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My name is Tehiyya (of course if you are reading this page you likely know that much) I am a roamer and love to wander from place to place. Stretching borders and pushing bounderies, meeting the lovely (and otherwise) folks in this pixelated civilization are a few of my goals...along with picking grass, sharpening sticks and traffiking shrooms...
Working on some bricks for chariot stops to make the world more accessible for those with less time and patience is another pet project. Ring me up for acro or meaningless conversations.
Stop by my digs near the boarder of Eastern Grounds and South Egypt (on the South Egypt side unless I get lost going home).
Hitchiker's Guide to Egypt
Musings and mumblings from day trips, junkets and path beating meanderings around the known world (and the nether regions)
Sweet, sweet Sinai. This city would be voted "Most likely to hug a dolphin" or "Most likely to collect Teppy Bears for orphaned Egyptians." Maybe it is the ocean breezes or the moderate level of isolation from the hustle and bustle of the main land that keeps these beach bodies so laid back. Industrious without being neurotic. Sinai should be a mecca for anyone wanting to escape queues and cliques of work-a-day Egypt ...a little slice of beachy bliss a long way from home. Pack up the flip flops...smear on some sun screen and get ready for some good old fashioned coastal congeniality. This far off land will be on my mental health day itinerary once the depots are in order.
Old Egypt
Don't let the name fool you. This isn't a shuffle board community of geritol consuming curmudgeons lamenting the whipper snappers to the south. Think repurposed industrial district of modern times or backwoods art colony. This edgy area boasts some creative inhabitants. Great art and witty conversations seem a norm. Mushrooms were abundant on my way through and so I filled my pockets with some goodies. The curvy meandering paths have a labrynth feel evoking a contemplative feel which likely adds to the creative outbursts. A good piece of advice from one resident; the border patrols can be "distracted" with ham sandwiches...this will come in handy when traveling with my psilocibic to find some ham (maybe they meant a hambone sandwich?).
Lake of Reeds
Slartibartfast would be proud to include this quiet fjord in his portfolio. Possibly the very same sea of reeds parted by an important religious figure of the bygone days, this stoic inlet has the solitary feeling of a monastic garden without all the pomp and ceremony. The moto may be "You can't get there from here" but there are still plenty of reasons to venture into the lush green landscape of this little low density village. The first being that it is low density with a lovely landscape. There seems to also be a copious amount of herbs (likely to be attributed to the not so copious amount of pockets in which to place them) foragers may want to add it to their travel plans once the Egyptian Air opens the ticket booths for fast travel. The remnants of chatter in the chat box was realist in nature. The word "Fjord" makes a person feel pragmatic about life and pragmatism best describes the brand of discourse. I would love to report more on the people but did not happen upon any in my my mind they were all meditating or off rallying the cause of Real Time in a very rational manner...
Ahh the nether regions of Egypt. Neither here nor there but somewhere suspended between where you were and where you want to be. Not disimilar from adolescence it is a place where even the sedate inhabitants of Lake of Reeds will take off streaking and waving about their sharpened sticks in a magnificent release of primitive abandon. Without a purpose or a cause, these wilds of the desertscape could prove the breeding grounds for rebellions and revelries. I will report back soon...this may take further investigation. A suggestion for travelers in the domain of hither and yon may be plenty of wine and a bit of TNT.
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Test Overview
Rank | Initiate | Student | Prentice | Journeyman | Scribe | Master | Sage | Oracle |
Architecture | Done | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Art | Done | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Body | Done | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Harmony | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Leadership | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Thought | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Worship | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Welcome to Egypt | Done |
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Str | 0 | Dex | 0 |
End | 0 | Speed | 0 |
Con | 0 | Foc | 0 |
Per | 0 | . | . |
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Gastro | 0 | Sheet Glass | 0 | Fumeology | 0 |
Cooperage | 0 | Beer Tasting | 0 | Rythmic Strength | 0 |
Stone Blade Fab | 7/7 | - | - | - | - |
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Items Needed For Completion
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