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School of Harmony
- Conflict Shrine Construction (level 7) - 1 Oyster Shell Marble
- lvl 15 Exploration Travel
- Second Degree (level 15) - 100 Leather ok/7 Large Opals 7 Silk Cloth
- Navigation
- Fourth Degree (level 19) - 50 Papyrus Paper
- Salvage Techniques - 4 Night Granite, 4 Canary Granite, 4 White Travertine
- Structure Maintenance - 500 Papyrus Paper, 125 Glass Rods
- lvl 16 Structure Repair (level 4+) - 300 Glass Rods, 300 Leather
School of Body
- Botanical Identification
- Second Degree (level 10) - 7/15 Fish Hook Mushroom, ok/15 Hairy Tooth Mushroom, 10/15 Slave's Bread Mushroom, ok/15 Nefertari's Crown Mushroom, ok/15 Ra's Awakening Mushroom, ok/15 Earth Light Mushroom
- Third Degree (level 12) - ok/20 Cat Nip Mushroom, 0/20 Peasant Foot Mushroom, ok/20 Scorpions Brood Mushroom, ok/20 Heart of Ash Mushroom, ok/20 Colt's Foot Mushroom, 0/20 Heaven's Torrent Mushroom
- Carving
- fourth Degree (level 6) -
- Ecology
ok ** Fourth Degree (level 19) - 50 Cabbage ok ** Fifth Degree (level 21) - 10 Papyrus Paper, 20 Cactus Sap
- Mechanics (level 8) - 300 Malt (Burnt}, 300 Malt (Raw)
- Structure Maintenance - 300 Linen, 300 Canvas
School of Leadership
- Mechanics (level 8) - 213/1000 Gold Wire
- lvl 14 Salvage Techniques - 200 Cut Stone, 100 Clay, 2 Oyster Shell Marble
School of Worship
- Arthropodology
- Fifth Degree (level 14) - 500 Raw Silk
- Filleting
- Second Degree (level 10) - 3 Fish Roe, 70 Carp Meat, 25 Salt, 62/77 Glass Jars
- Third Degree (level 12) - 7 Fish Roe, 105 Perch Meat, 21 Salt Water Fungus, 17 Thermometer
- Fly Tying
- Third Degree (level 9) - ok/14 Bloodworm, ok/14 White Mealybug, 6/14 Nightwing, 9/14 Clearwing, ok/14 Desert Millipede, ok/14 Salt Mite, 2/14 Skinlicker
- Pilgrim Shrine Construction (level 9) - 1 Oyster Shell Marble, 1 Yellow Alabaster, 1 Mud Granite
- Salvage Techniques - 300 Leather, 300 Glass Rods, 300 Papyrus Paper
- Structure Maintenance - 4 Mud Granite, 4 Rose Alabaster
ok/lvl 16 * Structure Repair - (level 4+) ok/1 Huge Emerald, ok/1 Large Topaz, ok/1 Medium Ruby, ok/1 Small Sapphire
School of Thought
- Kiln Construction
- Second Degree (level 15) - 200 Firebricks, 10 Serpentine Marble, 200 Cut Stone
- lvl 14 Salvage Techniques - 20 Cuttable Garnet, 20 Cuttable Turquoise
- lvl 16 Structure Repair (level 4+) - 2 Oyster Shell Marble, 20 Cuttable Jade, 200 Bricks
School of Art & Music
- Advanced Tub Design
- First Degree (level 11) - 200 Saltpeter, 200 Sulfur, 20 Tar, 1 Tangerine Marble
- Second Degree (level 14) - 100 Iron Bars, 10 Small Barrel, 50 Fine Glass Pipe, 20 Barrel Tap
- Camp Decoration
- Third Degree (level 12) - 7 Large Diamond, 7 Large Emerald, 7 Large Ruby, 7 Large Sapphire
- Fourth Degree (level 14) - 1 Huge Diamond, 1 Huge Emerald, 1 Huge Ruby, 1 Huge Sapphire
- lvl 14 Structure Maintenance - 4 Thermometer, 100 Sheet Glass
- The Art of the Pipe (level 5) - requires Advanced Glassblowing, 7 Fine Glass Rods
School of Architecture
- Rocks of the Ages (level 0) - 10 Slate (Requires Perception +1, Can be repeated)
Test of Khefre's Children
Building a Beetle Statue
ok * 2 Small Ruby ok * 10 Concrete ok * 20 Clay
- 12 Gold Wire
- 5 Paint of each of two colors.
- To find the required paints, display the beetle on your terrarium, and use the "Special" command.
