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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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'''If you want paint, please scroll the recipes below. Please remember silver means silver powder and cabbage means cabbage juice. '''
=='' I make paints and am happy to help in any way for you to learn silk making''. ==
=='' I make paints and am happy to help in any way for you to learn silk making''. ==
Line 556: Line 562:
5000 Blueish Paint: Blue Violet Cabbage 7 Silver 1 Clay 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 (Alternate:Deep Sky Blue : Copper 7 Clay 1 ToadSkin 1 Carrot 1 Lead 1) X 500
5000 Blueish Paint: Blue Violet Cabbage 7 Silver 1 Clay 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 (Alternate:Deep Sky Blue : Copper 7 Clay 1 ToadSkin 1 Carrot 1 Lead 1) X 500
''For those who have never had the opportunity to interact with you before can you share a little about yourself, what you enjoy about ATITD as well as how long you have been playing?
From DP Debates:
Hello Egyptians.
I have been playing since mid T3. I struggled in the beginning and consequently have a soft spot for newbies. My favorite tests tend to be in the arts, a bit of genetics, chemistry as well as critic, pilgrimage and some of the other group activities. Making paints for people is one of my pleasures, and I also make silk.
The reason I play is I appreciate the nonviolence and the opportunities to be creative, from how we lay out our cps to how we manage our goals.
Various regions have been my home, from Karnak to CCR to Memphis. Currently I live in the Hinterlands, which is why I haven't been running off at the mouth on the regional chats this tale. I was elected a DP in T5.
In RL I judge international sporting events.
''As some specific examples, would you consider any of the following playstyles as worthy of DP intervention?''
Obelisk queue violation- No,
Bonfiring of a clay patches to prevent others from building -No
Using large quantities of alts to rig elections- No
Mentorship advancement- No
Other test passes - No
The only time I would intervene in these kinds of disputes would be as a behind-the-scenes mediator, and that would only be upon request. I would automatically step if there was destruction of public property, for example someone intentionally blew up a chariot stop. In cases of private property, I would have to be informed by the property owner that the act was malevolent and not accidental.
''If the general consensus of the rest of the DPs were that that person should not be banned, but you felt strongly that they should, what would you do?''
I would express my opinion, the facts and witnesses statements and how I came to my conclusion. I would listen to the other DP's opinions, and interpretation of the facts and witnesses statements. The goal would be to come to a mutually acceptable decision. I would not ban unless there was a majority consensus in favor of the move. The opposite scenario, if I thought an individual should not be banned, but was the only one who did, I might choose not to do the actual banning. I would refrain from public criticizing the majority decision, because it would serve no purpose, beyond drama.
Q4. How's your progress in other Leadership tests?
Zero, zilch, none. My reasons for being in the desert have little to do with passing tests.
''How are you providing leadership in the game and amongst the player base?''
This is an interesting question in that obvious leadership tendencies is not a prerequisite for DP. Flamboyancy isn't my thing, and I think leadership can be done behind the scenes. As a DP I think it is better to find solutions with a minimum of disturbance and drama. A job well done is when the problem is solved with only those directly involved knowing there was an issue, and those people being OK with the outcome.
''What specifically have you done to further the growth of the community?''
First I want to say I rarely do events alone. Without the teams who worked so incredibly hard on these projects, giving so much of their time, things wouldn't have happened.
This tale I have tried to be supportive of those working on Arts test and have been overseeing an art building in RP.
Over the tales:
Ran on-channel tutorials in beetle breeding, flower breeding, basic chemistry, cooking with experts in the fields
Helped coordinate and moderate DP debates
Helped coordinate and manage sculpture gardens and massive End of Tale parties
I try to pitch in on tests requiring numbers, even after I have passed.
Helped create and coordinate Events (sculpture, airships, flowers, work auctions, etc)
Helped build pyramids
Many digs, etc
Moderated channels
Acted as DP in T5
My favorite thing is to help newbies though
''Spouselog allows access to ban powers. Do you know who has access to your spouse account?''
Spouses have no ban power unless they have the password. Personally, I think changing one's password and keeping it private should be required for all DPs. This is has nothing to do with trusting a spouse and/or friend. It is about the comfort level of the citizens of Egypt.
''As DP do you think you should share your password?''
No. If I was to be DP. I would change my password immediately.
Do you think a DP should have access to other DP accounts?
I am not sure why that would be necessary, and I think it would be totally inappropriate to ban under someone else's account.
''What other powers would you like to see DPs hold, in the interests of improving game play?''
I do not think any more "powers" are necessary.
''What question would you like to be asked, and why?''
I would like to be asked what I think the role of a DP actually is and what isn't part of the job.
Since I want to be asked that question, I will answer it.
The one power a DP has is the ban. The Demi-Pharaoh Test says the following:
"Social Expectations
There are some assumed responsibilities assigned to the position of Demi-Pharaoh, the most common being that they will act as mediators in disputes that come to their attention. However, responsibilities such as these are not actually covered by any laws or other game rules. But it is still a social expectation that a Demi-Pharaoh act fairly and responsibly once elected."
It is interesting that some of the debate questions are so focused on community leadership, which isn't what a DP is about according to the test. I think a low profile a DP can be just as, and maybe more approachable than a "community leader". The DP's job primarily to ban, when there is no other solution. This is why problem solving and mediation becomes so important. Avoiding use of the ban would be my priority. This usually occurs through communication between parties, and that is best done in private.
Perhaps the test will be rewritten someday, but this is how it reads now.
One last comment. If it is rewritten, I would encourage the deletion of the word "benefit" when referring to the ban. I cannot imagine a circumstance where a ban can be construed as one. The citizen-voters choose a person to take on the responsibility, because they trust them to ensure a fair and nonviolent game.

