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Line 242: Line 242:
(BlF) -750, -6750, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -6750 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013)     
(BlF) -750, -6750, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -6750 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013)     
(BlF) -750, -7000, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -7000 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013)       
(BlF) -750, -7000, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -7000 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013)       
(BlF) -750, -7250, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -7250 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013)      
(BlF) -750, -7250, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -7250 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013) Will disappear on March 1, 2013     
(BlF) -750, -7500, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -7500 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013) Will disappear on March 1, 2013     
(BlF) -750, -7500, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -7500 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013) Will disappear on March 1, 2013     
(BlF) -750, -7750, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -7750 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013) Will disappear on March 1, 2013
(BlF) -750, -7750, 1 Fennec Cage -750 -7750 (rebuilt/confirmed 2/4/2013) Will disappear on March 1, 2013

Revision as of 16:21, 9 February 2013

Fennec Trap Information

If there are missing fennec traps at some locations just replace them. Traps disintgrate after 30days.

Please make your traps Public. As there are several fennecs in traps nearby, this will assist others in finding them and reduce the number of traps on the line. As each duplicate can capture one of the elusive creatures, there are plenty to find and share.

The Map is not very accurate and hard to maintain.  I'm not sure how to change or improve it.  
The trap lines in the SW sections (South Egpyt and Hinterlands) extend all the way to the western
edge of the map and down to the southern end of the map. There ARE fennecs there.
Perhaps someone can figure out a better layout.  
Zhukuram 14:30, 15 April 2012 (EST)
I made a major change to the coordinate list which should make it much easier to add new pins or find and change pin info.
See the discussion page for more info.--Wyphy 18:15, 28 July 2012 (EST)
This map does not appear to be up to date as of January 2013. Many of the cages in the desert to the west of South Egypt and close to the bottom of the map have disappeared already. I am attempting to
update the map and put all rebuilt or confirmed traps in blue -- Ankhotep 4 February 2013

Cage Map

This map uses the CondMap template, if this map imports data from other maps please edit those. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages

Public Fennec Traps

-500, -2000 7L, 2012-01-27

-202, -512 7L, 2011-12-27

1, -497 7L, 2011-12-27

202, -502 7L, 2011-12-27

400, -500 7L, 2011-12-27

-200, -700 7L, 2011-12-27

0, -700 7L, 2011-12-27

200, -700 7L, 2011-12-27

410, -726 7L, 2011-12-27

0, -900 7L, 2011-12-27

200, -900 7L, 2011-12-27

0, -1100 7L, 2011-12-27

200, -1100 7L, 2011-12-27

0, -1300 7L, 2011-12-27

200, -1300 7L, 2011-12-27

411, -1290 7L, 2011-12-27

600, -1300 7L, 2011-12-27

-300, 650 DoS, 2011-12-30

List of Fennec signs and captures

Please enter new catches under the previous catch!! And please be a sport and make your cages public after a catch. Thanks. Added by: means who built the cage

