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Line 263: Line 263:
|style="background-color: #EEE8AA" | Pale Golden Rod || #EEE8AA
|style="background-color: #EEE8AA" | Pale Golden Rod || #EEE8AA
|style="background-color: #98FB98" | Pale Green || #98FB98
|style="background-color: #98FB98" | Pale Green || #98FB98 || Saltpeter,Clay,Copper
|style="background-color: #AFEEEE" | Pale Turquoise || #AFEEEE || Clay,Potash,9 Copper
|style="background-color: #AFEEEE" | Pale Turquoise || #AFEEEE || Clay,Potash,9 Copper

Revision as of 23:07, 13 January 2016


Alice Blue #F0F8FF
*Amethyst #9966CC Carrot,Sulfur,Copper,3 CJ
Antique White #FAEBD7
Aqua #00FFFF
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 Clay,Sulfur,5 Copper
Azure #F0FFFF
*Baker Miller Pink #FF91AF Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,8 Carrot,4 CJ
*Banana #E3CF57
*Barn Red #7C0A02 CJ,Sulfur,Lead,like 20 Clay OR CJ, Sulfur, DT, Clay OR Clay,Saltpeter,Lead,Clay
*Beet #8E388E 8 CabbageJuice, 2 Clay
Beige #F5F5DC
Bisque #FFE4C4
Black #010101 Copper,Lime,Carrot,8 Clay
Blanched Almond #FFEBCD
*Blaze Orange #FF6700
Blue #0000FF
Blue Violet #8A2BE2
*Boysenberry #873260 4 CabbageJuice, 6 Clay
*Bright Pink #FF007F
Brown #A52A2A 2 Carrot, 8 RedSand OR Iron,Sulfur
*Burgundy Red #800020 RS,Sulfur,DT or CJ,Potash,CJ,Clay
Burly Wood #DEB887 Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,Carrot
*Burnt Sienna #8A360F CJ, Sulfur, DT, 8 Clay OR CJ,Sulfur,Iron,Clay
*Burnt Umber #8A3324 3 Clay, 7 RedSand
Cadet Blue #5F9EA0 4 CabbageJuice, 6 Copper OR Copper,Lead
*Cadmium Orange #FF6103
*Cadmium Yellow #FF9912
Carrot #E07020 10 Carrots
Chartreuse #7FFF00
Chocolate #D2691E 8 Carrot, 2 RedSand
*Cobalt Blue #3D59AB Copper,Potash,CJ OR Carrot,Lime,4 CJ,Clay
*Cobalt Green #3D9140 CJ,Saltpeter,Carrot,8 Clay
Coral #FF7F50
Cornflower Blue #6495ED Carrot,CJ,8 Copper
Cornsilk #FFF8DC
Crimson #DC143C
Dark Blue #00008B
Dark Cyan #008B8B DT,Lime,Copper
Dark Golden Rod #B8860B
Dark Green #006400 Copper,Saltpeter,Carrot,8 Clay
Dark Grey #A9A9A9 Clay,Saltpeter,Copper
*Dark Jungle Green #1A2421 CJ,Sulfur,Copper,Clay
Dark Khaki #BDB76B 10 Carrot, 6 Copper
Dark Magenta #8B008B
Dark Olive Green #556B2F CJ,Saltpeter,Lead,Clay OR Carrots,Sulfur,Clay
Dark Orange #FF8C00
Dark Orchid #9932CC
Dark Red #8B0000
Dark Salmon #E9967A Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,8 Carrot,CJ
*Dark Scarlet #560319 CJ,Sulfur,Lead,5 Clay OR Lead,Sulfur,Clay
Dark Sea Green #8FBC8F Carrot,Saltpeter,11 Clay,CJ OR Clay,Sulfur,Copper
*Dark Sienna #3C1414 Carrot,Sulfur,DT,Clay OR Carrot,Sulfur,RS,8 Clay
Dark Slate Blue #483D8B Copper,Potash,2 CJ
Dark Slate Grey #2F4F4F Carrots,Sulfur,CJ,Clay
Dark Turquoise #00CED1
Dark Violet #9400D3
Deep Pink #FF1493
Deep Sky Blue #00BFFF
Dim Grey #696969 CJ,Sulfur,Lead OR CJ,Saltpeter,RS,Clay OR Lead
Dodger Blue #1E90FF
*Duke Blue #00009C
*Eggshell White #FCE6C9
*Emerald Green #00C957
Feldspar #D19275 Clay,Saltpeter,Copper,6 Clay
Fire Brick #B22222 3 Carrot, 7 RedSand
Floral White #FFFAF0
Forest Green #228B22 Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,8 Clay
Fuchsia #FF00FF
Gainsboro #DCDCDC DT,Clay,Copper,Clay,Potash,4 Copper
Ghost White #F8F8FF
Gold #FFD700
Golden Rod #DAA520
Green #008000 Copper,Saltpeter,Carrot,Clay
Green Yellow #ADFF2F
Grey #808080 4 Carrot, 4 Copper, 2 RedSand OR CJ,Saltpeter,Clay
Honey Dew #F0FFF0
Hot Pink #FF69B4
*Imperial Blue #002395 DT,Lime,CJ
Indian Red #CD5C5C CJ,Sulfur,Carrot OR Clay,Saltpeter,Copper,7 Clay
Indigo #4B0082 Copper,Potash,6 CJ
Ivory #FFFFF0
Khaki #F0E68C
Lavender #E6E6FA Clay,Potash,Copper,Carrot,2 CJ,Copper
Lavender Blush #FFF0F5
Lawn Green #7CFC00
Lemon Chiffon #FFFACD
