorms
- Experienced 14 Egyptian Snowstorms
- Experienced 21 Egyptian Snowstorms
- Experienced 28 Egyptian Snowstorms
- Experienced 35 Egyptian Snowstorms
- Experienced 42 Egyptian Snowstorms
Present Types
- Cornerstone (Wow, Santa must be in a generous mood - it's a Cornerstone!)
- Chocolates
- Ground Fireworks
As of the middle of 23rd December, a randomiser was added, which allows potentially any present, including Vegetable Seeds, Wood, Beeswax... The original code also included explosives, but this was removed, then added, then removed again. The number of gifts that a player can receive was also increased.
- When you have collected your present just *DELETE* your name from the lists below
- If, when claiming your present, another person's gift is revealed (hidden) underneath, please add it to the list so they will know they have one there.
This map uses the CondMap template, if this map imports data from other maps please edit those. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages
Cat's Claw Ridge
-339, 6727 West of Chariot 0, abinadi, Alyssia, Aoba, badkitty, Falon, Hymm, JeanMariel, Nepomuk, ok, Oshibel, Shanelle, windingo, Yahmose
-617, 6810 West of Chariot AlexisBelle, AlphaBob, Bessodia, Bresson, CornflowerBlue, Dano, DarkBlue, Glyn, Iset, LightBlue, Lindie, Maata, MidnightBlue, Renard, SteelBlue, Tine
Cradle of the Sun
4384, -365 AlphaBob, Chitling, chuma, Dahlia, Felice, Grassi, Guadanino, Iset, Lindie, Maata Nala, norman, peruvia, Rance, Renard, Sabuli, TreekaSu
4558, -365 Akabane, AlexisBelle, AlphaBob, Buttercup, Deven, Elegia, Geena, Kalmkitty, Maata Obol, phan, Ravenelle, SANJAY, TreekaSu, Ward
Desert of Nomads
1513, 7098 East from Old Egypt CS akhen, Alyssia, Arutha, Avarelle, cate, CornflowerBlue, Darehender, DarkBlue, firelilly, Hasina, LightBlue, LightSkyBlue, RoyalBlue, SteelBlue, Tamutnefret, Tine
1665, 6120 AlphaBob, aquila, Bessodia, Deven, Earnest, Geena, Genni, hola123, Kosi, Maata, OneBanana Panjay, Paullah, phan, Ramla, Renard, singh
1765, 7350 AlexisBelle, AlphaBob, Arutha, Bessodia, CadetBlue, Dano, DeepSkyBlue, DodgerBlue, Doodi Glyn, LightBlue, Lindie, Maata, OneBanana, Pluribus, Renard, Tamutnefret, Teprun, TreekaSu, Wasret
1780, 5965 near UBody Bessieloo, Kelistra, Luna, Shaelee, Twitch
1805, 5915 near UBody Antilia, Arahgon, Burney, Charm, Falon, Herat, lil, Pruvan, Puffs, windingo
1855, 6675 West from CS AlexisBelle, AlphaBob, Bessodia, CadetBlue, cafer, CornflowerBlue, Darehender, DodgerBlue Iset, Leafcutter, Lindie, Maata, Nebamon, Pameow, pandaman222, Renard, SlateBlue, TreekaSu
2275, 5940 east of UHarmony, south of UWorship (border of Sinai/Hinterlands) Aoba, Bazelon, Charm, Emain, Larame, Myn, Nepomuk PresObama, Shemei, Strutter, Volt, windingo
Desert of Shades
-818, 1582 near UArt 0, akhen, Alyssia, Antilia, Atomada, badkitty, Bazelon, Burney, Charm, Dreger, Emain, Herat, Hymn, Jammer, JeanMariel, Lafattack, Larame, lil, Markanthony, Myn, Nepomuk, ok, Oshibel, PtolemyVII, Puffs, Redra, Renard, Shanelle, SleepKitty, Volt
-860, 1915 cocoa, demiana, Garaf, hd-jr, Holfa, Malvoras, pariskiva
-905, 2025 South-East of Chariot, North-West of UBody Asuna, Avanya, Azeron, Handsome, hd-jr, Hubb, Kazuto, kesa, sidd
