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Line 131: Line 131:
| T3 grass (at 5 vints) || S3 tree fruit || R3 eucalyptus peach || Q3 grass eucalyptus
| T3 grass (at 5 vints) || S3 tree fruit || R3 eucalyptus peach || Q3 grass eucalyptus
| T5 freshness, tree fruit sauerkraut (at 5 vints) || S5 green olives floral notes eucalyptus || R5 cooked notes || Q5 eucalyptus
| T5 freshness, tree fruit sauerkraut (at 5 vints) || S5 green olives floral notes eucalyptus || R5 cooked notes || Q5 eucalyptus raisin @ 6
| T7 pineapple and tar, lactic acid (at 5 vints) || S7 pineapple tar sauerkraut || R7 tropical fruit burnt toast tar || Q7 thin at 3, freshness and floral notes at 4
| T7 pineapple and tar, lactic acid (at 5 vints) || S7 pineapple tar sauerkraut || R7 tropical fruit burnt toast tar || Q7 thin at 3, freshness and floral notes at 4

Revision as of 16:26, 9 January 2016


My crossbred vines



Tends for Spicy 3

Fat TL -10
Musty SL -11
Rustle MG -1
Sagging PO -5
Shimmer SL -12
Shrivel AS -3
Shrivel PO -10
Wilting PO -7

Tends for Q and S

Sagging TV -8
Wilting AS -3
Musty MG -4
Fat SV -8
Rustle MG -4
Shrivel AS -5
Shimmer AS -11

Tends for G with some Q (low S)

Sagging PO -5
Wilting SV -4
Musty MG -4
Fat TL -10
Rustle PO -3
Shrivel TL -6
Shimmer PO -11


Tends for Pascalito 41

State Tend A C G Q K S V
Fat TL 0 4 4 3 4 22 -12
Musty AS 3 -3 0 -3 3 32 -5
Rustle TL -1 1 4 -3 0 30 -5
Sagging AS -3 0 2 0 2 8 -10
Sagging TV 1 3 0 2 -1 29 -10
Shimmer PO -2 -1 3 4 3 13 -1
Shrivel TL 4 -3 3 4 -3 28 -2
Wilting SV 1 1 3 0 0 19 -14
Wilting TV 0 0 0 4 1 5 -6
Wilting TL -3 1 -2 0 -2 38 -5

Tends for Pascalito 356

Tend A C G Q K S V Notes
MG 1 4 3 3 11 -2 -4 Fat
PO 2 3 4 1 15 -3 -6 Fat
AS 1 2 2 -3 15 1 -5 Musty
SV 8 4 6 0 8 4 -6 Musty
PO 5 -6 2 3 16 -2 -1 Rustle
SL 0 8 1 1 13 2 -11 Rustle
MG 2 -3 2 -3 14 0 -5 Sagging
TV -2 6 3 2 6 3 -10 Sagging
TL -6 4 0 1 6 -2 -7 Sagging
PO 2 8 -1 4 -3 -3 -1 Shimmer
SV -3 6 8 0 11 -3 -10 Shimmer
SL 8 -3 4 3 14 1 -6 Shrivel
SV 5 -2 7 4 16 2 -9 Shrivel
TL -4 -1 2 4 -1 -1 -2 Shrivel
TV 5 8 2 4 8 4 -6 Wilting
TL 4 5 -1 0 13 4 -5 Wilting


Wine Book 1
28 samples
14 12+% alcohol
14 good quality
7 3+ vintage

Wine Book 2
49 samples
14 Sweet Wines (>10% sugar when bottled)
14 13+% alcohol
21 Very Good Quality Wines
14 5+ vintage



T S all tested at vint 8 (4 vints old) R all tested at vint 8 (4 vints old) Q all tested at vint 8 (4 vints old)
T1 garlic sauerkraut (4) S1 Peach garlic R1 garlic burnt toast Q1 garlic
T3 grass (at 5 vints) S3 tree fruit R3 eucalyptus peach Q3 grass eucalyptus
T5 freshness, tree fruit sauerkraut (at 5 vints) S5 green olives floral notes eucalyptus R5 cooked notes Q5 eucalyptus raisin @ 6
T7 pineapple and tar, lactic acid (at 5 vints) S7 pineapple tar sauerkraut R7 tropical fruit burnt toast tar Q7 thin at 3, freshness and floral notes at 4
T9 grass and banana, apple S9 grass peach banana R9 peach banana Q9 grass and fruit
T11 banana black olives @7 S11 tropical fruit walnut R11 banana nuttiness Q11 banana, floral notes @6
T13 banana black olives walnut S13 banana tree fruit walnut R13 banana walnut Q13 thin at 3, nuttiness at 4
T15 grass butter mushrooms S15 grass nuttiness R15 peach walnut Q15 peach walnut
T17 acetic acid (at 5 vints) mushrooms S17 apple oak R17 oak pineapple Q17 pineapple oak, burned smells at 4
T19 butter oak mint S19 resin stemmy R19 oak freshness Q19 stemmy, oak and petroleum