Latest revision as of 21:24, 25 February 2017


If you want paint, please scroll the recipes below. Please remember silver means silver powder and cabbage means cabbage juice.

I make paints and am happy to help in any way for you to learn silk making.

Alice Blue : Sulfur 1 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Cabbage 5 - #F0FAFB

Amethyst : Cabbage 9 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 - #B87BBC

Antique White : Carrot 1 RedSand 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 5 - #FFEAD7

Aqua : Lime 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Carrot 1 Copper 7 - #34FFFF

Aquamarine : Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Carrot 1 Copper 2 Cabbage 4 - #93E3BF

Azure : Lime 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Cabbage 5 - #F0FFFB

Baker Miller Pink : Clay 8 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #E79D9E

Banana : Lime 1 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 9 - #FFC960

Barn Red : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Clay 4 Copper 1 RedSand 3 - #901D00

Beet : Cabbage 8 Clay 2 - #804679

Beige : Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 Iron 1 - #DBFFCD

Bisque : Carrot 1 RedSand 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 3 - #FFF1C1

Black : Clay 4 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 1 RedSand 3 - #001200

Blanched Almond : RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 4 Cabbage 4 - #FFF2CA

Blaze Orange : Carrot 5 Cabbage 1 Clay 4 - #EB6400

Blue : Lime 1 Cabbage 6 Silver 1 DeadTongue 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 2 - #411BEB

Blue Violet : Cabbage 6 Clay 2 Iron 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 - #7123C0

Boysenberry : Cabbage 4 Clay 6 - #80534C

Bright Pink : Carrot 1 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Lime 1 RedSand 7 - #FE2968

Brown : Cabbage 1 Clay 9 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 - #B93F2B

Burgundy Red : Clay 3 RedSand 5 Cabbage 2 Saltpeter 1 - #881440

Burly Wood : Clay 10 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #E6A986

Burnt Sienna : Carrot 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 - #8B3800

Burnt Umber : Cabbage 1 Clay 9 Saltpeter 1 - #803F2B

Cadet Blue : Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 - #64A378

Cadmium Orange : Carrot 4 Cabbage 1 Clay 5 - #E16300

Cadmium Yellow : Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Sulfur 1 - #FE9835

Carrot : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Clay 8 Saltpeter 1 - #E7642C

Chartreuse : Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Clay 3 Carrot 6 - #9AE811

Chocolate : Carrot 2 Clay 8 - #CE6320

Cobalt Blue : Clay 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 8 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 - #546B97

Cobalt Green : Lime 1 Cabbage 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 9 - #47842B

