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Difference between revisions of "User:Cegaiel/Macros/Wheat/Code"

From A Tale in the Desert
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Line 2: Line 2:
;Ctrl+Alt+W to start macro.
;Ctrl+Alt+W to start macro.
;Ctrl+P to pause script (ie to click Water icon) and Ctrl+P again to resume
;Ctrl+P to pause script (ie to click Water icon) and Ctrl+P again to resume
;The script moves fast, so it might be difficult for it to see the Ctrl+P
;The best time to Pause is during the 2s pause after each cycle
;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused.
;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused.
;Ctrl+R to reload script
;Ctrl+R to reload script
Line 13: Line 15:
IfWinExist eGenesis Client
IfWinExist eGenesis Client
WinGet, GameWinHandle, ID, eGenesis Client
MineNum = 0
MineCycle = 0
NumPulls = 1000
BedNum = 0
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Font, bold
Gui, Font, bold
Gui, Add, Text, vMineNumText, Middle click water icon
Gui, Font, underline
Gui, Add, Text, vMineNumText, Step 1:  Middle click Water icon
Gui, Font, norm
Gui, Font, norm
Gui, Add, Text,,
Gui, Add, Text,,
( LTrim
( LTrim
Hover and middle-click (Click mouse-wheel) on each wheat bed, one by one,
Middle click (click mouse wheel) the Water icon to record its location
until you've clicked on all the beds you want to use. Then click the OK button.
(Drag this box out of the way if any beds are hidden)
If the water icon is NOT showing, then:
Hit Esc, Skills, Empty jugs, Empty one or all jugs
Step 2 will click the icon to bring up the menu
so you can record the Max button. Your jugs will be refilled, too.
P.S. Wait until Step 3 before planting your wheat.
Gui, Show
Gui, Add, Button, default gMineSetLoops, OK
Gui, Show
MineNum = 0
MineCycle = 0
NumPulls = 1000
WinGet, GameWinHandle, ID, eGenesis Client
Line 43: Line 55:
if (WinHandle = GameWinHandle)
if (WinHandle = GameWinHandle)
Gosub, MineRecord
Gosub, Record
Line 55: Line 68:
MineNum = 1
GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Fetching Water...  
GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Fetching Water...
MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
MinePosX := MineX%MineNum%
;Click the water icon
MinePosY := MineY%MineNum%
Click, %MineX1%, %MineY1%
MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
Sleep, 750
Click, %MinePosX%, %MinePosY%
Sleep, 750
;Click the Max button
Click, 513, 423
Click, %MineX2%, %MineY2%
Sleep, 750
Sleep, 750
MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0
MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0
MouseGetPos, MineX%MineNum%, MineY%MineNum%
MouseGetPos, MineX%MineNum%, MineY%MineNum%
if (MineNum = 1)
;MineNum1 will be the water icon location
BedNum = 0
if (MineNum = 1) {
GuiControl, Text, MineNumText, Middle click wheat beds
Gui, Destroy
Click, %MineX1%, %MineY1%
Sleep 500
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
BedNum ++
Gui, Font, bold
Gui, Font, underline
Gui, Add, Text, vMineNumText, Step 2:  Middle click Water MAX button
Gui, Font, norm
Gui, Add, Text,,
( LTrim
The water menu should now be showing...
Middle click the MAX button to record its location...
Your jugs will also be refilled, after recording.
Drag this window out of the way if it is covering the water menu
P.S. You automatically gather water every 3 mins, after wheat is planted.
Recommend about 50 jugs to start out with, depends on how many beds you plant.
