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Bread Makers

Revision as of 15:47, 21 March 2015 by Sharae (talk | contribs)
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Test of Leavened Bread


Prep work
10k wheat grown(wheat types cycles every 6 egytians hours, 2 real time hours)
kettles of beer made to start ritual
emir mortars made

Opening Ritual

  1. Player1 begins the ritual
  2. Any player opens a barrel of beer. (this is not a must do, can skip that part if beer is avaiable, Pheros 13/apr/2012)
  3. Players 1-5 drink a cup of beer in order from the tasting table. It does not matter which cups you use - only that the players drink in sequence, 1 through 5.
  4. Each player does their Opening Ritual Emote and Prayer in main chat (see individual sections)
  5. Each player will then receive special instructions, post those instructions in GUILD CHAT.
  6. Sharae will undate the template with the special instructions before we continue.

Player 1 Zianna

Opening Ritual Player1 chooses "Begin the Ritual of Leavened Bread" under his/her Tests/Test of Leavened Bread menu.
After Players 1-5 drink a cup of beer in order from the tasting table do:

"Command Me from Heaven" emote and say (in Main):

Bless us oh god as we humbly seek your wisdom

Bread Making Ritual Special Instructions:

During the Bread Making ritual when wood gets down to about 30, you must conduct prayers to <Sharae will insert after opening ritual>.

Oh <insert God name>, we ask you to bless Zianna. Oh <insert God name>,, we ask you to bless KebiRoz. Oh <insert God name>,, we ask you to bless hacker. Oh <insert God name>,, we ask you to bless Morendo. Oh <insert God name>,, we ask you to bless ella.

Player 2 KebiRoz

Opening Ritual Player2 does the "Take My Blood" emote and says (in Main):

We ask for your blessings on this home and its generous proprietor

Bread Making Ritual Special Instructions:

The bread should be enriched with <Sharae will insert after instructions received during opening ritual>

Player 3 hacker

Opening Ritual Player3 does the "Show Me Mercy" emote and says (in Main):

We ask that you bless us all your humble servants 

Bread Making Ritual Special Instructions:

The <Sharae will insert wheat type after instructions received during opening ritual> Wheat flour should be moistened with
<Sharae will insert after instructions received during opening ritual> and
<Sharae will insert after instructions received during opening ritual> Beer.

Player 4 Morendo

Opening Ritual Player4 does the "Enter My Soul" emote and says (in Main):

Reveal to us your spirit and wisdom and how we might please you

Bread Making Ritual Special Instructions:

After the baking, ritualize diligence by <Sharae will insert after instructions received during opening ritual>

Player 5 Ella

Opening Ritual Player5 does the "Share My Joy" emote and says (in main):

Guide us in preparing our day's bread to fortify and enlighten us and our brethren and to earn your blessings

Bread Making Ritual Special Instructions:

Bread should be shared with <Sharae will insert after instructions received during opening ritual>

Steps after vision

  1. KebiRoz drops an emir mortar on the ground and builds a bonfire of exactly 105 wood near it. (guild/makepublic bonfire)
  2. KebiRoz adds wheat (need 5000 per loaf, popup wants the # of loaves) to this single mortar. All the wheat used goes into *one* mortar. (guild/makepublic mortar option does not appear until the wheat is added)
  3. hacker adds moistener <Sharae insert moistener> (1 per loaf) and beer (1 barrel total no matter how many loaves) to the mortar.
  4. KebiRoz adds the additive <Sharae insert additive> (1 per loaf) to the mortar.
  5. KebiRoz lights the bonfire.
  6. When the wood gets down to about 30, Zianna pastes the five prepared lines one by one into Main. The text must appear between 2 minutes and 0 minutes before the fire runs out of wood.
  7. When the fire reaches 0 wood, KebiRoz moves the emir mortar to the bonfire. This is a menu option on the mortar. The mortar will move visibly, although it may not actually reach into/under the fire.
  8. Once the mortar has been moved to the fire,ella must perform stoking duty. Each time the fire reaches 0 wood, ella adds 1 wood and 1 water to the bonfire until the bread is baked.
  9. During the stoking phase, Morendo performs the common actions mentioned in the vision. Some of these activities may require the assistance of another group member who isn't otherwise occupied.
  10. KebiRoz will get a clear notice (popup) when the bread is ready. (This can actually happen before Morendo has completed his/her activities.) KebiRoz should remove the bread from the fire and double-check in inventory that it says "holy" bread.
  11. KebiRoz builds a second bonfire of 10 wood, lights it, and sacrifices one of the breads on the bonfire.
  12. Last step is for one of the members to feed the bread to a player per the special instruction received.