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Guilds/SKI Lodge/Chest Archive 20090304
From A Tale in the Desert
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Chest Contents as of 03/04/2009
Chest has 1330 debens of stuff
Largechest owned by SKI Lodge at egypt 991 1363
40 Beeswax 100 Boards 400 Bricks 20 Cabbage 10 Cactus Sap 1 Canvas 20 Catfish 40 Charcoal 20 Clay 1 Clay Mortars 10 Coconut Meat 10 Coconut Water 5 Dates 1 Dirt 40 Firebricks 2 Flint 50 Flower Fertilizer 17 Grass 5 Grilled Cabbage 5 Grilled Carrots 10 Grilled Onions 5 Grilled Peppers 100 Honey 5 Iron 2 Leather 1 Linen 2 Cobra Hood Mushrooms 50 Mutton 5 Nails 20 Oil 100 Onions 2 Rope 20 Rotten Flax 10 Saltpeter 5 Sharpened Stick 20 Slate 4 Tar 50 Thorns 5 Tinder 5 Twine 5 Water in Jugs 107 Wood