*Licorice #1A1110 RS,Sulfur,Copper,Clay
Light Blue #ADD8E6 Clay,Copper,Clay,Potash,2 Copper
Light Coral #F08080
Light Cyan #E0FFFF
Light Golden Rod Yellow #FAFAD2
Light Green #90EE90 Clay,Lime,Copper
Light Grey #D3D3D3 Clay,Potash,Copper
Light Pink #FFB6C1 Clay,Potash,Copper,Carrot,Clay
Light Salmon #FFA07A
Light Sea Green #20B2AA 1 CJ, 9 Copper, Sulfur, Saltpeter
Light Sky Blue #87CEFA
Light Slate Blue #8470FF
Light Slate Grey #778899 5 CabbageJuice, 5 Copper
Light Steel Blue #B0C4DE Clay,Sulfur,9 Copper, 9 CJ OR Carrot,Saltpeter,3 Copper,2 CJ
Light Yellow #FFFFE0
Lime #00FF00
Lime Green #32CD32
Linen #FAF0E6
Maroon #800000 CJ,Potash,Lead,8 Clay
Medium Aqua Blue #66CDAA
Medium Aqua Marine #66CDAA Clay,Sulfur,2 Copper
Medium Blue #0000CD
Medium Orchid #BA55D3 Clay,Saltpeter,Copper,8 Clay,9 CJ
Medium Purple #9370DB Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,8 CJ
Medium Sea Green #3CB371 DT,Sulfur,Copper OR CJ,9 Copper,Saltpeter,Clay
Medium Slate Blue #7B68EE
Medium Spring Green #00FA9A
Medium Turquoise #48D1CC 10 Copper
Medium Violet Red #C71585
*Melon #E3A869 Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,2 Carrot
Midnight Blue #191970
Mint Cream #F5FFFA
Misty Rose #FFE4E1 Clay,Copper,CJ,Clay,Potash,3 Copper
Moccasin #FFE4B5
Navaho White #FFDEAD
Navy #000080 Carrot,Sulfur,Copper,4 Clay,33 CJ
Old Lace #FDF5E6
Olive #808000 CJ,Saltpeter,DT,8 Clay
Olive Drab #6B8E23 CJ,Saltpeter,2 Clay
Orange #FFA500
Orange Red #FF4500
Orchid #DA70D6 Lead,Clay,Copper,Clay,Potash
*Oxford Blue #002147 Carrot,Sulfur,Copper,4 Clay,2 CJ
Pale Golden Rod #EEE8AA
Pale Green #98FB98 Saltpeter,Clay,Copper
Pale Turquoise #AFEEEE Clay,Potash,9 Copper
Pale Violet Red #DB7093 Clay,Saltpeter,Copper,8 Clay,9 CJ or Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,8 Carrot,8 CJ
Papaya Whip #FFEFD5
Peach Puff #FFDAB9
*Peacock #33A1C9 1 CabbageJuice, 9 Copper
*Persian Indigo #32127A Copper,Lime,a few CJ
*Persian Pink #F77FBE CJ,Clay,Copper,Clay,Potash,Copper,5 RS
Peru #CD853F 9 Carrot, 1 Copper
Pink #FFC0CB Clay,Potash,Copper,Carrot
Plum #DDA0DD Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,2 CJ
Powder Blue #B0E0E6 Clay,Copper,Clay,Potash,3 Copper
*Prussian Blue #003153 Copper,Saltpeter,Carrot,Clay,7 CJ
Purple #800080 Copper,Potash,9 CJ
*Raw Sienna #C76114 6 Carrot, 4 RedSand
Red #FF0000
*Red Devil #860111 CJ,Potash,RS,Clay
*Rich Black #004040 Copper,Sulfur,Copper,Clay
Rosy Brown #BC8F8F Clay,Saltpeter,Copper,Clay
Royal Blue #4169E1
*Ruby Red #9B111E 10 RedSand
Saddle Brown #8B4513 10 Clay
Salmon #FA8072
Sandy Brown #F4A460 Carrot,Saltpeter
*Sangria #92000A Copper,Lime,Potash,9 Carrot
*Sap Green #308014 CJ,Saltpeter,Copper,2 Clay OR Carrot,Sulfur,9 Clay
Sea Green #2E8B57 CJ,9 Copper,Saltpeter,3 Clay
Sea Shell #FFF5EE
*Seal Brown #321414 CJ,Sulfur,Copper,3 Clay
Sienna #A0522D 1 CabbageJuice, 9 Clay
Silver #C0C0C0 Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper,CJ
Sky Blue #87CEEB Clay,Sulfur,3 Copper OR Clay,2 Copper
Slate Blue #6A5ACD Carrot,Sulfur,Copper,8 CJ
Slate Grey #708090 8 CabbageJuice, 2 Copper
*Smokey Black #100C08 Carrot,Sulfur,Copper,2 Clay
Spring Green #00FF7F
Steel Blue #4682B4 4 CabbageJuice, 5 Copper, 1 Lead
*Steel Pink #CC3366 Iron,Sulfur,CJ
Tan #D2B48C Carrot,Saltpeter,Copper
Teal #008080 Carrot,Lime,4 CJ,5 Clay OR Carrot,CJ,8 Copper,Clay
Thistle #D8BFD8 Clay,Copper,Clay,Potash
Tomato #FF6347 Carrot,Saltpeter,RS
Turquoise #40E0D0
*Tyrian Purple #660023 CJ,Sulfur,RS,Clay OR Lead,Clay
Violet #EE82EE Clay,Potash,Copper,Carrot,2 CJ
Violet Red #D02090 CJ,Potash
Wheat #F5DEB3
White Smoke #F5F5F5
Yellow #FFFF00
Yellow Green #9ACD32 Carrot,Saltpeter,9 Clay
*Zaffre #0014A8