Coral : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Clay 8 Sulfur 1 - #FE9843

Cornflower Blue : Silver 1 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Carrot 1 Cabbage 5 - #74B0CD

Cornsilk : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Cabbage 5 - #FFF8DE

Crimson : RedSand 3 Cabbage 4 Carrot 2 Clay 1 - #D33E36

Dark Blue : Iron 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 6 Potash 1 Clay 1 - #0E078F

Dark Cyan : Clay 4 Lime 1 Cabbage 5 Carrot 1 Potash 1 - #21997E

Dark Golden Rod : Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Lime 1 Carrot 1 - #A37B26

Dark Green : Clay 8 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 1 - #014B00

Dark Grey : Sulfur 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 - #ABC39A

Dark Jungle Green : Clay 8 Carrot 1 Copper 1 - #143800

Dark Khaki : Clay 10 Sulfur 1 - #BA9A5A

Dark Magenta : Clay 1 Iron 1 RedSand 2 Cabbage 6 Saltpeter 1 - #801B96

Dark Olive Green : Clay 9 Carrot 1 - #4D6120

Dark Orange : Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7 RedSand 1 - #FF8E0A

Dark Orchid : Clay 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 - #761CB1

Dark Red : Carrot 1 Clay 4 Copper 1 RedSand 4 - #911800

Dark Salmon : Clay 10 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 - #DEA17E

Dark Scarlet : Clay 6 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 2 Saltpeter 1 - #480B20

Dark Sea Green : Copper 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 - #84A86D

Dark Sienna : Clay 9 Copper 1 - #463600

Dark Slate Blue : Clay 3 Lime 1 Cabbage 7 - #47496E

Dark Slate Grey : Cabbage 6 Clay 3 Carrot 1 - #4D4E41

Dark Turquoise : Lime 1 Cabbage 4 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 Potash 1 Copper 4 - #11CCB7

Dark Violet : Cabbage 5 Clay 1 Iron 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 RedSand 2 - #7416B3

Deep Pink : Carrot 3 Clay 1 Iron 1 RedSand 3 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 2 - #FC477E

Deep Sky Blue : Clay 3 Iron 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 1 Potash 1 Copper 5 - #13B3E6

Dim Grey : Clay 8 Carrot 2 Saltpeter 1 - #7A6943

Dodger Blue : Clay 2 Iron 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 5 Potash 1 Copper 2 - #2789E3

Duke Blue : Iron 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 Potash 1 - #0E049B

Eggshell White : RedSand 1 Cabbage 5 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Carrot 1 - #EFD5C9

Emerald Green : Lead 1 Clay 6 RedSand 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 1 Copper 1 - #0DA94E

Feldspar : Cabbage 1 Clay 9 Sulfur 1 - #BA9665

Fire Brick : Carrot 1 Clay 4 RedSand 5 - #CC391C

Floral White : Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 5 Iron 1 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 3 - #FFFCE9

Forest Green : Clay 7 Lime 1 Cabbage 2 Carrot 1 - #317831

Fuchsia : Cabbage 6 Clay 3 Lime 1 Sulfur 1 DeadTongue 1 - #FF29CF

Gainsboro : Cabbage 7 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 - #E4D5D2

Ghost White : Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 Cabbage 7 - #FFF2FF

Gold : Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Lead 1 - #E2D312

Golden Rod : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 - #E7A92C

Green : Clay 6 Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 - #1A7C03

Green Yellow : Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 9 - #D7FF4B

Grey : Clay 9 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 - #879B5A

Honey Dew : Lime 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 6 Carrot 1 Cabbage 3 - #F0FFE4

Hot Pink : Cabbage 3 Clay 7 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 Lime 1 - #FF759F

Imperial Blue : Clay 4 Lime 1 Cabbage 5 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 - #1B2B8E

Indian Red : Cabbage 6 Carrot 1 Clay 3 - #C44E41

Indigo : Clay 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 8 Saltpeter 1 - #48005A

Ivory : Lime 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 5 Cabbage 4 - #FFFFF0

Khaki : Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 10 - #E4EC84

Lavender : RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Carrot 1 Cabbage 7 - #D5F1F3

