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Jay's Funeral Temple

Revision as of 16:19, 12 August 2012 by Jaylenaeybarre (talk | contribs)
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atm: 57.719 glory points - 130 colors

Tiles Used:

     209 Alice Blue
     343 Antique White
     343 Aqua
    1188 Aquamarine
     343 Azure
    1643 Beige
    3923 Bisque
    1465 Black
    2433 Blanched Almond
     311 Blue Violet
     426 Brown
    1917 Burly Wood
    1852 Cadet Blue
     654 Carrot
     343 Chartreuse
     343 Coral
     643 Cornflower Blue
     371 Cornsilk
    2635 Crimson
     693 Dark Cyan
     601 Dark Golden Rod
     602 Dark Gray
    1780 Dark Green
     863 Dark Khaki
     803 Dark Magenta
    1801 Dark Olive Green
     191 Dark Orange
     343 Dark Orchid
     496 Dark Red
     343 Dark Salmon
      28 Dark Slate Blue
     344 Dark Slate Gray
     343 Dark Turquoise
     602 Dark Violet
     432 Deep Pink
     843 Deep Sky Blue
     343 Dim Gray
     686 Dodger Blue
    2700 Feldspar
     642 Fire Brick
    3343 Floral White
    3100 Forest Green
     679 Fuchsia
     374 Gainsboro
     686 Ghost White
     686 Gold
    1718 Golden Rod
     686 Gray
     381 Green Yellow
     389 Honey Dew
     343 Hot Pink
     720 Indian Red
    1081 Indigo
     843 Ivory
     343 Khaki
    1589 Lavender
    1993 Lavender Blush
     349 Lawn Green
    1843 Lemon Chiffon
    1074 Light Blue
     343 Light Coral
     343 Light Cyan
     605 Light Golden Rod Yellow
     720 Light Green
     643 Light Grey
     385 Light Pink
    1144 Light Salmon
     643 Light Sky Blue
    1295 Light Slate Gray
     343 Light Steel Blue
     343 Light Yellow
    1966 Lime Green
    5493 Linen
     564 Maroon
    2500 Medium Aqua Marine
     641 Medium Orchid
     343 Medium Purple
    1495 Medium Sea Green
     686 Medium Slate Blue
     343 Medium Violet Red
    2021 Midnight Blue
     497 Mint Cream
    1186 Misty Rose
     736 Moccasin
     268 Navajo White
     343 Old Lace
     343 Olive
     605 Olive Drab
     221 Orange
     343 Orange Red
     343 Orchid
     343 Pale Golden Rod
    1067 Pale Green
     783 Pale Turquoise
     619 Pale Violet Red
     265 Papaya Whip
     766 Peach Puff
    1504 Peru
     978 Pink
     849 Plum
     857 Powder Blue
     343 Purple
     288 Red
     418 Rosy Brown
     755 Royal Blue
    4655 Saddle Brown
     402 Salmon
     220 Sandy Brown
    4737 Sea Green
     343 Sea Shell
     452 Sienna
     343 Silver
     800 Sky Blue
     800 Slate Blue
     800 Snow
    1343 Steel Blue
    3071 Tan
     801 Teal
     483 Thistle
     216 Tomato
    2562 Turquoise
    1238 Violet
    4220 Violet Red
     894 Wheat
    1690 White
    1617 White Smoke
     686 Yellow
    1111 Yellow Green