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- '''Active: ''' Mox, brucette, Sabuli, AlphaBob, Skyfall, Beer, Ninfa, Bobbi, MrBruce, Robby, B * Mox (4 Votes)1,006 bytes (119 words) - 23:16, 12 January 2017
- === Thank you Shemei Jeni Lukeera Ion OneBanana Hanid Mox ALThazar Hanjo MrB Baltharina Raia Sakura54 === Eastern Grounds - Mox3 KB (455 words) - 21:55, 26 November 2016
- '''Eliminated: ''' Sireba Robby Mox DustiTwister ALThazarr MrB Baltharina Rosie tripps * [[Caress of Wind]] Mox (Size 1)2 KB (253 words) - 16:17, 18 February 2017
- '''1st Place: ''' Mox - 4 Cartouche Certificate * Mox2 KB (257 words) - 17:47, 14 November 2016
- ...inated: ''' ALThazarr Silden Raia Shemei Heterika kuupid Sabuli Asheara Mox * [[Puncture of Dark]] Mox (Size 0)2 KB (256 words) - 13:46, 1 November 2016
- '''1st Place: ''' Mox - 4 Cartouche Certificate * Mox2 KB (255 words) - 01:40, 31 January 2017
- '''Eliminated: ''' Talos Mox Mulamox MrB Rebecca Zhukuram TimberNZ Maddie Baltharina * Mox (5 Votes)2 KB (259 words) - 02:31, 15 December 2016
- '''Eliminated: ''' Istwan Orchid Rania Mox DustiTwister Zhukuram Mulamox Rosie Nitocris * Mox (5 Votes)3 KB (308 words) - 20:27, 28 November 2016
- |44|| Mox || Passed2 KB (244 words) - 15:47, 4 October 2016
- ...s> <s>ALThazarr</s> <span style='color:red'>Qwu(3rd) Nissim(1st)</span> <s>Mox</s> <s>Asheara</s> <s>Sabuli</s> <s>Heterika</s> <s>Silden</s> ...tyle='color:red'>Zhukuram(2nd)</span> <s>Robby</s> <span style='color:red'>Mox(1st)</span> <s>Silentdeth</s>18 KB (3,131 words) - 21:21, 2 May 2017
- '''Group 2 Mox DustiTwister Zhukuram Rania TimberNZ Istwan Nitocris Rosie MrB ALThazarr Mu2 KB (225 words) - 18:34, 21 November 2016
- (PinOr)1630, -675, Tour 17, Vitesse 1630, -675, Mox Tour2 KB (236 words) - 20:50, 29 September 2016
- [[User:Mox/Temple funéraire|Temple Mox]] <br> ! Four 1 7L !!1537,-840!! Public 0% !!Dernière utilisation: Mox 18/1232 KB (3,599 words) - 10:27, 4 February 2017
- | Mox || Min(7), Thot(6), Maat(2), Shu(1), Hapy(4), Buto(4), Anubis(1), Wepwawet(6 KB (864 words) - 01:53, 28 August 2017
- | Mox || February 13, 2017 ||6 KB (758 words) - 17:47, 14 August 2017
- | Mox5 KB (650 words) - 15:52, 29 January 2017
- |demo name = Shemei Jeni Lukeera Ion OneBanana Hanid Mox ALThazar Hanjo MrB Baltharina Raia Sakura545 KB (762 words) - 14:52, 14 January 2017
- February 06, 2017: Egypt recognizes Hamadi for his design at egypt 1499 2826, Mox for his design at egypt 1391 -1032. October 10, 2016: Egypt recognizes krod for his design at egypt 1578 2878, Mox for his design at egypt 1393 -1047.56 KB (7,918 words) - 00:36, 21 July 2017
- January 16, 2017: Egypt recognizes Mox for his design at egypt 1405 -899, passing the Test of Dancing Waters. January 16, 2017: Egypt recognizes Mox for his design at egypt 1407 -905, passing the Test of the Prismatic Optico41 KB (5,886 words) - 00:54, 21 July 2017
- |demo name = Shemei Jeni Lukeera Ion OneBanana Hanid Mox ALThazar Hanjo MrB Baltharina Raia Sakura549 KB (1,510 words) - 14:28, 14 January 2017