Region Coord X,Y Subspecies Signs or capture Public/Private Added by Last checked by RL date + time (EST) checked Egypt date and Time
South Egypt 2700, -5050 Short Haired capture public Daedilus Daedilus 30 June 2012 Peret IV-4
River Plains 750, 3500 Pygmy capture public Anish Anish 09 June 2012 Peret II-6
Hinterlands 2250, 5750 Ruddy capture public Glixis Glixis 18 April 2012 Akhet I-14
Hinterlands -1600, -8100 Bushy-Tailed capture public Zhukuram Zhukuram 15-April-2012 Akhet I-6
Hinterlands -2000, -6250 Ruddy capture public Zhukuram Zhukuram 14-April-2012 Akhet I-3
Hinterlands -2500, -7500 Furry capture public Zhukuram Zhukuram 15-April-2012 Akhet I-6
South Egypt -500, -7500 Ruddy capture public Eclypse Eclypse 29-Dec-2011 Akhet III-17
South Egypt -500, -7500 Ruddy capture public Eclypse Nissim 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-18
South Egypt -500, -7500 Ruddy capture public Eclypse lilinou 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-18
South Egypt +3200, -6050 Short-Haired capture public Nissim Nissim 29-Dec-2011 Akhet III-15
South Egypt +3200, -5900 Short-Haired capture public Sunstrider Sunstrider 29-Dec-2011 Akhet III-16
South Egypt +2700, -5300 Short-Haried capture public Mortality Arame 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-19
DoS -650, 700 Pygmy capture public Nissim Nissim 29-Dec-2011 Akhet III-15
DoS -350, 700 Pygmy capture public Tabi TheMazeEcho 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-18
DoS -250, 700 Pygmy capture public Tabi Taral 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-19
Lake of Reeds 3600, 7100 Sharp-Toothed capture public Nissim Nissim 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-16
Lake of Reeds 3600, 7100 Sharp-Toothed capture public lilinou lilinou 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-17
Lake of Reeds 3350, 7200 Sharp-Toothed capture public 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-17
Lake of Reeds 3600, 7100 Sharp-Toothed capture public Nissim Arame 30-Dec-2011 Akhet III-19
Lake of Reeds 3350, 6950 Sharp-Toothed capture public Sunstrider TheMazeEcho 31-Dec-2011 Akhet III-19
South Egypt -500, -7500 Ruddy capture public Ecylpse Nuit 31-Dec-2011 Akhet III-19
South Egypt -750, -7500 Furry capture public Nuit Amora 25-March-2012 Shemu III-9
South Egypt -500, -3500 Brown Signs public Mortality Mortality 31-Dec-2011 Akhet III-19
Hinterlands -500, -3000 Pygmy Capture public Illusid Misty 20-Feb-2012 Peret IV-8
South Egypt -500, -3750 Brown Signs public Mortality Mortality 31-Dec-2011 Akhet III-19
South Egypt -500, -7500 Ruddy Capture public Anthaeus niceguy 2-Jan-2012 Akhet III-26 11:30AM
South Egypt -1000, -3250 Brown Signs public Pheros Pheros 31-Dec-2011 Akhet III-19
Desert of Shades 0, 750 Pygmy Capture public Eclypse Anthaeus 31-Dec-2011 Akhet III-20
South Egypt -2000, -4750 Furry Capture public Pheros Pheros 31-Dec-2011 Akhet III-20
South Egypt -1990, -4500 None None None Eclypse Shepara-Ka 18-Mar-2012 Shemu II-20 (This cage no longer exists)
Desert of Shades -150, 700 Pygmy Capture public DisShovel DisShovel 31-Dec-2011 Akhet III-21
Desert of Shades -150, 700 Pygmy Capture public DisShovel Ahkten 1-Jan-2012 Akhet III-24
Hinterlands (SE) -1500, -4500 Furry Signs public Ruby niceguy 2-Jan-2012 Akhet III-26, 1:33PM
South Egypt (SE) -250, -7750 Bushy Tail Signs public Rashida niceguy 2-Jan-2012 Akhet III-26, 11:20 AM
South Egypt (SE) -750, -7500 Ruddy Capture public Rashida ? 1-Jan-2012 Akhet III-23, 7am
Desert of Shades -500, 500 Pygmy Capture public akc2 tiri 1-Jan-2012 Akhet III-23 7:42 am
Desert of Shades -500, 750 Pygmy Capture public Skyfeather LuluDivine 2-Jan-2012 Akhet III-25 12:30am