Lavender Blush : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Cabbage 7 - #FFF2F4

Lawn Green : Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 Lead 1 - #6AD211

Lemon Chiffon : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 6 Cabbage 2 - #FFFFBC

Licorice : Clay 7 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 - #153000

Light Blue : Copper 2 Clay 4 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 3 - #C3D1E4

Light Coral : Clay 7 RedSand 2 Cabbage 1 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 - #E18D95

Light Cyan : RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 Carrot 1 Cabbage 7 - #D4F3EC

Light Golden Rod Yellow : RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 5 Carrot 1 Cabbage 3 - #D5FEC6

Light Green : Lime 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 - #8DD668

Light Grey : Cabbage 6 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 - #E4D8C7

Light Pink : Carrot 1 Clay 8 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 - #FFBDA0

Light Salmon : Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 - #FFC27C

Light Sea Green : Lime 1 Cabbage 6 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 Potash 1 - #2B9F8E

Light Sky Blue : Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Carrot 1 Iron 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 7 - #8BBBFB

Light Slate Blue : Clay 2 Lime 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 7 - #B266FF

Light Slate Grey : Clay 5 RedSand 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 4 Sulfur 1 - #828094

Light Steel Blue : Lime 1 Cabbage 7 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 - #ABB9D2

Light Yellow : Lime 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7 Cabbage 2 - #FFFFDA

Lime Green : Lime 1 Cabbage 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 - #53C548

Linen : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 6 - #FFEFE3

Maroon : Cabbage 1 Clay 5 Copper 1 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 RedSand 3 - #840605

Medium Aqua Marine : Lime 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 - #61C095

Medium Blue : Clay 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 ToadSkin 1 Carrot 1 Cabbage 9 - #2F24C9

Medium Orchid : Clay 1 RedSand 2 Cabbage 7 Sulfur 1 - #BD73B4

Medium Purple : Clay 2 Lime 1 Cabbage 8 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #AD73DF

Medium Sea Green : Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 - #6CB855

Medium Slate Blue : Clay 1 Iron 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 8 Sulfur 1 - #7E5FDA

Medium Spring Green : Lime 1 Cabbage 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Carrot 1 Copper 5 - #33F598

Medium Turquoise : Lime 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Carrot 1 Cabbage 5 - #61B0CD

Medium Violet Red : Cabbage 8 Clay 2 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 - #B92979

Melon : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7 - #DAA55A

Midnight Blue : Clay 3 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Cabbage 6 - #372453

Mint Cream : Lime 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Carrot 2 Cabbage 5 - #FAFFFB

Misty Rose : RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 Cabbage 6 - #FFECE0

Moccasin : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7 Cabbage 1 - #FFFFB1

Navajo White : Carrot 1 Clay 9 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #FFCDA9

Navy : Clay 1 Copper 1 Lime 1 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 7 - #1B0381

Old Lace : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 Cabbage 6 - #FFF5E9

Olive : Clay 6 Carrot 3 Cabbage 1 - #606100

Olive Drab : Saltpeter 1 Clay 10 - #808820

Orange : Carrot 3 Cabbage 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 - #F1A80F

Orange Red : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Clay 8 Lime 1 - #EA4B00

Orchid : Cabbage 9 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 - #BA7DBE

Oxford Blue : Clay 3 Copper 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 6 - #0D2B40

Pale Golden Rod : Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 9 - #FFFFA7

Pale Green : Cabbage 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 - #C7FF99

Pale Turquoise : Saltpeter 1 Clay 6 Carrot 1 Iron 1 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 2 - #CBFEDD

Pale Violet Red : Cabbage 3 Clay 6 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 - #DF8FA1

Papaya Whip : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 5 - #FFF2D8

Peach Puff : Clay 8 Lime 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #FDD0C6

Peacock : Lime 1 Cabbage 9 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Potash 1 - #2B96AF

Persian Indigo : Cabbage 8 Clay 1 Copper 1 - #461D56

Persian Pink : Cabbage 5 Clay 5 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 - #DE91B6

Peru : Clay 9 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 - #BB9259

Pink : Carrot 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 3 - #FFBCC9

Plum : Cabbage 6 Clay 4 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #E695C9

