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Talk:Guides/Egyptian Building Codes

Revision as of 22:32, 25 February 2012 by Zhukuram (talk | contribs)
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L2PBS chat log 02/25/2012

summary: some interesting info: overlapping a mine field area.

L2PBS chat log 02/25/2012
Tallow: If you need a Raeli Mosaic for your Test of the Critic, stop by the retro gaming mosaic just east of RP CS. :-)
oDiS: ah, you mean the one in that cp that was built right in the sand mine's field?
Tallow: oDiS, I didn't realize the sandmine was pointed that way when I built it. And unfortunately I wasn't the only one who built in the sand mines field of view.
Tallow: There is another sand mine right next to it where it isn't so crowded. But I am sorry about that. :(
Tallow: I just don't have the heart to redo it at this point.
oDiS: You're fine. I was just shocked to see it there the other day. Thankfully someone was nice enough to build a new one with a bunch of signs. Whoever that was: Thank you. :P
Tallow: I appreciate it too. I was going to build another sand mine myself in pennance until I saw that.
Tunnen: You're welcome oDis =P
Tunnen: I built that after being accussed of blocking the old one, even though I didn't, was other coalitions.  But figured it'd just be easier to build one anyways as I figured the other would get blocked again.
Tallow: Tunnen, you've just earned my vote at the next hegemonic census. :-)
Tunnen: I built the sign fence to try to ensure that no one would accidently block that mine too
Zhukuram: well if theres ever a problem a GM will determine if the block can be removed - no overlapping graphic foot prints allowed - not sure how thats determined for a mine field <G> could be a big BOOM
oDiS: That's actually a good point. A mine field might fall under the overlapping footprint rule... *might*  Never knwo until yu ask a GM, who will then probably aska  dev and get the answer
silver: I see overlapping footprints often with flax hammocks on hilltops. is that a "valid" exception, or just "no one complains, so the GMs don't enforce it"?
Zhukuram: if you snd ticket they will remove it
tamb: I think it's really more "noi one complains" deal
Zhukuram: wood planes hammocks buildings overlapping bonfires - all can be fair GM territory
oDiS: technically they should nothing should ever overlap. But you are correct, they'll only act if someone complains. 
Zhukuram: from what I remember from an earlier discussion is overlapping items cause problems for the software - we have enough probelmes with out someone loading up 100 woodplanes on top of each other
Nchanter: overlapping how much? like just a smidge?  or significantly?
Zhukuram: the only thing I got an Its OK on is sculpture bases
Zhukuram: I dunno how much is insignificant - but 100 woodplanes isnt in that category
Fumen: probably overlapping "bounding boxes" so that, visually, items might or might not overlap even though the server sees them that way
Fumen: easy fix to that... set it up so item flat can'tbe built to overlap....
Zhukuram: I think there was a reference to it being like inside a CP - you cannot overlap inside as its enforced but the same rules apply to outside items 
Zhukuram: jts all rather murky when I work with SCS - whats the overlap? the canopy or the building (I go with the building as thats the final foot print
silver: kinda moot with SCS - the site will be gone soon enough and then you have to reposition the final building to fit the rules.
Nchanter: well the game treats items currently as single points, not as 2-dimensional objects
silver: which is why the rules refer to the graphical footprint
silver: but also why the rule isn't automatically enforcable - it doesn't consider the graphical footprint until draw time. except in a cp, where it stores the "taken" boxes separately.