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Guides/River Plains Gem School

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  • Located at 1558,2900 in RP
  • The majority of this guide is taken from T6 and earlier, with thanks to the original authors. Updates for T7 will progressively be made!


Sections of Cuttable Gems are sliced away on a Gem Cutting Table until the result matches a target design in the Gem Catalogue. At that point, the cut gem may be removed into your inventory.

Nonstandard shapes may be saved in a Specimen Case (available with some multi-month pre-paid packages). Each case holds one cut gem. The contents of the specimen case may later be loaded onto a table for additional cutting.

In the absence of a specimen case, cut gems that don't match a Gem Catalogue entry must be discarded.

Positioning the Camera

Some players prefer to stand inside the table while cutting. However a good stance to begin with is to the right of Sanding Disk 1, in F6 view. Some players prefer to stand by the pole, with the camera rotated so it is on the rear right of the table. Others prefer the pole on the rear left, so the camera is looking at the face of the gem that will be sliced off by Disc 1. For some cuts you may want to change the camera angle to check on what is going on!

Using the Axis Controls

Getting used to the interface will make your gem cutting life easier. It does come with practice. Start by loading a cuttable gem. The option will come up when you click on the gem cutting table with a cuttable gem in your inventory. Pin the menu for reference.

Practice Session 1: 
* ROTATE the gem on the Z coordinate first. The + and - signs will switch the rotation direction. Four rotations brings you back to the beginning. 
* Now try the Y coordinate. The gem will FLIP towards you (-) or away from you (+) if you are facing Cutting Disk 1 at the front of the table. 
* Finally, try using the X axis. The gem will TWIRL either clockwise (+ -check) or anticlockwise (-) around the middle of the front face. 

It's easiest to view the table while using the Explorer's Camera (F6) or Builder's Camera (F7). Adjust your distance and viewing angle until it feels comfortable for you.

Eventually you may want cut gems using the hotkeys, but it makes sense to become familiar with the way the cutting blades work first.

Cutting the Gem

Each gem is roughly a cube comprised of 7x7x7 smaller cubes (a bit like a Rubric's cube). Some of the smaller cubes are empty, and they are 'flaws'. The combinations of flaws and solid gems and the three cutting blades creates an infinity of possible designs. To cut a gem to create a predetermined shape, as listed in the gem catalogue is a definitely a special task requiring a good sense of spatial relationships. The gem catalog will display a sample gem atop the pole on the table, as a reference.

There are three sanding disks. Each disc works in a different plane, and will remove 1 layer of solid gem each time you use it.

Disc 1 works in the vertical axis (90 degrees). Only using Disk 1 will make cubes and rectangular box shapes.

Disc 2 works on the edge to edge diagonal (45 degrees to Disk 1). Using only Disk 2 will make diamond shapes, sometimes with interesting edge patterns.

Disc 3 works on the corner to corner diagonal. (45 degrees to Disk 2) Using Disk 3 also creates diamond shapes, but in a different orientation.

Practice Session 2
* Use Disk 1 to find and cut a solid square of gem, in any size.
* Use Disk 2 to cut a solid diamond of gem, in any size.
* Use Disk 2 to cut a solid bar 3 segments tall and 1 segment deep and wide. The use Disk 3 to create a pyramid on each end. 
  Compare to the gem catalogue for "Thistle", and adjust as needed. You have made your first cut gem!

Making the most of Flaws

Sculptors sometimes say that they can see the statue hidden within a block of stone, and cut away all the bits that aren't part of the statue. This is sort of what happens with gem cutting. The desired cut gem is hidden within the rough stone. Sand away all the bits that are not what you want.

All cuttable gems have flaws, in an endless array of random configurations. Most types of cut gem can only be formed by taking advantage of flaws in the gem. For example, the "Eyelet" cut requires a flaw two layers deep, surrounded by unflawed gem. The "Full Eye" cut is harder, requiring a three-deep flaw and corresponding surrounding solid gem.

Before starting to cut any gem, examine it carefully to see what can be made from it. It is MUCH more economical to look first to see what is in the gem and take advantage of what you have than waste precious cuttable gems by going for only what you need. The rarest sets of flaws might just come up, giving you a chance at a Dragyn's Eye or Full Aidenn Mask, and those chances are not to be missed!

When you have produced an exact match for a cut gem, rotate the gem so it matches the catalogue example and complete the cut by selecting the type of gem you are making from the "finished cutting" menu of the cutting table. If your gem is an exact match for the sample in the catalogue, it will be removed from the table to your inventory.

Some gem cuts require flaws that are present in only a small fraction of rough gems. Zomboe, an expert gem cutter, has provided an approximate estimate of rarity: Tiki Mask is insanely rare. Others, in approximate order of decreasing rarity, are King's Tomb, Unity, Bridge, Lotus, Ring, Dragyn's Eye, Full Aidenn Mask, Ra's Lantern. If you find a rough gem with the right flaws/ solid characteristics that can be cut into one of these, it's usually best to do it even if you're currently looking for something else - you'll be glad of it later.

Cut Gem Catalogue

Feel free to replace pictures with better ones (preferably 120x120).
Cut Gem Carats Available Instructions Rarity Uses

Aidenn Mask

{Aidenn Mask (15 carat)} 15 Yes Two flaws next to each other with solid gem on the outside edge. To cut, use Disk 1 to cut away excess from the front and back of the flaws, then use Disk 2 to cut the angled edges. Rare


{Amanti (11 carat)} 11 No Cut a 2 x 2 x 2 solid square of gem using Disk 1. Then use Disk 2 to create the pyramidal form on the top, rotating on z axis as needed. Flip over to the other side and repeat. All 1 Cut Garnet: Amanti for Test of the Windsong

1 Cut Turquoise: Amanti for Test of the Windsong <Varying Amounts> Garnet: Amanti for Test of the Covered Cartouche


{Amunet} 46 No Rare! Look for a sphere of unflawed gem radius 5?


