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Revision as of 06:43, 9 January 2009 by Quin (talk | contribs) (New page: I primarily use [ AutoHotKey] on my PC. However, I will shortly be experimenting with Applescript, as I usually play the game on my Mac Laptop. = AutoHotKey Scr...)
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I primarily use AutoHotKey on my PC. However, I will shortly be experimenting with Applescript, as I usually play the game on my Mac Laptop.

AutoHotKey Scripts


Description & Usage

This is an edited version of a macro Tesuji of T3 wrote. I rewrote it in T3 for operating my 10 charcoal ovens, but it actually can support 12 ovens. You must be in full-screen (not window) mode for this macro to work properly. It has settings to make the mouse move super-fast, so I typically don't have this macro always running in the background.

Controls are as follows:

  • Setup
    • Ctrl+Shift+Z: Add a window and position it. Hover the mouse over the window and press this key. Do not move a window after it has been placed.
    • Ctrl+Shift+X: Clear all window settings. You must set them up again by using Ctrl+Shift-Z on each window.
    • Ctrl+Shift+R: Begin recalibrating relative button positions.
  • Buttons
    • Ctrl+Shift+Q: Press Begin on all windows.
    • Ctrl+Shift+W: Add wood to all windows.
    • Ctrl+Shift+E: Add water to all windows.
    • Ctrl+Shift+A: Close all vents.
    • Ctrl+Shift+S: Set all vents to partially open.
    • Ctrl+Shift+D: Open all vents.


#SingleInstance force

SendMode Play
SetMouseDelay, 10, Play

; Number of columns before going to next row
ColumnCount := 4

; Relative positions of each location.
; Set here permanently or recalibrate every time.
SizeX := 222
SizeY := 239
BeginX := 105
BeginY := 215
WoodX := 34
WoodY := 222
WaterX := 76
WaterY := 222
CloseX := 128
CloseY := 222
MiddleX := 155
MiddleY := 222
OpenX := 179
OpenY := 222

WindowCount := 0
IsCalibrating := false

  global ColumnCount
  global SizeX
  return (Floor(Mod(Index, ColumnCount))) * SizeX

  global ColumnCount
  global SizeY
  return (Floor(Index / ColumnCount)) * SizeY

ClickAll(RelX, RelY)
  global WindowCount
  Loop %WindowCount%
    x := BaseX(A_Index - 1) + RelX
    y := BaseY(A_Index - 1) + RelY
    ControlClick, X%x% Y%y%, ahk_class eGenesis Client,,,, NA
;    Click %x%, %y%

if IsCalibrating
; else
  x := 0
  y := 0
  MouseGetPos, x, y
  MouseClickDrag, Left, %x%, %y%, 1, 1
  MouseClickDrag, Left, 1, 1, % BaseX(WindowCount) , % BaseY(WindowCount)
  WindowCount := WindowCount + 1

WindowCount := 0
MsgBox, 0, , % "Clearing Window Positions"

if IsCalibrating
  IsCalibrating := false
  MsgBox, 0, , % "Ending Recalibration Mode"
; else
  IsCalibrating := true
  MsgBox, 0, , % "Beginning Recalibration Mode. Press Control-h for help."

if IsCalibrating
  MsgBox, 0, % "Calibration Mode", % "Calibrate each button hotkey. First, move a Charcoal Oven window to the upper-left corner of the screen. Then move the mouse over each kind of button and press the associated hotkey. Current status:`n"
  . "Begin (q): (" . BeginX . ", " . BeginY . ")`n"
  . "Wood (w): (" . WoodX . ", " . WoodY . ")`n"
  . "Water(e): (" . WaterX . ", " . WaterY . ")`n"
  . "Close(a): (" . CloseX . ", " . CloseY . ")`n"
  . "Middle(s): (" . MiddleX . ", " . MiddleY . ")`n"
  . "Open (d): (" . OpenX . ", " . OpenY . ")`n`n"
  . "To finish calibrating, press Control-R`n"
  . "Change the appropriate variables in the script to make calibration permanent."
; else
  MsgBox, 0, % "Run Mode", % WindowCount . " windows active.`n"
  . "Keys:`n"
  . "Control+Shift-z: Add a window and position it. Hover the mouse over the window and press this key. Do not move a window after it has been placed.`n"
  . "Control+Shift-x: Clear all window settings. You must set them up again by using control-a on each window.`n"
  . "Control+Shift-r: Begin recalibrating relative button positions`n"
  . "Control+Shift-q: Press Begin on all windows`n"
  . "Control+Shift-w: Add wood to all windows`n"
  . "Control+Shift-e: Add water to all windows`n"
  . "Control+Shift-a: Close all vents`n"
  . "Control+Shift-s: Set all vents to partially open`n"
  . "Control+Shift-d: Open all vents"

if IsCalibrating
  MouseGetPos, BeginX, BeginY
; else
  ClickAll(BeginX, BeginY)

if IsCalibrating
  MouseGetPos, WoodX, WoodY
; else
  ClickAll(WoodX, WoodY)

if IsCalibrating
  MouseGetPos, WaterX, WaterY
; else
  ClickAll(WaterX, WaterY)

if IsCalibrating
  MouseGetPos, CloseX, CloseY
; else
  ClickAll(CloseX, CloseY)

if IsCalibrating
  MouseGetPos, MiddleX, MiddleY
; else
  ClickAll(MiddleX, MiddleY)

if IsCalibrating
  MouseGetPos, OpenX, OpenY
; else
  ClickAll(OpenX, OpenY)

Carpentry Blades

Description & Usage

This script is meant to automate the manufacturing of carpentry blades! It will *not* load or unload the blades, so you have a chance to make sure quality is to your standards.