-925, 2050 South-East of Chariot cocoa, demiana, firelily, Lindie, Malvoras, pariskiva
-1128, 2030 just south of the cs along the road Amon-Sul, Bessieloo, Dopey, GHawkins, Idrun, ryza, Sakura54, Senzi, Zea
-1145, 2010 South-West of Chariot, just North-East of SThought Arkhon, Babba69, Dawdles, Handsome, Josh, kesa, Ranah, Sakeu
-1240, 1915 North-East of UArch Alkhar, Blueshift, dopey, Fuzz, Idrun, Joi, PetrusIV, Raj, Xenon
-1795, 1970 South-West of UHarmony Fuzz, Oni, ramin, Rebecca, Shulien, Sizzlin, StarGazeR, Thromboses, travitz, troglin
Eastern Grounds
No known snow storms (yet)
Four Corners
-36, 4684 on the red road North of the CS AlexisBelle, AlphaBob, Arutha, Bessodia, Bresson, ChiliPep, Darehender, DeepSkyBlue, Hasina, Iset, Lindie, Maata, Renard, RoyalBlue, Teprun
Lake of Reeds
4185, 7820 Near UArch Adytaur, Catoosa, EmilyLiz, Macrodamia, Scottman, Spinoza, Squatter, travitz, troglin
4340, 6805 East Bank between SBody and UArt Garaf, Indyatep, Kamilana, nikara, Sharae, sparkle
4345, 7035 East Bank between SArch and SBody Arcana, Bonja, Honasha, , Merytaten, Metoteph, Oni, Rebecca, Ryza
No known snow storms (yet)
Midland Valley
880, 5075 South of UArch Arcana, Blueshift, Bonja, Guybrush, Joi, PetrusIV, travitz, Twitch
882, 5320 East of UWorship Bamrak, Scottman, sidd, Talidra
905, 5025 north of CS Azeron, Crystlsong, jediforce, Lazybum, , Metoteph, Raj, Ruriko, Thromboses
910, 5170 North of UArch Avanya
925, 5460 North-East of UWorship 0 (x2), Asarel, badkitty, Burney, JeanMariel, Myn, PresObama
928, 5518 Aubery, booger, COnsulting, Crystlsong, entdonk, GHawkins, jediforce, Lazybuum, Ruriko, Xander
Old Egypt
540, 6920 Adytaur, Blueshift, Consulting, Daxier, Garaf, Honasha, Kyline, murtha, PetrusIV, Saiyuki
540, 7010 akc2, AlphaBob, becs, crepuscule, Darwishi, Doodi, Ehonda, Guaranino, hacker, lorarose, Maata, Petrah, Rangadus, Renard, San-o-Yat
715, 7015 at SHarmony Hahotep, Macrodamia, Myna, Redshift, Saiyuki*, Senzi, Squabble, Squatter, Waerloga* (Gifts marked * are hiding INSIDE the school)
975, 6940 0, abinadi, Akabane, Alyssia, Arahgon, atomadam2, Corrour, Falon, Lafattack Larame, ok, Oshibel, Puffs, Renard, SleepKitty, Volt
1270, 7345 Bessieloo*, Idrun, Merytaten, ramin, Ryza, Shaelee*, Xander*, Zea (Gifts marked * are hiding INSIDE the school)
River Plains
1595, 2975 North of Chariot (south of SHarmony) Bamrak, coca, demiana, Malvoras, pariskiva, fizzles, Ranah
1635, 2520 South of Chariot hola123, Kyline, Merytaten, murtha, Ruriko, SCHU, StarGazeR, Tucker, Xenon
1505, 4106 North of U Art AlexisBelle, Ananya, Daxier, fairytale, Holfa, Hounddog, Iset, Karush, Koinif, mattphat, Panyea, Ruby, Shemei, Tay-O-Nas, TheMazeEcho, Zotep
Seven Lakes
685, -1750 South of UArch (South-West of Rabble's) Asarel, Curlin, DaFlame, fairytale
690, -1685 South of UArch (West of Rabble's) badmax, Bamrak, Bessodia, Kederbut, Sakeu, Scottman
721, -3250 North of SE U Lead by the Nile Guybrush, gus, Korath, Kyline, Mariamom, Myna, Neidor, Orchid, , Shu, Spinoza, Tucker, Windwhisperer
780, -3857 North of SE U Lead by the Nile hola123, Iset, Kazuto, Tilana,
