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Guilds/Paradise Plains
Welcome to Paradise Plains, located in Alcyone, on the Red Sea coast (2288 2773)
Current projects PP is working on. Feel free to gather or make what resources are needed. Leave a note in here when you've stashed or pledged stuff.
PP facilities usage rules:
- facilities that don't break down are public, so be sure to take your stuff out after using them, or it might get taken by someone else.
- facilities that can break down are guilded, most can be used by initiates, some more advanced ones might be restricted to higher ranks.
If tubs or kilns start breaking, stop using them and get a member with high Salvage level to tear the rest down, and rebuild the whole lot.
High salvage level:
- TheMazeEcho (7)
- Panyea (3)
- Avanya (7)
- GHawkins (6)
- Rags (4)
There is a guild building at the RP chariot for Art and Thought tests. RP 1552, 2833.
PP Vigil
Festival supplies
Citrus and Honey
Raeli ovens
Seven Phoenix
Wood Treatment Recipes
WARNING: T4/T5 recipes, need to be verified and adjusted for the new tank!!! Adjusted recipes are in bold, old ones in italics
- Volatile Rotproof Termit-resistant Glossy Black: 235s petroleum, 25s beeswax, 2s petroleum (banquet table, gazebo)
- Glossy Blonde: 130s water, 110s beeswax, 30s sulfur (raeli mosaic, banquet table, orchestra)
- Glossy White: 130s water, 110s beeswax, 40s sulfur, 30s potash (raeli mosaic, banquet table, gazebo)
- Nontoxic: 9s saltpeter (silkworm farm)
- Rigid Nontoxic Termit-resistant Blonde: 60s sulfur, 30s saltpeter, 20s lead (twist of study)
- Rigid Hard Fireproof Blonde: 80s lead, 40s sulfur, 50s lime, 10s sulfur (acoustics lab, mega)
- Pliable Soft Nontoxic Blonde: 140s saltpeter (acoustics lab, orchestra)
- Pliable Soft Termite-resistant Nontoxic Blonde: 140s saltpeter, 20s lead (hardwood obelisk)
- Pliable Hard Volatile Blonde: 50s petroleum, 10s beeswax, 10s oil, 40s sulfur, 20s saltpeter, 10s sulfur (acoustics lab, EHT, mega)
- Volatile Rotproof Termit-resistant Black: 153s petroleum (hardwood obelisk, thistle garden)
- Rotproof Nontoxic: 40s water, 40s sulfur, 35s oil, 20s beeswax, 11s water (thistle garden)
- Rotproof: 30s sulfur, 30s oil, 20s beeswax (tale of journey)
- Hard White: 150s sulfur, 20s saltpeter, 20s Lime (modern sheep farm)
- Nontoxic White: 45s saltpeter, 5s potash (modern sheep farm)
- Hard Volatile Rotproof Glossy: 250s petroleum, 20s sulfur, 40s beeswax, 20s sulfur (twist of study, mega)
- Hard Volatile Rotproof Termit-resistant Black: 155s petroleum, 10s lead (mega, phoenix, steam shovel)
- Pliable Rotproof: 140s petroleum, 10s beeswax, 30s saltpeter (EHT)
- Rigid Hard Rotproof: 140s petroleum, 60s sulfur, 10s lead, 110s petroleum, 10s water, 20s sulfur, 30s beeswax, 20s lead (gazebo)
- Rigid Hard Volatile Rotproof Termit-resistant Black: 140s petroleum, 60s sulfur, 10s lead, 60s petroleum, 15s lead (EHT)
- Pliable Termit-resistant Nontoxic Blonde: 110s saltpeter, 10s petroleum (EHT)
- Rotproof Termit-resistant Nontoxic: 60s sulfur, 60s petrol, 134s water, 30s petrol (gazebo)
- Volatile Rotproof Termit-resistant Nontoxic: 60s sulfur, 60s petrol, 10s beeswax, 134s water, 30s petrol (gazebo)
- Pliable Soft Rotproof Blonde: 230s beeswax, 10s water, 50s saltpeter (mega)
- Fireproof White Glossy: 120s water, 30s saltpeter, 30s oil, 10s wax, 50s potash, 30s lime (mega)
- Hard Rotproof Glossy: 300 Petrol, 50 wax, 100 sulfur, 43 wax (mega)
- Rigid Rotproof: 55 Sulfur, 25 Lime, 10 oil, 20wax (mega)
- Pliable Hard: 50 Oil, 6 saltpeter, 10 Lime, 60 Sulfur, 20 saltpeter (mega, orchestra)
- Pliable Soft White: 140s saltpeter, 10s potash (pulse of the people, glider)
- Hard Fireproof Rotproof: 80 lime, 30 petrol, 10 ash, 30 sulfur, 20 beeswax (chem bath)
- Rigid Hard Fireproof Black: 160s lead, 10 potash, 20 ash, 2s lead (phoenix)
- Pliable Fireproof Blonde: 132s ash, 10s wax, 10s water, 10s sulfur (phoenix, airship)
