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Test of the Giving Fisherman
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Test of the | |||
Giving Fisherman | |||
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In the Test of the Giving Fisherman, you are tasked with making special gifts to give to other players. The thoughtful giver will be aware of the likes and dislikes of his recipient. Be the most generous and perceptive player in Egypt to pass this test!
A General Overview
- 1. Catch a fish (Or trade/acquire a fresh fish)
- 2. Fillet with a special knife (requires different levels of filleting skill)
- 3. Generates delicate fish meat (this doesn't make fish scales, roe or oil like normal filleting)
- 4. Acquire a fish scale and a citrus fruit
- 5. Assemble a wrapped gift (fish meat wrapped in preserved fish scale, served with a citrus fruit)
- 6. Present the gift to another player
A Detailed Overview
The Gift
To assemble a gift, you need: 1 Delicate fish meat, 1 fish scale, 1 citrus fruit, and 1 papyrus paper. Kitchen -> Test of Giving Fisherman -> Assemble a gift. You can name the gift after assembly. The final gift is a complex item you must give to another player using the test menu when you click on them (similar to how you ask others to acro or compare achievements). They must accept your gift by choosing 'Yes'.
Your gift is worth points based on how much a player likes (is compatible with) your gift. Each player has preferred fish meats, scale colors, and citrus fruits. You can receive up to 6 points if your gift perfectly matches a player's preferences. The amount of points you receive (or lose) is doubled if you give a gift to a player who has given you a gift before. Therefore, 12 points are possible from a single gift.
There are 180 fish scale colors, 49 fish meats, and 104 citrus fruits in the game.
Pluribus: [04m] and there are 180 fish scale colors in t7 :-) From the discussion in Monument of Body Guild ~ Balthazarr You might want to up the number of favorite, liked & disliked to 18, 36 & 72 to match them increased colors ~ Balthazarr done!
Each player has 18 favorite colors, 5 favorite fish, and 10 favorite citrus fruits. You cannot choose these, they are tied uniquely and are generated from your avatar name (or some other manner). If a player gives you one of your favorite colors, they receive 2 points, likewise for the fruit type and fish type.
You also have 36 'Liked' colors, 10 liked fish, and 20 liked citrus. A player giving you one of these receives 1 point instead.
You also have 72 'Disliked' colors, 20 disliked fish, and 40 disliked citrus. A player giving you one of these receives -2 points. It is not possible to have less than 0 points total in this test, but you can lose points if you give bad gifts.
All other types of fish, colors, and fruits are 'neutral' for you and result in no points being awarded to the giver.
You can give multiple gifts to the same person (one per day, up to a maximum of 10), but take care not to give them the identical gift. If you give a player a gift made up of exactly the same materials of a gift you have given them before, they will be offended and will dislike all aspects of it (giving you -6 or -12 points!)
Some Examples of a Gift Giving
Janeway has prepared a gift to give to Picard. This is the first time she will give a gift to Picard. She used a Antique White fish scale, Delicate meat: Kingfish, and a Long Tangelo to make her gift. She gives the gift to Picard, who accepts it. She gets a message telling her that Picard enjoyed her gift overall (this means she gained points. There would be a different message if she gained no points and another for losing points.) Picard however receives a message indicating how exactly how he felt about the three aspects of the gift (a favorite color Antique White, a liked fruit Long Tangelo, and a disliked fish Kingfish) Janeway also knows that Picard had previously given her a gift a few weeks ago. From this, we can see how the points are calculated behind the scenes. (one of Picard's favorite colors (2) + liked fruits (1) + disliked fish (-2)) * Picard gave Janeway a gift before (2) = 2 points!
Betty has prepared a gift for Risotto. This will be the 3rd gift Betty has given to Risotto. Risotto has never given a gift to Betty. Betty prepares a gift of Red fish scale, Delicate meat:Spotted Sea Cucumber, and Reddish Lime. Risotto loves all three aspects (a favorite color, fish, and fruit). So, Betty receives this many points:
[(2+2+2)]*1 = 6 points.
Gelato has prepared a gift for Tom. This will be the 11th gift Gelato has prepared for Tom. Tom refuses the gift, because he has already received too many gifts from Gelato (the limit is 10). No points are awarded.
Checking your Score
To check your score, you must visit an Essence of Harmony. The essence will not tell you your exact numerical score but it will let you know how generous you are relative to your peers (defined as those who have not passed the test, are signed up for the test, and have given at least one gift.) You will get a different message if your score is in the top 5, 10, 25, 50, or 100 percent of peers. It is possible to keep track of your exact score on your own, but this requires that the gift recipient share with the gift giver or others the message they got upon receiving the gift, so that that player's likes and dislikes can be deduced.
You may not give a gift to a player if they have accepted a gift from you in the past 24 hours. Conversely, if you accept a gift from someone, you cannot accept another gift from anyone until at least 2 hours have passed. Gifts may only be made to citizens (paid, at least level 1 players) of Egypt.
Delicate fish meat is a complex item, named for the type of fish from which it came. You do not have to catch the fish yourself, but it must be a freshly caught fish. You must fillet the fish yourself. If the delicate fish meat is given to another player, dropped, or placed into a storage container, it immediately spoils and cannot be used for gifts. It also spoils if left in your inventory for more than 24 hours. When delicate fish meat spoils, it becomes Rotten Fish. An assembled gift is under the same restrictions as delicate fish meat (since it still contains the meat). There will be a option in the test menu "Inspect gift..." that will allow you to sniff the gift to make sure it is still fresh if you are unsure. If you give a rotten gift to another player, they automatically dislike all aspects of it, regardless of their preferences. If a gift is given using the Test menu it is immediately consumed by the gift recipient - so no new items appear in the recipient's inventory.
