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Difference between revisions of "Guilds/Fanak/Localisation des levures"

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(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 45: Line 45:
|  || 1500,-1280 || Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-51 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-90 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-25 Yeast-50 Yeast-89 Yeast-73 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-79 Yeast-19 Yeast-67  
|  || 1500,-1280 || Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-51 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-90 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-25 Yeast-50 Yeast-89 Yeast-73 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-79 Yeast-19 Yeast-67  
|  || 1500,-1290 ||
|  || 1500,-1290 || Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-51 Mold-87 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-37 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-88 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-89 Mold-7 Yeast-25 Mold-31 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-79 Yeast-67
|  || 1500,-1300 ||
|  || 1500,-1300 || Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Mold-87 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-97 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-73 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-24 Mold-31 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Yeast-50 Yeast-98 Mold-63 Yeast-90 Mold-79
|  || 1500,-1310 ||
|  || 1500,-1310 || Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Mold-87 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-82 Yeast-51 Yeast-97 Mold-7 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-67 Yeast-89 Yeast-25 Yeast-98 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-59 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-57 Mold-63
| || ||
| '''Y2''' || 1430,-1270 || Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-18 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-41 Yeast-88 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-35 Yeast-8 Mold-95 Acetobacter-46 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-33 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-34
| || ||
| '''Y2''' || 1445,-1270 || Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-18 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-41 Yeast-88 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-35 Yeast-8 Mold-95 Acetobacter-46 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-33 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-34
|  || ||
|  || 1460,-1270 || Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-2 Yeast-41 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-88 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-46 Mold-95 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-1 Yeast-98 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-25
| || ||
| '''Y2''' || 1475,-1270 || Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-41 Yeast-98 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-35 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-24 Mold-95 Yeast-33 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-1 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-72 Yeast-96 Yeast-10
| || ||
| '''Y2+Y41''' || 1490,-1270 || Yeast-2 Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-88 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-8 Yeast-24 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-46 Mold-95 Yeast-33 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-34 Yeast-1 Yeast-10 Mold-7
|  ||  ||
|  ||  ||

Latest revision as of 18:08, 3 November 2015



1560,-1330 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-18 Yeast-32 Mold-55 Acetobacter-62 Mold-15 Yeast-25 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-59 Yeast-81
1570,-1330 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-57 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-25 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-32 Yeast-24 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-97 Mold-47
1580,-1330 Mold-55 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-18 Yeast-57 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-69 Mold-15 Yeast-25 Yeast-32 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-97 Mold-47
1590,-1330 Acetobacter-14 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-57 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-32 Mold-15 Yeast-81 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-13 Mold-47 Yeast-90
1600,-1330 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-32 Yeast-57 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-62 Mold-55 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-81 Mold-15 Yeast-25 Yeast-59 Lactobacillus-13
1616,-1330 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-18 Yeast-32 Mold-55 Acetobacter-62 Mold-15 Yeast-25 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-59 Yeast-81
1550,-1250 Lactobacillus-20 Mold-79 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-98 Yeast-18 Mold-63 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-61 Mold-31 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-78 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-67 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-14 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-88
1560,-1250 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-94 Mold-79 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-18 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-61 Mold-31 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-78 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Yeast-24 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-26 Mold-87
1550,-1240 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-94 Mold-79 Mold-31 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-18 Mold-63 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-67 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-9 Yeast-80
1540,-1230 Lactobacillus-20 Mold-31 Acetobacter-94 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-18 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-63 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-24 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-88
1550,-1230 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-94 Mold-31 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-18 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-67 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-29
Y41 1500,-1260 Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-2 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-88 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-56 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-24 Yeast-8 Yeast-33 Yeast-18 Mold-95 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-72 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-10
Y41 1500,-1270 Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-2 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-56 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-18 Mold-95 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-99 Yeast-72 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-1 Yeast-10 Mold-7
1500,-1280 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-51 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-90 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-25 Yeast-50 Yeast-89 Yeast-73 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-79 Yeast-19 Yeast-67
1500,-1290 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-51 Mold-87 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-37 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-88 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-89 Mold-7 Yeast-25 Mold-31 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-79 Yeast-67
1500,-1300 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Mold-87 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-97 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-73 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-24 Mold-31 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Yeast-50 Yeast-98 Mold-63 Yeast-90 Mold-79
1500,-1310 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-84 Mold-87 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-82 Yeast-51 Yeast-97 Mold-7 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-67 Yeast-89 Yeast-25 Yeast-98 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-59 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-57 Mold-63
Y2 1430,-1270 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-18 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-41 Yeast-88 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-35 Yeast-8 Mold-95 Acetobacter-46 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-33 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-34
Y2 1445,-1270 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-18 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-41 Yeast-88 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-35 Yeast-8 Mold-95 Acetobacter-46 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-33 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-34
1460,-1270 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-2 Yeast-41 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-88 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-46 Mold-95 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-1 Yeast-98 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-25
Y2 1475,-1270 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-41 Yeast-98 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-35 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-24 Mold-95 Yeast-33 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-1 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-72 Yeast-96 Yeast-10
Y2+Y41 1490,-1270 Yeast-2 Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-88 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-8 Yeast-24 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-46 Mold-95 Yeast-33 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-34 Yeast-1 Yeast-10 Mold-7