P1 butter, earthyness at 1 vint
P2 caramelisation, sharp sulfur, earthyness at 1 vint
P3 thin at 1
P4 thin at 1
P5 thin at 1
P6 sharp sulfur at 1
P7 vanilla at 1
P8 vanilla, roses at 1 vint
P9 sharp sulfur at 1
P10 sharp sulfur at 1
P11 thin at 1
P13 thin at 1 vint
P14 thin at 1 vint
P15 freshness at 1 vint
P17 thin at 1 vint
P18 grass and oak at 1 vint
P19 oak and tar at 1 vint

Tekhi Wines

Vigil Wine by Spicy 6% 7.3%, 4.4 RS, 0.9 tannin, 1.2 acid, white vint 8

Tekhi Tropical is a T13 S19 mix 6.9% alcohol, 2.2 res sugar, 2.9 tannin, 1.5 acid

Tekhi Yorkshire Mixtures 12.1%, 8.6 RS, 4.3 tannin, 2.9 acid, white vint 7

Tekhi Tangy is an equal parts T7 T9 mix 12.2% alcohol, 3.9 res sugar, 1.6 tannin, 2.0 acid

Tekhi T9R3 Sleepy Mixture 12.1%, 5.5 RS, 4.9 tannin, 2.0 acid, white

Tekhi T1S5 Sleeping with the Camels 13.1% 8.3 RS, 11.6 tannin, 2.5 acid, white vint 7

Tekhi S1S3 Rolling Green Hills 13.1%, 8.7 RS, 8.6 tannin, 2.8 acid, white vint 7

Spicy T7R7 Camel Special 13.1%, 5.8 RS, 6.7 tannin, 2.4 acid, white vint 8

Tekhi S11S19 Smooth as Silk 13.1%, 4.1 RS, 6.9 tannin, 2.4 acid, white vint 8

Tekhi Q3R1 Sparkles 13.1%, 3.4 RS, 4.8 tannin, 2.5 acid, white vint 8

Tekhi Q19T11 Rich and Sweet 13.1%, 16.7 RS, 7.5 tannin, 2.8 acid, white vint 8

Tekhi Q9Q17 Fiery Dragons 13.1%, 5.7 RS, 4.8 tannin, 2.2 acid, white vint 8

Tekhi S15R5 Cold Snap 13.2%, 7.7 RS, 5.8 tannin, 2.4 acid, white vint 8

Tekhi S17R9 Lights and Dancing 13.2%, 6.4 RS, 7.6 tannin, 2.0 acid, white vint 8

Spicy T1R15 Garlic Fruits 13.1%, 10.1 RS, 9.3 tannin. 2.8 acid, white vint 9

Spicy T13R17 Olive Tropics 13.1%, 10.2 RS, 8.3 tannin, 3.4 acid, white vint 9

Spicy T5R19 Oak Fresh 13.1%, 5.4 RS, 7.3 tannin, 1.9 acid, white vint 9

Spicy T15T17T19 buttershroom 13.2%, 4.3 RS, 6.2 tannin, 3.1 acid, white vint 9

Vineyards at NICE

All tested at 6 vintages old, except A8 (need to make more tasting bottles for A8 and A20?)

20 vegetables odd chemicals @8 13 stemmy butter mushrooms 12 banana melon mushrooms 5 melon banana @8 4 butter melon floral notes
19 butterscotch sauerkraut @8 14 tropical fruit wet cardboard @8 11 banana sauerkraut apple 6 banana @8 3 grapefruit tropical fruit(3rd vint) apple
18 butterscotch acetic acid walnut 15 grass resin wet cardboard @8 10 banana peach wet cardboard @8 7 roses banana @8 2 grass acetic acid grapefruit
17 vanilla eucalyptus nuttiness 16 straw eucalyptus oak 9 oak butter earthyness 8 mousey smells black pepper @8 1 grapefruit sweat black pepper @8

Wine Mixes

A20 11 1 Mix Res sugar 15.5 to 9.4, acid 2.9, tannin 5.7, alcohol 12.2% white wine

A13 3 Mix Res sugar 16.3 to 10.2, acid 2.0, tannin 5.6, alcohol 12.2% white wine

Spicy A2 4 Mix Res Sugar 7.8, acid 3.9, tannin 8.4, alcohol 12.1%, white wine

Spicy A6 14 Mix Res Sugar 13.3, acid 2.4, tannin 10.2, alcohol 12.3% white wine

Spicy A5 7 Mix Res Sugar 7.7, acid 2.5, tannin 8.2, alcohol 12.0%, white wine vint 4

