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Events/Uncover the Greatness of our Ancestors' Creations
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Uncover the Greatness of our Ancestors' Creations
History:....... the great teacher..... This thought filled Nakhte's meditating mind. The turbukent sea slapping wavy hands against the creakig ship's hull was ignored. The old sage was single minded with his hope that his people would look backwards and learn, he would have to have patience and trust that others would "hear" to.
Similar thoughts were going through the acolytes' awareness in Memphis. "Yes, we will ready the people!" the priest stated aloud as he rose from his kneeling position. A god's command was not to be ignored. Rough linen robes swished around his legs as he strode to first one acolyte and then another giving orders to alert the people of Egypt.
"Fellow Egyptians, go to your anvil and forge an Archeologist's Shovel. You will need 8 metal. For those without much blacksmithing ability, a low quality can be had easily. If you are talented, try your hand for a higher quality. Tell your brothers and sisters to wait for the time assigned to begin looking for the ancient Monuments long buried. Spread the word and ready yourselves!," was the message each of the priest's servants ran with.
<<OOC: Have an Archaeologist's Shovel in your inventory. The wiki lists the original monument locations for each tale. Find a protruding part of each Monument within 500 coords of those original locations and tell your fellows to come help dig. The contest ends when the last shovelful is finished on the last Monument.>>
Prize for Most Cumulative Work Done:
Top 1 SCHU's wineglass 9,9 k quality
Top 7 ruby lighhtbox
Top 49 potash 30
Prize for Working on the Most Monuments:
Top 1 portable cornerstone
Top 7 ruby lightbox 1
Top 49 sheet glass 10
Prizes for each Monument:
Top 1 glass blades 7
Top 21 charcoal 50
First Shovelful: SCHUvel 9,5 k shovel
Last Shovelful: Beachcombers Fly Rod