You must use special knife to fillet fish if you want to use it for gift-giving. This is a special form of filleting and has a high chance of failure. After all, no one wants jagged chunks of meat handed to them! If you have a ceremonial knife in your inventory, the option to use a ceremonial knife to fillet will be visible when choosing to fillet fish. You will automatically use the highest quality knife you have on you. You can only fillet one fish at a time, and doing so starts a long focus timer. The chance of success is greater with high levels of focus, filleting skill, and a good quality ceremonial knife. If you fail, the fish is destroyed and you must try again with a different fish, but this only activates a short focus timer.
16 focus + 7 filleting + Platinum ceremonial knife = 100% chance of success.
The % chance of success is calculated as follows: square root of Focus + (Filleting skill * (Filleting skill + 1)) + Knife bonus. The Knife bonuses are noted below.
Ceremonial Knife (made on a master's forge)
Iron, 10 minutes
- 1 Knife:Iron
- 10 Iron
- 2 resin: feather tree
Bronze, 30 minutes requires Filleting 1 to forge
Silver, 90 minutes requires Filleting 2 to forge
Gold, 270 minutes requires Filleting 3 to forge
Platinum, 810 minutes requires Filleting 4 to forge
- 1 Ceremonial Gold Knife
- 10 Platinum
- 162 resin: Bloodbark
- 1 Template: Platinum Ceremonial Knife (Given out as an event prize)
These knives add 1, 5, 10, 20, and 40% to your chance to fillet delicate fish meat respectively. You do not need to make your own knife, you can get one from someone else to use.
After 777 gifts have been given in Egypt, passing begins weekly, with the highest scoring player passing each week. Runners up are shown, and passes can be retained in the event of a tie.
Pluribus's Guild Chat
[01h37m] Pluribus has changed rank and become an Initiate. [01h37m] Pluribus has joined the guild. Kalmkitty: [01h36m] -welcome :) Pluribus: [01h36m] Hello.... Feedback on Giving fisherman... Pluribus: [01h36m] Overall, I like it... There are a few things that I dont like.... Pluribus: [01h35m] 1) would you use a piece of papyrus that had wrapped fish for any length of time? Kalmkitty: [01h35m] that would be rather smelly Pluribus: [01h35m] 2) Without the addition of any preservatives, I would make the gift rot in the same time that the delicate fish meat does. Kalmkitty: [01h34m] smoked fish maybe? Pluribus: [01h34m] smoking would increase the time to spoil not stop it indefinately. Kalmkitty: [01h34m] dried? Pluribus: [01h33m] Ok, so fish jerky... Have you tried eating even year old unwrapped jerky of any kind? Kalmkitty: [01h33m] no way Pluribus: [01h33m] or wrapped in just paper :-) Pluribus: [01h33m] Exactly :-) Pluribus: [01h32m] Anything you want people to "eat" even if just for a test, should expire. Pluribus [01h31m] Ew you tried to poison me with this rotten gift box... begone and never try and give me anything again... (and you lose all points? :-) Kalmkitty: [01h30m] works for me! but the receiver has to eat it right away Pluribus: [01h29m] Honestly, I dont see a case for WHY you want to let people hang on to them anyway.... They arent a food item... Kalmkitty: [54m] would the receiver need to eat it in order to know if its complatible? maybe they cna just examine it? like pearls? Kalmkitty: [51m] oh my dyslexic fingers sorry Pluribus: [50m] I would make them "eat" it... but it isnt a food so it wont impact stats Kalmkitty: [49m] but spoilage woud impact taste of the fish (the type of fish would be lost) correct? Pluribus: [49m] well I could make it a food but it must spoil then Kalmkitty: [46m] looking at the notes on the test page it says the gift would be immediately consumed upon receiving it... that wouldnt work? Kalmkitty: [45m] only spoils if left in the givers pocket too long. ? Pluribus: [43m] The notes say "An assembled gift is preserved and so does not spoil, but you cannot give a gift to another player using the test menu if you did not assemble it yourself." So why would you ever have one that wasnt given to you? Kalmkitty: [43m] i mean once the gift is assembled.. and not given right awy Kalmkitty: [42m] oh Kalmkitty: [42m] oh i misread..the delicae fish would spoil Kalmkitty: [41m] not hte gift itself....that is preserved Pluribus: [41m] You say that gift spoils if you dont give within 24 hours but if you receive it, it is good forever? Kalmkitty: [41m] no it is consumed immediatley Pluribus: [41m] So we are back to the lack of preservatives and used fish paper. Kalmkitty: [40m] yep Kalmkitty: [40m] lol Blueshift: [12m] ok, so pluribus does raise some good points about spoilage haha Blueshift: [12m] I modified the test page accordingly Blueshift: [11m] so, the assembled gift spoils in the same span as the fish since it contains the fish Blueshift: [11m] its basically like sashimi - you have to eat it soon or .... you'll get sick Blueshift: [11m] and used fish paper is just thrown away, since you can't really clean it Blueshift: [09m] so, I'll make one more change too Blueshift: [09m] if the gift becomes rotten (24 hours pass) and you try and give it to another player as a gift Blueshift: [08m] then, they automatically dislike all aspects of it Blueshift: [08m] normally, you can't make a gift with expired fish meat Blueshift: [08m] but it would be possible to make the gift while its fresh, and it expire later Blueshift: [08m] this discourages that Kalmkitty: [07m] sounds good to me Blueshift: [07m] we could be lenient though, perhaps an 'inspect this gift' option from the test menu Blueshift: [07m] to make sure it isn't already expired if you are unsure Blueshift: [07m] you should be able to tell if it smells bad or something yourself