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Forage notes
Common Rosemary eaten fresh: +4 Str, -3 Dex, -3 Foc and +4 Per
Metals Tale 3
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<googlemap lat="0" lon="0" zoom="1" width="964" height="800" scale="yes" shadows="no" icons="{label}.png" shadow="" iconanchor="6x6">
(I)700, -3708 Kush Iron Quartz
(S)709, -3948 Kush Silver Quartz
(I)461, -4139 Kush Iron Quartz
(I)452, -4143 Kush Iron Quartz
(I)778, -4136 Kush Iron ?
(I)765, -4117 Kush Iron Quartz
(I)734, -3972 Kush Iron Quartz
(U)1028, -3640 Kush Aluminium Quartz
(U)1189, -3628 Kush Aluminium Quartz
(U)1203, -3535 Kush Aluminium Quartz
(U)1445, -3593 Kush Aluminium Quartz
(U)1491, -3582 Kush Aluminium Ruby
(P)1491, -3572 Kush Platinium Ruby
(M)1262 -3245 Magnesium Quartz (U)877 -3331 Aluminum (Z)490 -3792 Zinc Quartz (C)750 -3441 Copper Quartz (C)755 -3433 Copper Quartz (C)760 -3423 Copper Quartz (C)766 -3413 Copper Quartz (T)661 -2826 Tin Quartz (I)579 -2703 Iron Topaz (C)571 -2628 Copper Sapphire
(T)4244, 7859 Tanis Tin
(T)4245, 7869 Tanis Tin Quartz
(T)4236, 7875 Tanis Tin Quartz
(T)4236, 7883 Tanis Tin Quartz
(I)4228, 7882 Tanis Iron Quartz
(N)4011, 7416 Tanis Titanium Topaz
(N)4005, 7408 Tanis Titanium Topaz?
(N)4000, 7401 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(N)3994, 7391 Tanis Titanium Topaz
(N)3989, 7383 Tanis Titanium Topaz
(N)3980, 7377 Tanis Titanium Topaz
(N)3972, 7374 Tanis Titanium Topaz
(N)3964, 7373 Tanis Titanium Topaz
(N)3955, 7373 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(N)3947, 7377 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(N)3914, 7469 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(N)3962, 7421 Tanis Titanium Topaz
(N)4045, 7419 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(N)4043, 7411 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(N)4040, 7403 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(N)4037, 7393 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(N)4033, 7387 Tanis Titanium Quartz
(I)2852, 6845 Tanis Iron Quartz 2109, 6800 Tanis Lithium Quartz 2099, 6800 Tanis Lithium Quartz 2100, 6835 Tanis Lithium Quartz
(I)3307, -759 CotS Iron Emerald
(I)3319, -734 CotS Iron Quartz
(T)4152, -418 CotS Tin Quartz
(C)4132, -414 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4215, -415 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4227, -412 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4247, -407 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4256, -407 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4265, -402 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4275, -400 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4284, -399 CotS Copper Ruby
(C)4306, -395 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4314, -393 CotS Copper Quartz
(Z)4257, -694 CotS Zinc Emerald
(Z)4255, -706 CotS Zinc Emerald
(Z)4257, -718 CotS Zinc Emerald
(Z)4252, -727 CotS Zinc Quartz
(Z)4251, -735 CotS Zinc Quartz
(L)3791, -2212 CotS Lead Quartz
(L)3784, -2228 CotS Lead Quartz
(C)3926, -319 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)3974, -262 CotS Copper Topaz
(T)3991, -265 CotS Tin Topaz
(I)4001, -306 CotS Iron Emerald
(I)4008, -302 CotS Iron Emerald
(I)4015, -297 CotS Iron Emerald
(I)4027, -293 CotS Iron Emerald
(I)4072, -273 CotS Iron Quartz
(I)4080, -270 CotS Iron Quartz