Powder Blue : Saltpeter 1 Silver 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 8 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 - #C2F8C9

Prussian Blue : Clay 2 Lime 1 Cabbage 7 Copper 1 - #0D2F4B

Purple : Clay 1 RedSand 2 Cabbage 7 Saltpeter 1 - #831C7A

Raw Sienna : Carrot 1 Clay 9 - #C46120

Red : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Clay 2 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 RedSand 6 - #FF2114

Red Devil : Clay 3 RedSand 7 Saltpeter 1 - #8B0B1A

Rich Black : Clay 3 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 6 - #013B20

Rosy Brown : Cabbage 3 Clay 7 Sulfur 1 - #BA907B

Royal Blue : Lime 1 Cabbage 7 Silver 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 - #4751D0

Ruby Red : Clay 5 RedSand 5 Saltpeter 1 - #881B1C

Saddle Brown : Clay 10 - #806020

Salmon : Cabbage 4 Carrot 1 Clay 5 Sulfur 1 - #FE8E64

Sandy Brown : Carrot 1 Clay 9 Sulfur 1 - #FE9B5A

Sangria : Carrot 2 Clay 3 Copper 1 RedSand 4 - #9B1900

Sap Green : Clay 8 Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 - #4D5E00

Sea Green : Clay 5 Lime 1 Cabbage 4 Carrot 1 - #317147

Sea Shell : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 Cabbage 7 - #FFF4ED

Seal Brown : Cabbage 1 Clay 7 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 - #373B09

Sienna : Cabbage 1 Clay 9 - #805C2B

Silver : Clay 9 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #D6CDA9

Sky Blue : Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 7 - #92C7C9

Slate Blue : Clay 2 Sulfur 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 8 - #815EB3

Slate Grey : Clay 5 Lime 1 Cabbage 5 Sulfur 1 - #816E92

Smokey Black : Clay 8 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Lime 1 - #012D00

Snow : Lime 1 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 Sulfur 1 Cabbage 5 - #FFFBF6

Spring Green : Lead 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Copper 3 - #29F463

Steel Blue : Lime 1 Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 - #45758E

Steel Pink : Cabbage 7 Carrot 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 - #C6434E

Tan : Clay 9 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 - #CEC5A1

Teal : Lime 1 Cabbage 3 Silver 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 6 - #1B7677

Thistle : Clay 5 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 3 - #D8BCC9

Tomato : Carrot 1 Clay 9 Saltpeter 1 - #E76743

Turquoise : Lime 1 Cabbage 3 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 Carrot 1 Copper 4 - #3AE59E

Tyrian Purple : Cabbage 6 Clay 3 Copper 1 - #462340

Violet : Clay 2 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #E78AE1

Violet Red : Cabbage 10 Lime 1 - #B94090

Wheat : Clay 8 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 - #E0CFA9

White : Lime 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 Cabbage 5 - #FFFFFC

White Smoke : Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 Sulfur 1 Lime 1 Carrot 1 Cabbage 5 - #EAF4F5

Yellow : Lime 1 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Lead 1 - #FFF02F

Yellow Green : Saltpeter 1 Clay 7 Carrot 3 - #82AE42

Zaffre : Clay 1 Silver 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 8 Saltpeter 1 - #2E21AF

'Tested recipes'

No catalysts: may be cheaper and you may be able to make them

Aquamarine : Copper 7 ToadSkin 1 Iron 1 Clay 1

Barn Red : Carrot 1 Clay 4 Copper 1 RedSand 3

Beet : Cabbage 10

Boysenberry : Cabbage 4 Clay 6

Burnt Umber : Clay 1 RedSand 7 Silver 1 Cabbage 1

Cadmium Yellow : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Lead 1 Clay 6

Dark Golden Rod : Clay 8 RedSand 1 Lead 1

Dark Green : Cabbage 1 Clay 6 Carrot 1 Copper 2

Dark Jungle Green : Cabbage 5 Clay 2 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Iron 1 or 7 Clay, 1 Carrot, 1 Copper or Clay 1 Copper 2 Silver 1 Cabbage 5 Carrot 1