- Soft Fireproof White: 20s water, 40s potash, 10s saltpeter, 20s lime (phoenix)
- Soft Fireproof Nontoxic Blonde: 5s wax, 10s water, 10s ash, 30s potash, 10s lime, 10s saltpeter (phoenix)
- Soft Fireproof Rotproof Blonde: 250s Beeswax 20s water, 40s potash, 10s saltpeter, 20s ash (phoenix)
- Pliable Soft Termite-Resistant nontoxic Blonde: 130s Salpeter 20s Lead (hardwood obelisk)
- Termit-resistant Nontoxic Blonde: 40s sulfur, 40s saltpeter, 10s petroleum (ants)
- Rigid, rotproof, nontoxic: 50 Sulfur, 40 Lime, 30 Water, 20 Oil, 20 Beeswax (for aquadukt)
- Rigid Hard Black: 121s lead (orchestra, mega)
- Rigid Nontoxic Blonde: 40s water, 35s sulfur, 10s lead (orchestra)
- Rigid White: 10s water, 40s sulfur, 8s saltpeter, 20s lime (orchestra)
- Rigid Blonde: 5s water, 32s sulfur, 10s lead (library expansion)
- Hard Blonde Glossy: 135s sulfur, 63s saltpeter, 30 oil
Metal Treatment Recipes
WARNING: T4/T5 recipes, need to be verified and adjusted for the new tank!!! Adjusted recipes are in bold, old ones in italics
- Aluminium: Ductile Hard: 10s cabbage juice, 60s saltpeter, 60s lime, 10 coal (Ka)
- Aluminium: Ductile Hard Insulative Nontoxic: 10s cabbage juice, 140s cactus sap, 10s saltpeter, 20s gravel, 20s lime, 10s coal (Ka)
- Copper: Shiny Plastic Stainless Insulative: 210s gravel, 30s salt, 5s cabbage juice, 25s arsenic (Ka)
- Copper: Ductile Shiny Corrosion resistant Insulative Toxic: 210s gravel, 10s potash, 10s sulfur, 7s saltpeter (Ka)
- Copper: Ductile Nontoxic: 20s cabbage juice, 70s cactus sap, 35s gravel, 20s lime (Ka)
- Cooper: Hard Stainless: 65s coal, 10s cactus sap, 10s gravel, 10s arsenic (steam shovel)
- Gold: Plastic Nontoxic: 295s Cabbage juice, 57s cactus sap (Ka)
- Iron: Hard Corrosion-resistant: 40s coal, 40s cactus sap, 10s gravel (lime auger)
- Lead: Tarnished Hard Insulative Nontoxic: 10s potash, 120s coal, 10s cabbage juice, 57s cactus sap (Ka)
- Magnesium: Conductive Toxic: 20s potash, 20s saltpeter, 40s cabbage juice, 10s sulfur, 10s saltpeter (Ka)
- Moon Steel: Hard Nontoxic Insulative: 170s cactus sap (phoenix)
- Moon Steel: Hard, Stainless: 50s lime, 20s coal, 10s cactus sap, 10s gravel, 20s potash (gem chisel)
- Moon Steel: Plastic Nontoxic Ductile: 20s gravel, 70s cabbage juice, 10s cactus sap, 20s gravel, 60s lime, 4s cabbage juice (auto loom hopper upgrade)
- Octec's Alloy: Hard Stainless Shiny: 20s lime, 14s coal, 14s sap, 30s gravel, 12s arsenic (Sphinx)
- Pewter: Hard Corrosion resistant: 10s potash, 10s saltpeter, 10s arsenic, 30s coal, 10s cactus sap, 10s gravel (phoenix)
- Sun Steel: Stainless Insulative: 40s cactus sap, 10s gravel, 10s arsenic (reinforced kiln)
- Sun Steel: Hard Stainless Insulative (+ Nontoxic): 115s cactus sap, 10s gravel, 10s arsenic (7x reactory hopper upgrade)
- Steel: Hard Stainless Shiny: 90s cactus sap, 50s gravel, 10s arsenic (Sphinx)
- Steel: Stainless (+ Insulative): 20s cactus sap, 10s gravel, 10s arsenic (pots)
- Strontium: Stainless Tarnished: 150s coal, 40s gravel, 20s arsenic (Ka Test)
- Thoth's Metal: Hard Stainless Ductile: 5s salt, 10s sulfur, 15s lime, 15s coal, 10s cactus sap, 10s saltpeter, 15s gravel, 15s potash (auto sawmill hopper upgrade)
- Titanium: Stainless: 20s cactus sap, 10s gravel, 10s arsenic (water filter)
- Titanium: Hard Stainless: 30s coal, 45s cactus sap, 10s gravel, 10s arsenic (4x reactory hopper upgrade)
- Titanium: Hard Corrosion-resistant: 40s coal, 20s cactus sap, 5s gravel (steam shovel)
- Tungsten: Hard Corrosion-resistant Isulative Nontoxic: 150s cactus sap, 5s gravel (Ka)
- Tungsten: Brittle Hard Shiny Stainless: 70s cactus sap, 10s cabbage juice, 40s arsenic, 10s coal (Ka)
- Tungsten: Stainless Conductive: 30s coal, 80s potash, 10s saltpeter, 20s arsenic, 10s cabbage juice, 10s sulfur (Ka)
- Tungsten: Corrosion resistant Conductive: 30s coal, 60s potash, 10s saltpeter, 20s arsenic, 10s cabbage juice, 10s sulfur (Ka)
- Zinc: Hard Insulative Nontoxic: 110s cactus sap (Ka)