Gui, Show
;MinNum2 will be the Water Max button location
} else if (MineNum = 2) {
Gui, Destroy
Click, %MineX2%, %MineY2%
Sleep 500
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Font, bold
Gui, Add, Text, vMineNumText, Step 3:  Middle click Wheat Beds
Gui, Font, norm
Gui, Add, Text,,
( LTrim
Leave this window up and drag out of the way. Now start planting your wheat.
When done planting, quickly, hover and middle-click (Click mouse-wheel)
on each wheat bed, one by one, until you've clicked on all the beds.
Then click the OK button.
Gui, Add, Button, default gStart, OK
Gui, Show
;MineNum3 is wheat bed 1, MineNum4 is wheat bed 2, etc
} else {
BedNum ++
GuiControl, Text, MineNumText, %BedNum% wheat beds captured
GuiControl, Text, MineNumText, %BedNum% wheat beds captured
TotalBeds := MineNum-1
TotalBeds := BedNum
Gui, Submit
Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy
Gui, Destroy
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Font, bold
Gui, Font, bold
Gui, Add, Text, vMineCycleText, Cycle %NumPulls% of %NumPulls%
Gui, Add, Text, vMineCycleText, 5s countdown, drag window out of way of beds
Gui, Font, norm
Gui, Font, norm
Gui, Show
Gui, Show
GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Cycle %MineCycle% of %NumPulls%
GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, 5s countdown, drag window out of way of beds
;Every 3 mins, get water (180s for 3 mins. SetTimer = s*1000 per min, thus 180,000s for 3 mins)
;Every 3 mins, get water (180s for 3 mins. SetTimer = s*1000 per min, thus 180,000s for 3 mins)
;Normally each wheat needs watered every 33 seconds, real time, so 3 mins is plenty of time for water icon to appear.
;Normally each wheat needs watered every 33 seconds, real time, so 3 mins is plenty of time for water icon to appear.
SetTimer, Water, 180000
SetTimer, Water, 180000
; SetTimer, Water, 10000
;You got 5 seconds to drag the status bar out of the way (3s below + and 4 s furthur below
;You got 5 seconds to drag the status window out of the way
Sleep 5000
Sleep 5000
Line 111: Line 173:
;MinNum = 1 is the water icon location, thus why we are starting at 2. MineNum = 1 is only called during the #Persistent
;MineNum1 is the water icon location
;MineNum1 is only called during the Water: subroutine (#Persistent)
;MineNum2 is the water max button location, thus why we are starting at 3, the first wheat bed location.
WinActivate, eGenesis Client
MineNum = 3
BedNum = 1
BedNum = 1
MineNum = 2
MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
Line 124: Line 190:
WinActivate, eGenesis Client
;BlockInput, MouseMove
;BlockInput, MouseMove
GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Cycle %MineCycle%  Bed %BedNum%  
GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Cycle %MineCycle% of %NumPulls%  Bed %BedNum%  
MinePosX := MineX%MineNum%
MinePosX := MineX%MineNum%
MinePosY := MineY%MineNum%
MinePosY := MineY%MineNum%
Line 140: Line 203:
BedNum ++
BedNum ++
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 100
MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0
MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0
GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Cycle %MineCycle%  PAUSE  
GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Cycle %MineCycle% of %NumPulls%  PAUSE (Ctrl+P, if needed)
;BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
;BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
Sleep, 2000
Sleep, 2000