Dark Khaki : Copper 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 2 Lead 1 Clay 5

DarkOliveGreen : 1 Copper, 9 Clay

Dark Orange : Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 6 RedSand 1 Lead 1

Dark Red : Carrot 1 Clay 4 Copper 1 RedSand 4

DarkSeaGreen : 1 Cabbage, 1 Carrot, 1 Saltpeter, 6 Copper,* or 1 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Saltpeter, 8 Clay, 1 Lead

Deep Sky Blue : Copper 7 Clay 1 ToadSkin 1 Carrot 1 Lead 1

DimGray : 6 Cabbage, 3 Clay, 1 Lead

Eggshell white 2 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 2 Copper, ?

Fire Brick : Carrot 1 Clay 4 RedSand 5

Forest Green : Clay 7 Carrot 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1

Golden Rod : Carrot 1 Lead 1 Clay 8

Green : Clay 6 Carrot 1 Cabbage 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1

Grey : RedSand 1 Cabbage 4 Lead 1 Clay 4

Indian Red : Cabbage 6 Carrots 3 Clay 1

Indigo : Lead 1 RedSand 1 Silver 1 Cabbage 6 DeadTongue 1

Light Blue : Copper 6 ToadSkin 1 Carrot 2 Iron 1

Light Sea Green : Copper 4 Clay 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 3

Lime Green : Cabbage 1 Copper 3 Lead 1 Clay 4 Carrot 1

Maroon : Carrot 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 RedSand 5 Silver 2

Navajo White : Carrot 5 Copper 8 ToadSkin 1 Iron 1 Clay 1

Olive : Clay 6 Carrot 3 Cabbage 1 or 4 clay 6 carrots

Olive Drab : Clay 9 Lead 1

Orange : Carrot 5 Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Clay 3

OrangeRed : 3 Carrot, 6 RedSand, 1 Cabbage, 1 clay

Persian Indigo : Clay 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Silver 1 Cabbage 6

Purple : Clay 1 RedSand 2 Cabbage 7 Saltpeter 1

Sandy Brown : Carrot 1 Copper 2 RedSand 1 Lead 1 Clay 5

Sap Green :lead 1 clay 6 copper 3

Sienna : Cabbage 1 Clay 9

Silver : Carrot 5 Copper 8 ToadSkin 1 Iron 1

Smokey Black : Cabbage 2 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Lead 1 (Cabbage 8 Clay 1 Copper 1 )

Tan : Carrot 1 Copper 6 Clay 1 RedSand 1 Lead 1

Tomato : RedSand 1 Cabbage 4 Carrot 4 Clay 1

Violet : Cabbage 7 ToadSkin 1 Carrot 1 Clay 1 Iron 1

Yellow Green : Carrot 2 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 5 RedSand 1

Recipes with catalysts

Amethyst : Cabbage 9 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 or Sulfur 1 saltpeter 1 cabbage 10

Banana : Carrot 6 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 1

Blue Violet : cabbage 7 silver 1 clay 1 iron 1 saltpeter 1

Burly Wood : Copper 1 Clay 9 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1

Burnt Umber :Redsand 7, Sulfur 1, Copper 1

Cobalt green 6 Clay, 1 Lead, 1 RedSand, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 1 Cabbage

Coral : Carrot 1 Copper 8 Clay 1 Clay 8 Saltpeter 1

Crimson : Carrot 1 RedSand 7 Clay 2 Saltpeter 1

Dark Cyan : Lime 1 Copper 6 Clay 2 Silver 1 Cabbage 1

Gainsboro : Cabbage 4 Saltpeter 1 Clay 5 Sulfur 1 Iron 1

Imperial Blue : Clay 1, Copper 7, Saltpeter 1, Cabbage 3, Silver 1

Ivory : Carrot 1 Copper 4 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 5

Khaki : 2 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 2 Copper, 6 Clay, 2 Lead or 1 Lead, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 1 Saltpeter, 7 Clay, 1 Carrot, or 2 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 2 Copper, 6 Clay, 2 Lead

Lemon Chiffon : Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Sulfur 1 Potash 1 Cabbage 2

