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list 4 done july 6th
- tilapia
- moonfish
- ribbon (4PM-4AM) BB, BL, CA, CM, DM, FO, FR, MU, NE, NP, OH, RS, SK SHEMU III to PERET I
- lima (3AM-7AM) CL, CO, MU, NI, RI SHEMU IV to AHKET II
presented: tilapia, moonfish, ribbonfish, limachub --july 6th
- giant crawfish (11AM-7PM) lures: CO, CS, LS, RI PERET III to SHEMU I --eeeeek! ???
- oxy (6pm-3AM) CA, CL, CS, DM, FO, GO, HH, OH, WA, WM, WS AHKHET IV to PERET IV eeeek !! ??
- flying (1AM-8AM) BL, BR, CL, LS, NE, RO, RS, SB, WM AHKHET IV to PERET IV eeek!!??
list 5 done july 6th
mounted/presented to uni: 4 phagrus, 4/4 shelomit's puffer, 4/4 pancake loach, 4/4 serpentfish
- queen lionfish
- orange spongefish
- bottlenose squid
list 6 done july 28th
mounted and brought to uni :
- chromis
- singing lamprey
- bay lobster --not listed on wiki as being in season but found in shemu IV-2.
- Tilefish
need 0 type of these to complete:
- medusafish ---first month is Akh 4
- tigerfish--peret 3
- nile mackerel--first month is peret 4
List 7 done---
mounted/presented to uni:
4 carp, 4 horned pigfish, 4 razorfin, 4 cherry bonefish
Passed test (Peret I)
Need 0 of these (4 mounted for each type):
spoonfish---peret II malapterurus--went off season ak1 rivercrab --went off season ak2