Revision as of 02:48, 1 February 2010

;Ctrl+Alt+W to start macro.
;Ctrl+P to pause script (ie to click Water icon) and Ctrl+P again to resume
;The script moves fast, so it might be difficult for it to see the Ctrl+P
;The best time to Pause is during the 2s pause after each cycle
;The AHK icon in system tray will turn red while paused.
;Ctrl+R to reload script


IfWinExist eGenesis Client

	WinGet, GameWinHandle, ID, eGenesis Client
	MineNum = 0
	MineCycle = 0
	NumPulls = 1000
	BedNum = 0

	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Font, bold
	Gui, Font, underline
	Gui, Add, Text, vMineNumText, Step 1:  Middle click Water icon
	Gui, Font, norm
	Gui, Add, Text,,
	( LTrim
	Middle click (click mouse wheel) the Water icon to record its location

	If the water icon is NOT showing, then:

	Hit Esc, Skills, Empty jugs, Empty one or all jugs

	Step 2 will click the icon to bring up the menu
	so you can record the Max button. Your jugs will be refilled, too.	

	P.S. Wait until Step 3 before planting your wheat.

	Gui, Show

		CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
		KeyWait, MButton, D
		KeyWait, MButton
		MouseGetPos, TestX, TestY, WinHandle
		if (WinHandle = GameWinHandle)

			Gosub, Record
			Gui, Destroy

	GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Fetching Water... 
	MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY
	;Click the water icon
	Click, %MineX1%, %MineY1%			
	Sleep, 750

	;Click the Max button
	Click, %MineX2%, %MineY2%			
	Sleep, 750

	MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0			

	MouseGetPos, MineX%MineNum%, MineY%MineNum%

	;MineNum1 will be the water icon location

	if (MineNum = 1) {
	Gui, Destroy
	Click, %MineX1%, %MineY1%			
	Sleep 500
	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Font, bold
	Gui, Font, underline
	Gui, Add, Text, vMineNumText, Step 2:  Middle click Water MAX button
	Gui, Font, norm
	Gui, Add, Text,,
	( LTrim
	The water menu should now be showing...

	Middle click the MAX button to record its location...
	Your jugs will also be refilled, after recording.

	Drag this window out of the way if it is covering the water menu

	P.S. You automatically gather water every 3 mins, after wheat is planted.

	Recommend about 50 jugs to start out with, depends on how many beds you plant.

	Gui, Show

	;MinNum2 will be the Water Max button location
	} else if (MineNum = 2) {

	Gui, Destroy
	Click, %MineX2%, %MineY2%			
	Sleep 500
	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Font, bold
	Gui, Add, Text, vMineNumText, Step 3:  Middle click Wheat Beds
	Gui, Font, norm
	Gui, Add, Text,,
	( LTrim
	Leave this window up and drag out of the way. Now start planting your wheat.

	When done planting, quickly, hover and middle-click (Click mouse-wheel)
	on each wheat bed, one by one, until you've clicked on all the beds.

	Then click the OK button.

	Gui, Add, Button, default gStart, OK
	Gui, Show

	;MineNum3 is wheat bed 1, MineNum4 is wheat bed 2, etc
	} else	{
	BedNum ++
	GuiControl, Text, MineNumText, %BedNum% wheat beds captured

	TotalBeds := BedNum

	Gui, Submit
	Gui, Destroy
	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
	Gui, Font, bold
	Gui, Add, Text, vMineCycleText, 5s countdown, drag window out of way of beds
	Gui, Font, norm
	Gui, Show
	GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, 5s countdown, drag window out of way of beds

;Every 3 mins, get water (180s for 3 mins. SetTimer = s*1000 per min, thus 180,000s for 3 mins)
;Normally each wheat needs watered every 33 seconds, real time, so 3 mins is plenty of time for water icon to appear.

	SetTimer, Water, 180000
;	SetTimer, Water, 10000

	;You got 5 seconds to drag the status window out of the way
	Sleep 5000

	loop, %NumPulls%

	;MineNum1 is the water icon location 
	;MineNum1 is only called during the Water: subroutine (#Persistent)
	;MineNum2 is the water max button location, thus why we are starting at 3, the first wheat bed location.

			WinActivate, eGenesis Client
			MineNum = 3
			BedNum = 1
			MouseGetPos, OldMX, OldMY

	loop, %TotalBeds%

			;BlockInput, MouseMove

			GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Cycle %MineCycle% of %NumPulls%   Bed %BedNum% 
			MinePosX := MineX%MineNum%
			MinePosY := MineY%MineNum%
			MouseMove, %MinePosX%, %MinePosY%, 0
			Sleep, 100
			Send {H}
			Send {W}
			BedNum ++
			Sleep, 100	

			MouseMove, %OldMX%, %OldMY%, 0			
			GuiControl, Text, MineCycleText, Cycle %MineCycle% of %NumPulls%   PAUSE  (Ctrl+P, if needed)
			;BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
				Sleep, 2000

	Gui, Destroy
	Gui, Add, Text,, Middle-click on this window to end the script.
	Gui, Show