Light Coral : Cabbage 3 Clay 7 Lime 1 Sulfur 1 or Silver 1 Cabbage 7 Carrot 1 Clay 1 Sulfur 1

Light Grey : Cabbage 6 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4

LightPink : 1 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 1 Clay, 1 Lead, 6 Cabbage

Lime Green : Cabbage 1 Copper 3 Lead 1 Clay 4 Carrot 1

Maroon : Carrot 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 RedSand 5 Silver 2

MediumAquamarine : 1 Cabbage, 1 Carrot, 1 Saltpeter, 6 Copper, 1 Lead, 1 Clay

Medium Blue : Clay 3 cabbage 2 silver 1 saltpeter 1 copper 4

Navajo White :Carrot 4 sulfur 1 copper 4 clay 2 or 1 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 1 Clay, 1 Lead, 1

Cabbage or 3 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 3 Copper, 1 Clay

Navy : Clay 1 Iron 4 Copper 3 Saltpeter 1 Toadskin 1 Silver 1

Pale Golden Rod : Saltpeter 1 Clay 10 Sulfur 1 Potash 1 or 1 Carrot, 1 Iron, 1 Sulfur, 1 Saltpeter, 8 Clay

PaleTurquoise : Cabbage 3 Potash 1 Copper 4 Clay 3 Sulfur 1

Pale Violet Red : Cabbage 4 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 5 Clay 1

Red Devil: Clay 3 RedSand 7 Saltpeter 1

Rich Black : Clay 3 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 6 or Clay 3 Lime 1 Silver 1 Cabbage 5 Carrot 1

Sandy Brown: 7 Carrot, 1 Lead, 1 Sulfur, 1 Clay, 1 Copper

Slate Blue : Saltpeter 1 Silver 1 Cabbage 8 Copper 1 or 1 ToadSkin, 1 Carrot, 1 Lead, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 6 Cabbage

SeaGreen : 6 Clay, 1 Lead, 1 RedSand, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 4 Cabbage

Sienna : 1 Cabbage, 9 Clay

Turquoise : 1 RedSand, 1 Saltpeter, 6 Copper, 1 Clay, 2 Cabbage or Copper 8 Clay 1 Carrot 1 Sulfur 1 or Copper 7 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 ToadSkin 1 Carrot 1

Yellow : ToadSkin 1 Potash 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 5 Carrots

YellowGreen : 1 Cabbage, 1 Carrot, 1 Saltpeter, 6 Copper, 1 Lead, 1 Clay

Wheat :1 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 1 Clay, 1 Lead, 2 Cabbage 1 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Copper, 6 Clay, 1 Lead

White : Carrot 3 Copper 5 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1

Paint recipes for Throne of Pharaoh

6000 Yellowish Paint: Cadmium Yellow : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Lead 1 Clay 6 X 600

3000 Reddish Paint: Barn Red-Carrot 1 Clay 4 Copper 1 RedSand 3 X300 (Alternate: Indian Red : Cabbage 6 Carrots 3 Clay 1X 300)

5000 Greenish Paint: Forest Green : Clay 7 Carrot 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 X500

7000 Whiteish Paint Navajo White : Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Copper 4 Clay 2 X 700

5000 Blueish Paint: Blue Violet Cabbage 7 Silver 1 Clay 1 Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 (Alternate:Deep Sky Blue : Copper 7 Clay 1 ToadSkin 1 Carrot 1 Lead 1) X 500

For those who have never had the opportunity to interact with you before can you share a little about yourself, what you enjoy about ATITD as well as how long you have been playing? From DP Debates:

Hello Egyptians. I have been playing since mid T3. I struggled in the beginning and consequently have a soft spot for newbies. My favorite tests tend to be in the arts, a bit of genetics, chemistry as well as critic, pilgrimage and some of the other group activities. Making paints for people is one of my pleasures, and I also make silk. The reason I play is I appreciate the nonviolence and the opportunities to be creative, from how we lay out our cps to how we manage our goals. Various regions have been my home, from Karnak to CCR to Memphis. Currently I live in the Hinterlands, which is why I haven't been running off at the mouth on the regional chats this tale. I was elected a DP in T5. In RL I judge international sporting events.