Spicy A8 9 Mix Res Sugar 8.9, acid 2.2, tannin 8.6, alcohol 12.0%, white wine vint 4 (will be spice at vint 11)

Spicy Fruit and Fields A12A16 Res Sugar 5.2, acid 3.2, tannin 9.8, alcohol 12.1%, white wine vint 5

Spicy Melon Surprise A12A19 Res Sugar 6.8, acid 2.8, tannin 7.1, alcohol 12.1%, white wine vint 5

Spicy A10 15 Mix Res Sugar 7.1, acid 2.4, tannin 7.1, alcohol 13.1%, white wine vint 6

Spicy A17 18 Mix Res Sugar 10.1, acid 3.3, tannin 13.7, alcohol 13.0%, white wine vint 6

Spicy A3 A20 Mix RS 12.0, acid 3.5, tannin 10.4, alc 13.1%, white wine vint 9

Spicy A11 A20 Mix RS 8.1, acid 3.1, tannin 7.9, alc 13.1%, white wine vint 9

Possible Wine Flavours

Taste Category
(Tier 1)
Primary Tastes
(Tier 2)
Secondary Tastes
(Tier 3)
Vintage Appears Vintage Disappears Notes
Carmelization Carmelization Butter 0 T15 T19 P1
Butterscotch 1 A18 A19
Honey 13 No
Molasses 1 No
Chocolate 2 No
Soy Sauce 2 No
Chemicals Odd Chemicals Fish 4 9 No
Soap 7 12 No
Sorbate 5 No
Fusel Alcohol 9-11 No
Paper Filter Pads 7 No
Wet Cardboard ? No
Petroleum Tar 1 T7 S7 R7 P19
Kerosene 8 No
Diesel 9 No
Plastic 9 No
Pungency Ethanol 0 No
Sharp Sulfur 1 P6 P9 P10
Acetic Acid 3 A18 T17
Ethyl Acetate 5 No
Sulfur Wet Wool 4 No
Burnt Matches 6 No
Skunk 6 No
Cabbage 7 No
Hydrogen Sulfide 8 No
Mercaptan 4 No
Garlic 3 T1 S1 R1 Q1
Rubber 8+ No
Earthyness Earthyness Mushrooms 1 A13 T15 T17 P1 P2
Dust 3 No
Moldyness Mildew 14 No
Moldy Cork ? No
Floral Notes Floral Notes Orange Blossoms 0 No
Linalool 1 No
Roses 1 A7 P8 S5
Geraniums 3 No
Violet ? No
Fruit Citrus Notes Grapefruit 0-1 A1
Lemon 0 No
Berries Raspberry 0 No
Strawberry 1 No
Cassis 6 No
Blackberry ? No
Dried Fruit Raisin 5 No
Strawberry Jam 6 No
Prune ? No
Fig 12 No
Odd Fruit Artificial Fruit 7 No
Methyl Anthranilate 7 No
Tree Fruit Cherry 0 No
Peach 0 A10 R3 S1 R15 Q15
Apricot 1 No
Apple 3 A3 T9
Tropical Fruit Banana 0 A7 A10 T11 T13 S13 R13
Pineapple 1 S7 R17 Q17
Melon 1 A4 A5 A12
Microbiological Smells Animal Smells Horsey Smells 4 No
Mousey Smells 7 A8
Lactic Acid Saurkraut 4 T1 S7
Buteric Acid 0-1 No
Sweat 4 A1
Yeast Leesy 2 No
Flor Yeast ? No
Nuttiness Nuttiness Almond 0 No
Hazelnut 0 No
Walnut 4 A18 S11 S13 R13 R15 Q15
Oxidation Oxidation Acetaldehyde 9 No
Pungency Coolness Menthol 0 No
Heat Hot Alcohol 0 No
Spicyness Spicyness Cloves 7 No
Licorice 7 No
Black Pepper 7 A8
Vegetables Cooked Notes Asparagus 1 No
Green Beans 1 No
Green Olives 1 S5
Artichoke 2 No
Black Olives 3 T11 T13
Freshness Bell Pepper 0 No
Mint 1 No
Eucalyptus 2 S5 A16 A17 R3 Q3 Q5
Stemmy 0 A13 S19 Q19
Grass 0 A15 T3 T9 T15 S15 P18
Deep dried notes Straw 2 A16
Tea 4 No
Tobacco 6 No
Woodiness Phenolic Notes Vanilla 1 A17 P7 P8
Burned Smells Smoke 0 No
Burnt Toast 2 R7
Coffee 2 No
Resin Cedar 1 No
Oak 1 S17 R17 Q17 R19 Q19 P19