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1: Test of the Obelisk
Skills: Easy | Duration: 1 week
This is a guild-sponsored test and is easy to pass.
2: Test of Towers
Skills: Easy | Duration: 5 - 10 days
This is a guild-sponsored test and is easy to pass.
3: Test of the People's Pyramid
Skills: Easy | Duration: 1 day
GVF has a Pyramid guild you can join to push some blocks that will pass you for this test. It does take a few hours but is easy with the right food, etc. Please chat Huggz.
4: Test of Life
Difficulty: Medium | Duration: Months
It is not the building, it's the growing! If your Aquaduct tower is not well-located, people will not grow there and your Life (and thus your Oracle) will stall. If this happens to you, your best option is to build another tower on a different line.
5: Test of the Megalopolis
Difficulty: Easy | Duration: 1 day
Megas are group builds, and when a group has all of the materials together to start building their mega, it is common for them to open the Mega to others needing to complete the test. As an example, you may need to bring 1 cut stone block to put into a construction site already built at the Mega site. Add this stone block and when the Mega passes, you pass.
6: Common Options for a 6th Test
Given the difficultly of the 7th test list, people commonly opt for one or both of the following to advance or complete their Oracle.
6A: Test of the Funerary Temple
Difficulty: Not hard just tedious | Duration: 10 days - many months
This test requires that you build a temple and fill it with 200,000+ tiles, maximising a specific scoring system. We have 30+ ovens in which you can bake tiles. Baking tiles requires you to sit attentively at an oven for up to 2 and a half hours, and you will need to bake many, many ovens! You will also need to carry tiles back, so this test is best begun after you can carry a boxed lunch.
It is totally possible to power this test; Huggz and Eimear did a passing temple in under 10 days, working as a team and burning ovens all day long. Most people do not use this approach and instead fill their temple over weeks or months.
6B: Test of Octec's Ghost
Difficulty: Not hard just tedious | Duration: 10 days - many months
We can help you with the materials needed to build your Octec's, including marbles, and may (or may not) have spare crystals to give you. Unless you are extremely lucky and the crystal the University assigns you is a rare one like Osiris, you're going to need to trade not only crystals but materials, basically buying crystals. People with rares can ask basically whatever they want, and 500 gravel is an example of a traded price for rares.
7: Options for the 7th Test
If you do not do both a Temple and an Octec's, you will need to choose one or more tests from the below options in order to Oracle. All of these are big deal, intensive tests in terms of both time and resources. Because goods at GVF are held in common, please speak with an Elder if you're going to have needs for vast amounts of papyrus, ash, potash, metals and other materials. Thanks!
7A: Test of the Library of Alexandria
Please Note: Guild support is available for Library for members who are about to Oracle only. The expectation is that if you want to do Library, which is insanely expensive, you will have six other Architecture tests completed or progressing.
All of these materials are just grinds, and learning to break and then not break buttloads of sheetglass.
The sticking point for most people is not the build materials (we can help you shortcut those via trades!) but the mandibular glue. Happily, glue is available for Library books for those needing Library for their Oracle test.
7B: Throne of Pharaoh
Difficulty: HARD | Duration: Months
This test is basically the 9th rung of hell. You will form a group of 7 with other people, normally in a dedicated Thrones guild. Your group will spend months accumulating goods for the Throne: pearls, silks, complex alloy metals, and basics by the thousands. You will also need tens of thousands of raeli tiles and OMG so much paint.
When you finally begin decorating, each member of your group must be 100% committed to decorating the throne multiple times a day. The decorations demanded by the throne become increasingly insane every time you request a new one. And, if you there is another Thrones group running at the same time, you will be competing against them to make decorations.
7C: Test of Ka
Difficulty: Hard | Duration: Weeks
You're pretty much on your own for this one! We do have silk farms; start early...