As some specific examples, would you consider any of the following playstyles as worthy of DP intervention?

Obelisk queue violation- No, Bonfiring of a clay patches to prevent others from building -No Using large quantities of alts to rig elections- No Mentorship advancement- No Other test passes - No The only time I would intervene in these kinds of disputes would be as a behind-the-scenes mediator, and that would only be upon request. I would automatically step if there was destruction of public property, for example someone intentionally blew up a chariot stop. In cases of private property, I would have to be informed by the property owner that the act was malevolent and not accidental.

If the general consensus of the rest of the DPs were that that person should not be banned, but you felt strongly that they should, what would you do?

I would express my opinion, the facts and witnesses statements and how I came to my conclusion. I would listen to the other DP's opinions, and interpretation of the facts and witnesses statements. The goal would be to come to a mutually acceptable decision. I would not ban unless there was a majority consensus in favor of the move. The opposite scenario, if I thought an individual should not be banned, but was the only one who did, I might choose not to do the actual banning. I would refrain from public criticizing the majority decision, because it would serve no purpose, beyond drama. Q4. How's your progress in other Leadership tests? Zero, zilch, none. My reasons for being in the desert have little to do with passing tests.

How are you providing leadership in the game and amongst the player base?

This is an interesting question in that obvious leadership tendencies is not a prerequisite for DP. Flamboyancy isn't my thing, and I think leadership can be done behind the scenes. As a DP I think it is better to find solutions with a minimum of disturbance and drama. A job well done is when the problem is solved with only those directly involved knowing there was an issue, and those people being OK with the outcome.

What specifically have you done to further the growth of the community?

First I want to say I rarely do events alone. Without the teams who worked so incredibly hard on these projects, giving so much of their time, things wouldn't have happened. This tale I have tried to be supportive of those working on Arts test and have been overseeing an art building in RP. Over the tales: Ran on-channel tutorials in beetle breeding, flower breeding, basic chemistry, cooking with experts in the fields Helped coordinate and moderate DP debates Helped coordinate and manage sculpture gardens and massive End of Tale parties I try to pitch in on tests requiring numbers, even after I have passed. Helped create and coordinate Events (sculpture, airships, flowers, work auctions, etc) Helped build pyramids Many digs, etc Moderated channels Acted as DP in T5 My favorite thing is to help newbies though

Spouselog allows access to ban powers. Do you know who has access to your spouse account?

Yes. Spouses have no ban power unless they have the password. Personally, I think changing one's password and keeping it private should be required for all DPs. This is has nothing to do with trusting a spouse and/or friend. It is about the comfort level of the citizens of Egypt.

As DP do you think you should share your password?

No. If I was to be DP. I would change my password immediately. Do you think a DP should have access to other DP accounts? I am not sure why that would be necessary, and I think it would be totally inappropriate to ban under someone else's account.

What other powers would you like to see DPs hold, in the interests of improving game play?

I do not think any more "powers" are necessary.

What question would you like to be asked, and why?

I would like to be asked what I think the role of a DP actually is and what isn't part of the job. Since I want to be asked that question, I will answer it. The one power a DP has is the ban. The Demi-Pharaoh Test says the following:

"Social Expectations There are some assumed responsibilities assigned to the position of Demi-Pharaoh, the most common being that they will act as mediators in disputes that come to their attention. However, responsibilities such as these are not actually covered by any laws or other game rules. But it is still a social expectation that a Demi-Pharaoh act fairly and responsibly once elected."

It is interesting that some of the debate questions are so focused on community leadership, which isn't what a DP is about according to the test. I think a low profile a DP can be just as, and maybe more approachable than a "community leader". The DP's job primarily to ban, when there is no other solution. This is why problem solving and mediation becomes so important. Avoiding use of the ban would be my priority. This usually occurs through communication between parties, and that is best done in private. Perhaps the test will be rewritten someday, but this is how it reads now.

One last comment. If it is rewritten, I would encourage the deletion of the word "benefit" when referring to the ban. I cannot imagine a circumstance where a ban can be construed as one. The citizen-voters choose a person to take on the responsibility, because they trust them to ensure a fair and nonviolent game.