(C)4070, -357 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4284, -399 CotS Copper Ruby
(C)3926, -431 CotS Copper Ruby
(C)4180, -561 CotS Copper Topaz
(C)3383, -332 CotS Copper Topaz
(C)3392, -338 CotS Copper Topaz
(C)4729, -49 CotS Copper Quartz
(C)4158, -1097 CotS Copper Quartz
(M)2805, -532 CotS Magnesium Quartz
(M)2797, -534 CotS Magnesium Quartz
(C)2745, -482 CotS Copper Quartz
(W)2745, -473 CotS Tungsten Quartz
(W)2745, -464 CotS Tungsten Quartz
(W)2745, -456 CotS Tungsten Quartz
(W)2745, -448 CotS Tungsten Quartz
(C)2745, -439 CotS Copper Topaz
(C)2745, -419 CotS Copper Topaz
(M)2677, -499 CotS Magnesium Quartz
(Z)3702, -2384 CotS Zinc Quartz (C)3556, -2475 CotS Copper Quartz
(I)1008, 7176 LE Iron Ruby
(I)982, 7189 LE Iron Topaz
(I)965, 7199 LE Iron Topaz
(I)949, 7204 LE Iron Quartz
(I)940, 7204 LE Iron Quartz
(I)933, 7209 LE Iron Quartz
(I)922, 7208 LE Iron Quartz
(I)913, 7208 LE Iron Topaz
(I)974, 7207 LE Iron Quartz
(I)984, 7202 LE Iron Quartz
(I)998, 7196 LE Iron Topaz
(I)896, 7370 LE Iron Quartz
(I)896, 7358 LE Iron Quartz
(T)899, 7340 LE Tin Quartz
(T)911, 7317 LE Tin ?
(T)903, 7316 LE Tin Ruby
(I)894, 7316 LE Iron Ruby
(C)902, 7309 LE Copper Ruby
(T)911, 7309 LE Tin Ruby
(T)913, 7336 LE Tin Quartz
(I)894, 7382 LE Iron Quartz
(C)896, 7397 LE Copper Quartz
(I)888, 7397 LE Iron Quartz
(C)884, 7408 LE Copper Quartz
(I)883, 7432 LE Iron Quartz
(I)882, 7443 LE Iron Topaz
(C)927, 7462 LE Copper Ruby
(C)952, 7453 LE Copper Ruby
(C)960, 7446 LE Copper Quartz
(I)796, 7149 LE Iron Quartz (T)828, 7205 LE Tin Quartz
(C)774, 7209 LE Copper Topaz
(C)739, 7412 LE Copper ? (C)701, 7544 LE Copper ? (T)747, 7582 LE Tin Quartz (T)760, 7562 LE Tin Quartz (C)802, 7514 LE Copper ? (C)829, 7443 LE Copper ?
(T)828, 7229 LE Tin ? (T)817, 7223 LE Tin Quartz (L)1344, 6825 LE Lead Quartz (L)1345, 6831 LE Lead Quartz (L)1352, 6834 LE Lead Quartz (L)1360, 6842 LE Lead Topaz
(L)1360, 6825 LE Lead Quartz (L)1360, 6817 LE Lead Quartz (L)1360, 6809 LE Lead Quartz (L)1368, 6810 LE Lead Quartz (L)1369, 6818 LE Lead Quartz (L)1368, 6826 LE Lead Quartz (L)1377, 6826 LE Lead Quartz (C)1040, 6998 LE Copper Quartz
(T)1639, 4123 UE Tin Quartz (C)1415, 4248 UE Copper Quartz (W)1426, 4261 UE Tungsten Quartz
(U)1217, -799 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (U)1224, -799 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (U)1232, -799 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (U)1238, -808 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (U)1229, -808 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (U)1226, -791 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (U)1215, -790 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (U)1206, -790 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (T)1420, -767 Karnak Tin Quartz (C)1491, -965 Karnak Copper Quartz (U)1482, -952 Karnak Aluminium Quartz (C)1481, -950 Karnak Copper Quartz (N)722, 605 Karnak Titanium Sapphire (N)739, 617 Karnak Titanium Sapphire
(I)1739, 1792 7 Lakes Iron Quartz (I)1740, 1847 7 Lakes Iron Quartz (C)1678, 1899 7 Lakes Copper Quartz (C)1724, 1908 7 Lakes Copper Quartz (T)1803, 1912 7 Lakes Tin Quartz (T)1789, 1919 7 Lakes Tin Quartz (C)1813, 1979 7 Lakes Copper Quartz (C)1832, 2004 7 Lakes Copper Quartz (Z)1829, 2088 7 Lakes Zinc Quartz (I)1706, 2075 7 Lakes Iron Ruby (T)1670, 2170 7 Lakes Tin Quartz (C)1613, 2249 7 Lakes Copper Ruby (C)1604, 2256 7 Lakes Copper Ruby (I)1293, 1669 7 Lakes Iron ? (I)1958, 1733 7 Lakes Iron Quartz (C)2089, 1837 7 Lakes Copper ? (C)1324, 2183 7 Lakes Copper Quartz (C)1338, 2175 7 Lakes Copper Quartz (I)1312, 2132 7 Lakes Iron Quartz