782, -3898 AliceBlue x2, Arkhon, Aspartame, Avarelle, Avaris, Consulting, DarkBlue, genabe, GHawkins, joejoe, MidnightBlue x2, Nebamon, Pameow, Phagan, Sawyer, Tamutnefret
866, -1057 badmax, Dawdles, Josh, Kamilana, Kazuto, Kederbut, Ranah
905, -1040 West of Level 2 Scarab Gardens Avanya, Azeron, Babba69, hd-jr, kesa, shepard
992, -1023 along the road west towards the nile Andante, Crystalsong, endonk, KaiaTik, Orchid, Redshift
998, -2013, near UArt, south of CS Antilia, Blueshift, Consulting, dedenav, Donk79, Guadanino, Heterika, , Mouda, Neidor, Sakura54, Sharae, Valenssia, Zianna
1035, -2010 near UArt fizzles, Sakeu, sparkle
1060, -1050 Half way between Chariot and UBody along the road badmax, dedenav, Dawdles, firelily, Josh, Kamilana, sparkle
1220, -265 Way North of UWorship Akabane, AlphaBob, Beidi, Bessodia, Dakarai, Etma, FAQEnD, Fizzgig, Maata, Media raina, Renard, TreekaSu, zebediah
1405, -740 North of UWorship AlphaBob, Bessodia, chuma, Coors, dranson, hacker, Kosi, Lindie, Maata, Paullah peruvia, Rabia, Sabuli, sly1, Ward
1980, -1335 At UThought Adonais, badabing, blondie, Chephren, crepuscule, Grassi, Iset, Jodpar, Lindie Nissim, Paullah, Rabia, Zotep
2005, -1930 North of ULead Akabane, AlphaBob, atomadam2, Chitling, Dahlia, Felice, Genni, Grassi, Guadanino hacker, jase, Lindie, norman, Panjay, Pluribus, Ravenelle, Renard
2008, -2640 Southern Sarch Asuna, Babba69, Handsome, Hubb, Iset, sidd
2353, -2702, a long way south of cs ahken, Alyssia, atomadam2, EdmundFitzgerald, Felidae, firelily, Grass, Grover, Kovrin, Leafcutter, Novia, Sharae, wasret, Wood, Zianna, Zotep
1353, -2097, East of U Art akc2, AlexisBelle, axxis, Beidi, Earnest, FAQnD, Felice, fizzles, Hounddog, Lindie, Kalmkitty, Marlie, Media, Nala, Obol (x2), Silden, Tabi, Tay-O-Nas
1601, -1987, East of U Art AlexisBelle, Amrissy, Buttercup, CHART, DaSpozz, Earnest, Elegia, fire3697, Fizzgig, Hounddog, Kalmkitty, Lindie, micost, peruvia, Rabble, Sneza, Underdog
2005, -2710, South of U Lead akaora, Altesse, apache, atomadam 2, axxis, Bessodia, crepuscule, Lindie, Panjay, phan, Robby, singh, SiuMai, Zotep
South Egypt
592, -6141 West of UBody Andante, atomadam2, b10s, Catoosa, chives, Fuzz Mariamom (x2), Redshift, Shu, Tucker, Vermouth
690, -6395 South-West of UBody Amon-Sul, Andanta, gus, Hahotep, Korath, SCHU, sebs2609, Squatter, Waerloga
1053, -5594 At Chariot Asarel, Curlin, DaFlame, fairytale, kastou
1060, -5450 North of Chariot akhen, Consulting, EdmundFitzgerald, Felidae, firelily, Grass, Grover, Kovrin, Leafcutter, Novia, Rutgers, Sharae, Wood
1060, -5675 South of Chariot Asuna, Hubb, shepard, Talidra
1065, -5525 North of Chariot AlexisBelle, AlphaBob, aquila, Buttercup, dranson, Earnest, Elegia, Felder Lindie, Maata, Nekiri, raina, sly1, Sneza
1540, -6305 anaga, Anyolina, AvasSlava, Blueshift, Bri, Chazarma, EmilyLiz, firelily jediforce, KaiaTik, krody, murtha, Sizzlin
1599, -5302 Consulting, Mouda, Sakura54, Sharae, Strutter, Valenssia, Wasret, Zianna, Zotep
1625, -5700 abinadi, akhen, anaga, Arkhon, Catoosa, EmilyLiz, Heping, Lazybum MazeJr, Nori, PanNo, PetrusIV, Windwhisperer
1677, -4628 AlphaBob, Aspartame, Avaris, Bessodia, cafer, ChiliPep, DarkBlue, joejoe, Kovrin, Lindie, Maata, Novia, Renard, RoyalBlue, Valenssia