Get overhead view (F8 twice) and zoom in completely. Position mouse directly over upper-left point of carpentry blade, then press Ctrl+Shift+G. This script will plot your future hammer hits.

Have your chat minimized! Then press Ctrl+Shift+H to use the numbers generated above on the carp blade. If you move at all, or it doesn't quite work right, you will need to reset the numbers (Ctrl+Shift+G).

Be sure to turn on "Chat appears above player's head" in "Chat-related Options" so you can easily see the Quality at the end of the macro.


;This script is meant to automate the manufacturing of carpentry blades!

;  Get overhead view (F8 twice) and zoom in completely.
;  Position mouse directly over upper-left point of carpentry blade,
;  then press Ctrl+Shift+G.  This script will plot your hammer hits.

MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos

  x9 = %xpos%
  x9 += 9
 x20 = %xpos%
 x20 += 20
 x26 = %xpos%
 x26 += 26
 x33 = %xpos%
 x33 += 33
 x39 = %xpos%
 x39 += 39
 x51 = %xpos%
 x51 += 51
 x58 = %xpos%
 x58 += 58
 x71 = %xpos%
 x71 += 71
 x84 = %xpos%
 x84 += 84
 x90 = %xpos%
 x90 += 90
 x97 = %xpos%
 x97 += 97
x110 = %xpos%
x110 += 110
x123 = %xpos%
x123 += 123
x129 = %xpos%
x129 += 129
x141 = %xpos%
x141 += 141
x148 = %xpos%
x148 += 148
x154 = %xpos%
x154 += 154
x161 = %xpos%
x161 += 161
x172 = %xpos%
x172 += 172

  y2 = %ypos%
  y2 += 2
 y12 = %ypos%
 y12 += 12
 y38 = %ypos%
 y38 += 38
 y54 = %ypos%
 y54 += 54
 y64 = %ypos%
 y64 += 64
 y77 = %ypos%
 y77 += 77
 y92 = %ypos%
 y92 += 92
y114 = %ypos%
y114 += 114


;  This command will use the stored numbers to make a carpentry blade.
;  If you moved at all, you'll need to use the command above first to
;  allign everything.  
;  Be sure to have your chat window closed before you start!
;  When ready, press Ctrl+Shift+H.


MouseMove %x90%, %y64%

Send s9
  Click %x9%, %y114%
  Click %x172%, %y114%
  Click %x33%, %y114%
  Click %x148%, %y114%
  Click %x58%, %y114%
  Click %x123%, %y114%
  Click %x84%, %y114%
  Click %x97%, %y114%

Send c9
  Click %x20%, %y114%
  Click %x161%, %y114%
  Click %x71%, %y114%
  Click %x110%, %y114%

Send c4
  Click %x90%, %y64%
  Click %x58%,  %y64%
  Click %x123%, %y64%

Send b9
  Click %x26%,  %y54%
  Click %x154%, %y54%
  Click %x26%,  %y2%
  Click %x154%, %y2%
  Click %x33%,  %y12%
  Click %x148%, %y12%
  Click %x39%,  %y2%
  Click %x141%, %y2%

MouseMove %x90%, %y64%

Send c5
  Click %x51%, %y77%
  Click %x129%, %y77%

Send b3
  Click %x58%, %y92%
  Click %x123%, %y92%
  Click %x33%, %y92%
  Click %x148%, %y92%
  Click %x20%, %y92%
  Click %x161%, %y92%
  Click %x9%, %y92%
  Click %x172%, %y92%

Send s3
  Click %x51%, %y54%
  Click %x129%, %y54%
  Click %x71%, %y38%
  Click %x110%, %y38%

Send q


InputBox, Input, Carp Blade Count, How many blades will you make?,, 220, 120

Loop %Input% 
Click 800, 80
  Sleep 100
Click 800, 80
  Sleep 500
MouseMove %x90%, %y64%

Send s9
  Click %x9%, %y114%
  Click %x172%, %y114%
  Click %x33%, %y114%
  Click %x148%, %y114%
  Click %x58%, %y114%
  Click %x123%, %y114%
  Click %x84%, %y114%
  Click %x97%, %y114%

Send c9
  Click %x20%, %y114%
  Click %x161%, %y114%
  Click %x71%, %y114%
  Click %x110%, %y114%

Send c4
  Click %x90%, %y64%
  Click %x58%,  %y64%
  Click %x123%, %y64%

Send b9
  Click %x26%,  %y54%
  Click %x154%, %y54%
  Click %x26%,  %y2%
  Click %x154%, %y2%
  Click %x33%,  %y12%
  Click %x148%, %y12%
  Click %x39%,  %y2%
  Click %x141%, %y2%

MouseMove %x90%, %y64%

Send c5
  Click %x51%, %y77%
  Click %x129%, %y77%

Send b3
  Click %x58%, %y92%
  Click %x123%, %y92%
  Click %x33%, %y92%
  Click %x148%, %y92%
  Click %x20%, %y92%
  Click %x161%, %y92%
  Click %x9%, %y92%
  Click %x172%, %y92%

Send s3
  Click %x51%, %y54%
  Click %x129%, %y54%
  Click %x71%, %y38%
  Click %x110%, %y38%

Send q

Click 900, 195
Keywait, y, D T10
  if ErrorLevel
Click 475, 435