(C)4165, -1119 Copper Alphaviper (I)4149, -1119 Iron Alphaviper
Khartoum Lake
(A)155, -6107 (N)145, -6105 Lithium 843 -5552 Lithium 1713 -6282 Lithium 1711 -6296 (Z)1088, -6686, (Z)1076, -6683 (S)976, -4421 (S)976, -4430 (S)985, -4433 (I)98, -6357 (I)98,-6350 (I)85,-63 (C)751, -7688 (C)566, -7669 (C)332, -7476 (C)587, -7684 (C)340, -7454 (C)354, -7443 (C)309, -7482 (C)553, -7661 (U)701, -7692 (U)701, -7647 (U)693, -7617 (U)686, -7567 (U)701, -7621 (U)609, -7520 (U)583, -7506 (L)409, -7416 (P)690, -7606 (P)690, -7596 (P)680, -7606 (P)707, -7600 (P)698, -7594 (Z)351, -7467 (Z)358, -7476 (Z)367, -7485 (T)385, -7496 (Z)1158, -7188 (Z)1150, -7193 (Z)1141, -7198 (Z)1124, -7202 (C)1125, -7155 (C)1116, -7152 (C)1107, -7149 (C)1097, -7144 (T)605, -6598
KPW Mines
(L)188, -3135 Lead ? Initiate not monitored (L)178, -3147 Lead Saphire Initiate not monitored (U)1251, -3137 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1260, 3142 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (P)1254, -3152 Platinum ? Initiate not monitored (P)1245, 3154 Platinum ? Initiate not monitored (M)1193, 3169 Magnesium ? Initiate not monitored (U)1203, -3171 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (M)1218, -3154 Magnesium ? Initiate not monitored (P)1231, -3148 Platinum ? Initiate not monitored (P)1232, -3155 Platinum ? Initiate not monitored (P)1239, -3163 Platinum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1234, -3172 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1205, -3183 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1198, -3187 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1204, -3203 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (M)1211, -3219 Magnesium ? Initiate not monitored (W)1214, -3227 Tungsten ? Initiate not monitored (U)1244, -3296 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1254, -3312 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1258, -3323 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1263, -3331 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1267, -3339 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1273, -3349 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (U)1277, -3356 Aluminum ? Initiate not monitored (M)1249, -3211 Magnesium ? Initiate not monitored (M)1214, -3201 Magnesium ? Initiate not monitored Khartoum 850, -5577 Lithium Quartz Initiate not monitored
Lolly (G)1408, 3052 Gold Ruby Upper Egypt (G)1417, 3080 Gold Ruby Upper Egypt (S)1395, 3390 Silver Quartz Upper Egpyt (S)1395, 3372 Silver Quartz Upper Egpyt (S)1379, 3388 Silver Quartz Upper Egpyt (S)1339, 3224 Silver Ruby Upper Egpyt (S)1349, 3343 Silver Quartz Upper Egpyt (S)1787, 6350 Silver Quartz Lower Egypt (S)1787, 6342 Silver Quartz Lower Egypt
Please use the following tags to indicate ore on the national Dowsing map:
- (U) tag for Aluminum Ore
- (A) tag for Antimony Ore
- (C) tag for Copper Ore
- (G) tag for Gold Ore
- (I) tag for Iron Ore
- (L) tag for Lead Ore
- (M) tag for Magnesium Ore
- (P) tag for Platinum Ore
- (V) tag for Silver Ore
- (T) tag for Tin Ore
- (N) tag for Titanium Ore
- (W) tag for Tungsten Ore
- (Z) tag for Zinc Ore