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Grown on grass from Carrot Seeds.
How to obtain:
- Plant Carrot Seeds in a grassy area. Water it immediately, and water it again each time it changes size. Harvest once the option appears.
Research and Tuition
1000 required for Hive Optimization
Consuming grilled carrots provides +2 to perception
- seems to be growing in carrot wave again, was getting yield of 12 carrots around 4:50 PM just south of the UBody in Stillwater, slowly dropping. At 1AM it was rising with 18 carrots around 1.30, dropped back to 4 at 2PM - Confirmed that Carrots do not repeat growth waves every Egyptian day.
- "Pumping growth" (i.e. watering until big, letting shrink back down, and watering back to big before harvesting) seems to have a negative effect. Next to river in ShabAb I'm getting 7 carrots per watering if I go straight through until harvest. Letting it shrink 1 size, then watering until harvest still yields 7. Letting shrink twice then watering until harvest only yields 2 instead of 7. Shrinking 3 or 4 times then pumping only yields 1 carrot. Haven't tried multiple shrink/pump cycles on the same plant.
- it is possible to get a normal carrot growth animation but harvest zero carrots - its some part of the carrot cycle. Moving to another location did not change the zero harvest. --shuofthefieryheat 22:08, 16 January 2009 (EST)
- I've gotten a report of a 17 carrot yield between 12:00 and 12:40 Egypt Time
- At the same location (FB4905, -1905)__[12:10-12:40] gradual increase from 9 to 12/seed. Peaks at 12/seed. [12:40-12:50] 11/seed. [12:50-1:10p] gradual decrease from 11 to 8/seed. However, I have also gotten 16/seed by FB CS.
- On Peret III - 8 at 9:58 pm Egypt time, at my Compound (739, -7915 lower QR) I started planting and got a return of 3 carrots. I kept planting hoping the wave was heading my way. The wave peaked at 14 carrots at 10:35 then began to drop off again. It dropped to 8, then began to increase. At 12:31 AM, for 15 Egypt minutes it peaked at 16 carrots. It dropped back down to 5 as the wave moved on, then began to increase again! When I had to abandon my planting, it had got back up to 11. --Juspar 19 Feb 2009
Tower bonuses
Here is a map of towers where carrots (and other vegetables) grow in numbers of ~60.
Seed Production
No method confirmed for Tale 4. See Carrot seed.
I got 4 seeds from growing carrots at the hight of the growth wave. Rags
See also
The general vegetables page, as well as Cabbage, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Leeks, Onions, Peppers.
Required By
Cooking, Epreuve des Festivals, Essential Extract, Grilled Food, Test of Festivals, Test of Towers