{Appolonia (21 carat)} 21 Yes Using Disk 1, look for a 4 x 4 expanse of solid gem with a single flaw on one edge. Cut to a sheet 1 layer deep, then use Disk 2 to shape the angles around the flaw and to create the pointed bottom. If necessary, use Disk 1 to shape the sides. All 1 Cut (Any Gem): Appolonia for Test of the Windsong


{Bastet (11 carat)} 11 No A two-deep vertex flaw All


{Bridge (14 carat)} 14 No A pair of two-deep vertex flaws directly opposite each other Ultra-rare

Cat's Eye

{Cat's Eye (28 carat)} 28 No A two-deep vertex flaw surrounded by a double ring of unflawed gem Rare


{Choronzon (43 carat)} 43 Yes A 5x5x3 block of unflawed gem Common

Corner Heart

{Corner Heart (4 carat)} 4 Yes Very small unflawed area All


{Crater} 9 No A pair of Three-deep flaws intersecting. very rare


{Dalessi (25 carat)} 25 Yes Start with a 2x2x2 solid square. Doesn't matter if some corners are missing. Rotate so any missing corners are at the top and facing Disk 3. Use Disk 3 to cut one side to the base. Rotate (Z twice) and repeat. Then go one more. Done! All

Dragyn's Eye

{Dragyn's Eye (17 carat)} 17 Yes The trick is to find 2 intersecting flaws with solid gem around them. Use Disk 1 to reveal the flaws on an edge and cut off the base. With the corner eyes facing away, use Disk 3 to shave away until you have the final cut. Rare


{Eyelet (16 carat)} 16 No A two-deep vertex flaw Common

Full Aidenn Mask

{Full Aiden Mask (21 carat)} 21 No Parallel two-deep vertex flaws with a one-deep flaw between and below them Ultra rare

Full Eye

{Full Eye (24 carat)} 24 No A three-deep vertex flaw Rare

Hexas Plate

{Hexas Plate (9 carat)} 9 Yes One-deep vertex flaw All

Hile's Chevrons

{Hile's Chevrons (25 carat)} 25 Yes Unflawed plane All

Khufu's Ship

{Khufu's Ship (22 carat)} 22 Yes Double-width one-deep vertex flaw Uncommon

King's Tomb

{King's Tomb (43 carat)} 43 Yes Single flaw surrounded by double ring of unflawed gem Ultra rare


{Lens (12 carat)} 12 No None All

Looking Glass

{Looking Glass (24 carat)} 24 No A 6x4x1 area of unflawed gem Common


{Lotus (19 carat)} 19 No Specific pattern Ultra rare

Moorish Arch

{Moorish Arch} 15 Yes

Osiris Eye

{Osiris Eye} 10 Yes Description: A long 3 width flaw with a 2-deep flaw in the middle. To cut, use Disk 1 to remove the excess gem from both long sides. Flip so the 'eye' is at the bottom and pointing towards the front of the table. Use Disk 2 to create a peak and reveal the central eye. Turn back around and position to use Disk 3 to cut the points at the top and bottom.


{Prism} No

Queen's Tomb

{Queen's Tomb (18 carat)} 18 Yes Single flaw surrounded by a ring of unflawed gem Common

Ra's Lantern

{Ra's Lantern (27 carat)} 27 Yes Double-width vertex flaw, with one flaw two-deep, with unflawed gem on remaining three sides of prism Ultra rare


{Reflection (14 carat)} 14 Yes Two two-deep vertex flaws next to each other, points touching Rare


{Refractor} No


{Ring (13 carat)} 13 No Two deep intersecting flaws forming a T shape surrounded by unflawed gem Ultra rare

Shen of Horus

{Shen of Horus} 28 No two adjacent 3-deep flaws, surrounded by unflawed gem crazy


{Solarkin} 24 No


{Sprocket (14 carat)} 14 Yes Needs a relatively unflawed diagonal plane. Position a large corner triangle opposite Disk 3, and cut to 3 deep. Cut a three sided shape using Disk 2, twirling on -X once and -Z three times to reposition. Flip over to work the same way on the other side, cutting to the edge of the first facet on the first face. Not as hard as it looks. All


{Suspension} 9 No 2-deep vertex flaw


{Symmetry (19 carat)} 19 No A 3x3x3 area of unflawed gem All

The Fox

The fox.gif ? No

The Shark

The shark.gif 8 Yes Find and cut a Full Eye, then use Disk 3 to take away opposing corners. Rare


{Thistle (12 carat)} 12 No None All

Thoth's Knot

{Thoth's Knot (18 carat)} 18 No Two lines of three flaws, crossing adjacent to one another, with solid gem beside each and 1 cell of gem above and below Ultra rare

Tiki Mask

{Tiki Mask (35 carat)} 35 No Double-width one-deep vertex flaw Ultra rare


{Tombstone} 26 No


{Triclops} 14 No


{Unity (36 carat)} 36 Yes Two-deep vertex flaw surrounded by an area of unflawed gem. The trick is to find the configuration of flaw and unflawed gem. To cut, look for a Full Eye surrounded by solid gem, and use Cutting Disk 2 to create the distinctive frame around the central flaw. Ultra rare