1908, -4381 amron, Antilia, Anyolina, Arcana, b10s, krody, Mariamom, MazeJr, PanNo, Squabble, Squill, Tucker, Waerloga, Zianna, Zotep
1922, -4978 Adytaur, Aubery, AvasSlava, Bri, cocoa, Emain, EmilyLiz, firelily, Guybrush, Hahotep, Heterika, sebs2609, Shulien, Windwhisperer, Zianna
3274, 4768 At Chariot Akabane, Arahgon, Lafattack, Pruvan, 4 for O
3388, 4565 south of Chariot Alphabob, atomadam2, Ay, Challen, ellorin, Falon, hacker, Kyline, Marlie, nebet, Newman, Obol, silden, Tey
3400, 4325 Near SThought Antilia, atomadam2, CadetBlue, CHART, Daxier, Donk79, DustiTwister, Earnest, hola123, Maata, Orcinus, Pluribus, RedRiver, Telanoc
3405, 4515 North of SThought Arkhon, atomadam2, CadetBlue, Challen, CHART, DodgerBlue, DustiTwister, Falon, fizzles, Guadanino, hacker, hola123, Hounddog, Kalmkitty, Karush, Koinif, LightSkyBlue, Maata, mattphat, OneBanana, Sakura54
3595, 4175 Anastrianna, Antilia, Arwa, Bullow, Donk79, Elka, fizzles, Oreholder, Rabble Rhonda, Robby, Sabuli, Sandle, Spooner, Treekasu, Valura, Wollub, Zotep
3635, 4145 Anastrianna, Antilia, badabing, BL, Bullow, Iset, Lindie, Newman, Oreholder, Peabody, Rhonda, Robby, Sabuli, Spooner, TreekaSu, Valura, Wollub, Zotep
3790, 3975 River between UArch and UArt Arwa, Bessodia, Donk79, DustiTwister, Earnest, Elka, ella, fizzles, Hemptwister, Lindie Obol, Oreholder, ParkRanger, RedRiver, Rhonda, Sandle, Shemei, Spooner, Wollub
3668, 4087 Near SThought Snow storm - requires 14 players
3556, 4618 Snow storm - requires 14 players
3353, 40630 Snow storm - requires 14 players
Valley of Kings
-1760, 7430 east of ULead AlexisBelle, AlphaBob, Bessodia, Dano, DeepSkyBlue, genabe, Glyn, hola123, LightSkyBlue, Maata, MidnightBlue, pandaman222, Pluribus, Renard, Rutgers, Sawyer, Tine
-2078, 7279 AFuckingJew, Antilia, Geena, Jaylena, lorarose, Petrah, Rance, Ravenelle Sabuli, San-o-Yat, sly1, TreekaSu, zebediah, Zotep
-2251, 6996 south of CS Alkar, amron, Bonja, Joi, KaiaTik, ramin, Rebecca, Shaelee, Twitch
-1649, 4664 Long-Run (4C chariot is closest) AlexisBelle, Antilia, Ay, Donk79, DustiTwister, ellorin, fizzles, Hemptwister, hola123, Lindie, nebet, Newman, Rabble, RedRiver, Sabuli, Sakura54, Tey
2307, 2255 S east of RP CS (quite a way) Antilia, atomadam2, Bri, Chazarma, Heterika, Kelistra, Neidor, Sakura54, Vermouth, Zianna, Zotep
2712, -2008 AliceBlue, Avarelle, Avaris, dedenav, donk79, genabe, GHAwkins, hacker, joejoe, LightBlue, Pameow, Phagan, RoyalBlue, Sawyer, Zotep
2833, -2010 way east and south of 7L. east of SThought Antilia, Arkhon, Aspartame, Avaris, Chilipep, Consulting, dedenav, Felidae, Grass, Grover, Nebamon, Pameow, Rutgers, Sharae, Strutter, Tamutnefret
5035, 3573 Eastern Edge of the world Antilia, Ay, Eclypse, ellorin, Ghawkins, Heterika, hola123, Kalmkitty, Korimeh Luciende, Markanthony, OneBanana, Pluribus, Sabuli, Shemei, sweet, Zyros
5070, 1750 anaga, AvasSlava, Bri, chives, Doodi, MazeJr, PanNo, Spinoza, Squill
5085, 3255 AlexisBelle, Asnath, Challen, Doodi, Earnest, Hounddog, Kalmkitty, Koinif, Luan, Markanthony, Marlie, Nitocris, Obol, Panyea, Shemei, TheMazeEcho
5090, 3750 Edge of the world Akabane, Anastrianna, Arwa, Asnath, babading, Bullow, Elka, nebet, Sandle, Tey, TheMazeEcho, valura