This page contains information about Sinai's Aqueduct.
Aqueduct Pumping Station Depot located at 2644,4907. Currently we are working on...
- Collecting Material for Pumping Station
- Collecting Material for Towers - 20 to start with
- Collecting Material for Upgrades - Tower Raises and Cistern Upgrades
- Collecting other needed materials
How you can help with the Aqueduct Pump
Donation WHs are located at the pump site @ 2644, 4907. Please update this page, or chat an Elder to let them know a donation has been dropped off.
The Following tables below are all the material required.
Aqueduct Pumping Station
Next upgrade to raise pumping station is:
NOTE: This raise may or may not be needed to add additional towers.
Aqueduct Towers
NOTE: The following is just an initial estimate. Costs will vary based on elevations, etc...
Upgrading the cistern
A newly constructed pump has a cistern that holds 100,000 water. It can be upgraded in increments of 100,000.
More information on towers to come as we get closer to finishing the pump!