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Trône de Pharaon
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Epreuve du | |||
Trône de Pharaon | |||
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Le Trône de Pharaon
NdSebilis: en attente de la sortie de l'épreuve, j'ai traduit Throne of Pharaoh par le Le Trône de Pharaon.
Rassemblez vos frères égyptiens et réjouissez-vous. Les Oracles à la Grande université d'Architecture ont découvert les plans complexes et oubliés du Trône de Pharaon. Pour célébrer cela, le Pharaon accordera chaque semaine des bénédictions et des promotions de les ouvriers qui construiront le trône le plus minutieusement décoré.
Un Trône de Pharaon est un socle fixe. C'est la construction que le Pharaon bénira, il ne peut pas être déplacé et il ne peut jamais être enlevé. Comme c'est une construction (un bâtiment) permanente, beaucoup d'Égyptiens devraient travailler ensemble pour les construire.
Sur le socle peut être construit une chaise. Sur la chaise, des décorations sont placées. Sept égyptiens maximum peuvent travailler à la construction et à la décoration de la chaise. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'être sept pour décorer la chaise. Aucun égyptien ne pourra travailler sur plusieurs chaise en même temps. Un égyptien débutant la construction de la chaise peut inviter six autres à venir la décorer. Une fois que le socle est béni et que la chaise a été retirée, le premier constructeur a 24 heure pour relancer la construction d'une nouvelle chaise; si le délais est dépassé, le socle devient publique.
Une fois qu'un Égyptien a commencé à décorer une chaise, (traduc a poursuivre..)
Once an Egyptian has started decorating a chair, he is a part of that chair until, either there are no decorations on it that he has created(they've all fallen off), the chair is determined the most elaborately decorated throne or he abandons the chair and the decorations he has made. If an Egyptian abandons a chair, the decorations he built stay on the chair, and are still counted towards the total points for the chair. If the chair is blessed, only the Egyptians still working on decorating the chair that are recognised.
If an Egyptian leaves a chair (no matter the reason), the original builder can add a new Egyptian on the next day, to fill the empty spot. If the original builder leaves, the chair picks the remaining worker that has added the most decorations to the chair as the new original builder(if there's a tie, it picks randomly amongst the tie).
To build a decoration, the Egyptian must visit the plinth to receive a new list of materials needed to build the decoration. After receiving the list, the Egyptian has 3 hours to build and attach the decoration. The list of materials cannot be discarded, it either has to be completed or the decoration is lost. When a plinth has given out a list of materials, it will not give out a new material list, before the current list is either finished, or the 3 hours have passed. An Egyptian can only ask for a list of materials for a decoration once every day. The Egyptians list of materials for a new decoration will change each day, even if the last decoration wasn't finished. To make sure the decoration lasts as long as possible, the primary decorative part of the materials will have to be attached directly into the decoration, as the last ingredient to complete the decoration before the decoration is added to the chair (this ingredient can be gems, metal ore, marble, or anything produced from the earth by the Egyptian (no "Body" materials)).
To determine the most elaborately decorated throne, Pharaoh will take into account the number of decorations on the chair and their age in weeks. A decoration is most valuable in the first week, and will loose value each consecutive week, until it is deemed worthless after 7 weeks, then it falls off of the chair and disappears. There is no limit to the amount of decorations on a chair, only the restrictions mentioned above limits the amount.
Each week, Pharaoh will visit the most elaborately decorated throne, bless the plinth with his presence for a week (some random bonus in a 50 coordinate area around the plinth, until next round of passes), and bring the chair with decorations back to his palace, for his enjoyment.
Once Pharaoh has visited a throne you've helped prepare three times, he will deem you worthy and promote you.(pass the test)