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This was built off of; we'd like to try to build on Friday, Jan 22 and Saturday, Jan 23. If for some reason, you can't be around during that time, please let us know and/or indicate it here. If you have no care about build order, scratch that here as well. The plan is to build once we have all of the pump tiles.
And please, make sure you've started the Test of Life!
Each Tower MUST be personally owned, please do not guild or make public your construction site. The towers owner is the last person who adds the last material.
Yellow Green & Green Yellow Tiles NEED to be used as yellow, not green
Build procedure...
Elder grabs the mats from the warehouses, leads the builder to the site. Tear down the bonfire.
Elder gives the mats to the builder.
To build a tower requires the materials for an Aqueduct Construction Site (1 canvas, 4 rope, 50 straw) plus:
1 Cistern
5 Copper Pipe
20 Tar
200 Black Raeli Tiles
100 White Raeli Tiles
50 Yellowish Raeli Tiles <=== given last
50 Reddish Raeli Tiles
50 Greenish Raeli Tiles
50 Blueish Raeli Tiles
100 Concrete Once the tower is build, please raise to max height allowed. Tell the elder what the raising costs are.
Istwan - Built
Tedra - Built
Spicy - Built
Anax - Built
Eranu - Built
Aereon - Will be available. Okay with being bumped.
MissBarbara - My man servant can build for me if need be.
Tjutenkamen -Bump me if needed but should be online - will also trade if anyone unsatisfied with their position
Donk79 - not in a hurry, but available subject to storm impairment to internet access
Taemon - Absent saturday (European) night, bump me if I'm not around
Balthazarr - Available almost any time, or my lovely wife can log me in.
Mbizi - should be around
Xanulin - I'm around this weekend, but I will not be online long hours. Bump further if needed.
Traak - bump be down the list if I'm not online, but I should be available
Arame - unconcerned with build order; not available Saturday morning, Rahu can log me in if needed.
Kiara - should be around off and on those days; can move me in the order if need be. Eranu could log as me if needed or vice versa.
Tilana - Hope to be on at 2300CST Friday but may have to work until 0200CST Sat. Bump if needed.
RamDamDar - probably unavailable on friday, but I'll be around on saturday
Shu - available
(open) <=== Phase II (alts at the end)
Materials List
When the pump is being upgraded, nothing else can be done with the pump. If you abandon the upgrade any materials loaded are LOST.
The gearbox requirements MAY change, do not pre-make gearboxes for pump raisings.
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