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From A Tale in the Desert
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Raeli Tiles

Bölge Koordinat Renkler FB 3583, -246 white, snow , lavander blush, Sea shell, linen, misty rose , pink,light pink, light solmon , dark solmon , light coral, solmon , tomato , crimson , firebrick , dark red, maroon , Black FB 4784, -883 White, Ghostwhite, Mint Cream, Alice Blue, Lavander, Gainsboro, Pale Turquase, Powder Blue, Light Blue, Sky Blue, Medium Aquamarine, Medium Turquase, Light Sea Green, Steel Blue, Teal, Sea Green, Dark Slate Gray NP -2715, 4092 white , snow, lavander blush , linen , misty rose , pink , light pink , plum , pale violet red , violet red , medium violet red , brown , maroon , black NP -1932, 2875 white , snow, floral white, old lace, beige, antique white , blanched almond , bisque, wheat , pale goldenrod , kahki , burly wood, dark khaki , golden rod, yellow green , dark goldenrod, olive drab , dark olive green , black NP -918, 2705 white , snow, mint cream, honey dew, beige, gainsboro , light gray, pale green , light green , yellow green, lime green , forrest green, dark green , black Khumn -1773, -304 white, snow , white smoke , linen , beige , gainsboro , light gray , silver , dark gray , dark sea green , gray , dim gray , black Khumn -1307 , 1529 white , snow , mint cream , honey dew , gainsboro , pale turquiase , powder blue, aquamarine, pale green, light green , medium aquamarine , medium sea green , sea green , forrest green , dark slate gray , dark green, black Moreo -2815, -2694 White , snow, white smoke, sea shell , linen , Antique white , gainsboro , wheat , tan ,dark khaki, Feldspar ,Peru , sienna , dark olive green Sinai 3220, 4501 white , snow , whitesmoke , lavander blush , lavander , misty rose, gainsboro, thistle, plum , orchid , pale violet red , medium orchid , violet red , medium violet red , dark magenta , purple, dark slate blue , dark slate gray , black SW 2052, 3644 White, Snow , Ghost white, white smoke, Lavander, Gainsboro ,Thistle ,plum ,orchid ,medium purple , medium orchid , dark orchid , dark slate blue, indigo , dark slate gray , Midnight blue, Black CCR -709, 7654 white, ghost white, alice blue, light cyan , pale turquise , light blue , light sky blue , sky blue , medium turquise , deep sky blue , dark turquise , light sea green , dark cyan , teal , dark slate gray , black CCR -416, 6806 white, whitghost white, alice blue,lavander , gainsboro, thistle, light steel blue , medium purple , light slate blue , medium Slate blue ,Slate blue, Royal Blue , Medium Blue , Dark Blue, Midnight blue , Black Total 95 colors Antique White Alice BLue AquaMarine Black 1000 Beige Blenched Almond Bisque Burly Wood Brown Crimson Dark Orchid Dark Gray Dark Sea Green Dark Green Dark Blue Dark Cyan Dark Solmon Dark Slate Blue Dark Slate Gray Dark Magenta Dark Golden Rod Dark Khaki Dark Olive Green Dark Turquaise Deep Sky Blue Dim Gray 500 Feldspar Fire Brick 500 Floral White Forest Green Ghost White Gainsboro Gray 2000 Golden Rod Honey Dew İndigo Linen Light Blue Light Cyan Light Solmon 1500 Light Pink Light Grey Light Green Light Sea Green Light Sky Blue Light Steel Blue Light Slate Blue Lime Green Lavander Lavander Blush 1000 Khaki Maroon Medium Blue Medium Purple Medium Orchid 1000 Medium Turquase Midnight Blue Medium Violet Red Medium Aqua Marine Medium Sea Green Misty Rose 1500 Medium Slate Blue Mint Cream Old Lace Olive Drab Orchid Peru Pink Plum Pale Violet Red 500 Pale Golden Rod Pale Turquase Pale Green Powder Blue 1000 Purple Royal Blue Steel Blue Sky Blue 1500 Sea Green Sea Shell Sienna Silver Solmon Snow Steel Blue 1000 Slate Blue Tan Tomato 1000 Teal Thistle Violet Red White White Smoke Wheat Yellow Green


Yellow green 1 sulfur ,1 clay, 2 earthlight ,7 carrot or 1 EarthLight, 1 RedSand, 6 CabbageJuice, 1 Sulfur, 1 Clay, 1 Carrot

İndian red 5 cabbage 5 carrot

Aquamarine 3 copper 7 earthlight

light blue 5 cabbage, 5 copper 1 sülfür

Dark green 4 toad skin, 1 red sand, 2 copper, 1 saltpeter, 3 clay

Maaroon 4 Carrot, 1 Iron, 5 Cabbage

Green 1 Clay, 1 Lead, 8 Copper, 1 Cabbage, 1 Saltpeter

Pale violet 1 iron 6 cabbage 3 carrot -usia

orange 1 silver 1 clay 7 carrot 1 copper- usia

spring green 4 copper 2 toad 1 potash 1 lead 1 salt -murat

turq. 9copper 1 silver- murat

pale turq. 2 cabbage 7 copper 1 lead

WH ler

1402, 1774 SA 830, -3630 Moreo


Bug in Pyro Contest

<gallery> Image:Pyrobug2.JPG