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Jay's prospecting guide
Revision as of 14:49, 13 August 2013 by Jaylenaeybarre (talk | contribs)
A guide to help you prospect for Granite and Marble
Step 1 - What do you need
- Rocks of the Ages skill
- the prospect helper:
- lots of extra slate
- mats for building a Stone Quarry (25 slate, 100 bricks, 2 pulley, 15 rope)
- large flat area (grass or sand does not matter), preferably a bit of remote area
- do not forget to attune both to a different marble
Step 1A - optional
- in case you want a certain granite or marble, you need that particular perception, ex. Oyster Shell Marble needs Perception 1, where Serpentine Marble needs Perception 17
- you can raise your perception by eating food, or water tower bonus
- you can only be attuned to 1 specific marble, otherwise you need to return to the sarch to reattune yourself
Step 2 - What do you do
- you need to be with 2
- both attune yourselves to a certain marble (different)
- open the prospect helper:
- put yourselves at exactly 30 coordinates from each other, on oppisite angels - like a square
- click both on yourself: skill, prospect (you'll get 1 of the following 3 messages)
- both slates are intact: --> you both are futher away then 30 coordinates!!
- 1 slate broken: --> at this location no marble, that you or your partner are attuned to, to find -->move a way a couple coord and try again
- 2 slate broken: --> around here is the marble that your or your partner is attuned to
- put both your starting coordinates on the prospect helper (does not matter whose name goes first)
- click proceed and you get a new window with on the right a list of coordinates
- the one who got the message "2 slates broken" runs to the center coordinates and stays there!!! The 2nd partner does all the running around!!!
- 2nd partner runs to all 4 coordinates and at everyone of them, the centered partner does the "prospect skill". As long ashe gets the "1 slate broken" message, the 2nd partner runs to the next coordinate and so on
(I like to write it down and strip off the ones with 1-slate message and circle the 2-slate messages (is possible to get more then 1 2-slate message)
- suppose the center one gest '2 slate broken message when the 2nd parner is standing at the A-coordinate -->on the wikipage: click in th A-section, and again you'll get a new window with the same layout
- remember: the center one does NOT move
- the 2nd partner runs all coordinates again, whilst the center one checks his prospect , and remember write it down again