Funerary Temple
- 0.48 alice blue
- 0.56 antique white
- 0.17 aquamarine
- 2.25 beige
- 9.87 bisque
- 16.86 black
- 0.54 gold
- 1.30 honey dew
- 5.26 lavender
- 4.79 lavender blush
- 2.32 linen
- 1.0 medium slate blue
- 1.2 medium violet red
- 1.46 mint cream
- 1.99 misty rose
- 1.87 pink
- 0.11 plum
- 0.50 pale green
- 0.07 pale turquoise
- 0.60 sky blue
- 0.93 slate blue
- 0.50 white
Formal Garden
- 500 Deep Sky Blue Paint (Silver 50 Saltpeter 50 Copper 400 Clay 50)
- 250 Dark Red Paint (Clay 25 Red Sand 225)
- 350 Forest Green Paint (Copper 70 Clay 210 Silver 70)
- 250 Slate Blue Paint(Cabbage 150 Saltpeter 25 Clay 100)
- 25 Navajo White Paint(Lead 5 Clay 3 Potash 3 Carrot 18)
- 350 Tomato Paint (Clay 35 Carrot 315 Sulfur 35 Potash35)
- 500 Violet Paint(Cabbage 350 Lead 50 Sulfur 50 Potash 50 Carrot 50 Clay 50)
- 1500 Bricks for the foundation
- 400 Gold Foil for Decorative Inlay
- 10 Gold Bars for Decorative Edging
- 10 Silver Bars for Decorative Edging
- 3000 Nails to Secure the Boards
- 600 NonToxic Rotproof Termite Resistant Boards to protect the base
- 300 White Glossy Boards
- 300 Black Glossy Boards
- 150 Hard Rigid Rotproof Boards as central support
- 3 Quills for Record Keeping
- 20 Ink for Record Keeping
- 200 Papyrus Paper for Record Keeping
Build in a Small Construction Site.
Raeli Gliderport
To build the Gliderport
Built within a Small Construction Site (1 Canvas, 4 Rope)
- 45 Steel Sheeting (Housing)
- 40 White Treated Boards (Glider Airframe)
- 250 Raeli Tiles of any color (Protects the mechanism)
ok *200 Concrete (Base)
- 1 Medium Gears (Launch Mechanism)
- 20 Steel Wire (Springs, Glider Airframe)
- 1 Silk Cloth (Glider Skin)
Upgrades: Each additional glider costs:
- 10 Steel Wire
- 40 Pliable, White boards
- 1 Silk Cloth
You will need 1 additional glider to complete the principals.
To add smoke:
- 100 Gunpowder
To add colors to smoke:
- 7 salts of each of the 15 metals:
- Aluminum
- Antimony
- Copper
- Gold
- Iron
- Lead
- Lithium
- Magnesium
- Platinum
- Silver
- Strontium
- Tin
- Titanium
- Tungsten
- Zinc
Cost to build
- 300 Cut Stone
- 3 Hexas Plate cut Amethyst
- 3 Looking Glass cut Jade
- 2 Symmetry cut Turquoise
- 1 Dragyn's Eye cut Citrine
- 2 Huge Diamond
- 12 Medium Topaz
- 60 Silver Wire
Built in a Small Construction Site Under Test Menu
Plantation Headquarters
built in a Small Construction Site under the "Tests" menu and requires:
1000 Bricks 100 Fuzzy Moss - The moss can have any other attributes, but must contain "Fuzzy". 2 Silk Cloth
Coalition Headquarters
Built in a Small Construction Site. The costs are as follows:
* 500 Bricks * 200 Boards * 25 Papyrus Paper * 25 Ink
Creating a Venery
What you need
For Simple Lockboxes Made in the Student or Master Forges
- 7 Eyelet cut Amethyst
- 7 Eyelet cut Lapis
- 7 Eyelet cut Turquoise
- 7 Eyelet cut Garnet
- 7 Fine Glass Rods
- 7 Gold Wire
- 7 Copper
- 14 Small Gears
This will give you 7 Simple Lockboxes.
For Venery Gathering Point
Then select Create Venery and add 100 Boards and 250 Papyrus Paper.
Night Sky Table construction:
- Built in a Small Construction Site
- 1 Clay Lamp
- 20 Dried Papyrus
- 2 Sharpened Stick
- 80 Clay
- 9 Stone Blades
- 60 Limestone
- 30 Rope
Universitis checked
- River Plains, Midland Valley, DoS
- River Plains- Lily of the Sea, Rose of Ra
- Midland Valley- same like RP no new bulb
- DoS - only lily of the sea, no new bulb
- VoK - only lily of the sea, no new bulb