Desert of Shades -750, 1000 Pygmy Capture public Pheros niceguy 2-Jan-2012 Akhet III-26 8:50am
South Egypt (SE) -750, -7750 Ruddy Capture public akc2 niceguy 2-Jan-2012 Akhet III-26, 11:42 am
Desert of Shades -750, 1000 Pygmy Capture public Pheros Sheeps-kaf 3-Jan-2012 Akhet III-28 11:30am
South Egypt (SE) -750, -7500 Ruddy Capture public DisShovel DisShovel 3-Jan-2012 Akhet III-28, 2:42 pm
Lake of Reeds 3350, 6900 Sharp-Toothed Capture public Marrick Marrick 6-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-7, 1:42 am
Desert of Shades -250, 1250 Pygmy Capture public Eclypse Marrick 6-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-7, 10:44 pm
Desert of Shades -400, 955 Pygmy Capture public ? Jazkar 7-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-8, 5:45 pm
South Egypt -250, -7500 Ruddy Capture public Avanya Avanya 9-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-15 3:45 am
Desert of Shades -250, 1500 Pygmy Capture public Avanya Avanya 9-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-15 10:44 am
South egypt -250, -8000 Bushy tail Capture public Suze Suze 10-Jan-2012
South Egypt -101, -7500 Ruddy Capture Public Mudkest 10-jan-2012 Akhet IV-17 10:50 PM
South Egypt -65, 8001 Bushy tail Capture Public Mudkest 10-jan-2012 Akhet IV-17 11:27 PM
Desert of Shades -750, 1250 Pygmy capture public Mudkest 11-jan-2012 Akhet IV-20 5:05AM
South Egypt -1000, -5250 Brown Capture Public Iset 12-jan-2012 Akhet IV-22 02:45AM
South Egypt -1250, -5250 Brown Capture Public Joey 12-jan-2012 Akhet IV-22 04:00AM
South Egypt -1000, -5250 Brown Capture Public Mudkest 12-jan-2012 Akhet IV-23 05:45AM
South Egypt -500, -6000 Brown Capture Public Rana Rana 26-May-2012 Y2 Akhet IV-29 04:02AM
South Egypt -750, -6000 Brown Capture Public Zhukuram Zhukuram 26-May-2012 Y2 Akhet IV-29 04:02AM
South Egypt -1000, -5000 Brown Capture Public Avanya Reese 12-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-24 4:10 am
South Egypt -250, -5000 Brown Capture Public Eclypse Menoblack 13-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-26 5:20 am
South Egypt -250, -7500 Bushy tail Capture Public Eclypse Menoblack 13-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-26 8:30 am
Desert of Shades -250, 1250 Pygmy Capture Public Eclypse Menoblack 13-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-26 7:55 pm
South Egypt -500, -5000 Furry Capture Public Daniels Daniels 13-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-27 4:37 am
Seven Lakes 2200, -4050 Short Haired Capture Public Mortality Mortality 14-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-28 1:21 pm
South Egypt -750, -5000 Furry Capture Public Mortality Mortality 14-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-28 5:01 pm
South Egypt -250, -4500 Brown Capture Public Mortality Mortality 14-Jan-2012 Akhet IV-28 6:03 pm
South Egypt -250, -4750 Brown Capture Public ? Tamb 12-Feb-2012 Peret III-16
South Egypt -750, -5250 Brown Capture Public Pheros Doodi 15-Jan-2012 Peret I-1 7:10 am
South Egypt -1000, -4750 Furry Capture Public NChanter Doodi 15-Jan-2012 Peret I-1 7:30 am
South Egypt -900, -7900 Bushy-Tail Capture Public Flowbar Doodi 15-Jan-2012 Peret I-1 10:20 am
South Egypt 0, -8000 Ruddy Capture Public Payna Doodi 15-Jan-2012 Peret I-1 11:00 am
7 Lakes 2450, -3550 Short Haired Capture Public Mortality? WhiteTiger Jan-16-2012 Peret I-2 10:20pm
South Egypt -250, -7750 Ruddy Capture Public Pheros WhiteTiger Jan-16-2012 Peret I-3 2:30am
South Egypt -1000, -7500 Bushy Capture Public Eclypse WhiteTiger Jan-16-2012 Peret I-3 4:15am
Hinterlands -1000, -5250 Brown Capture Public Pheros WhiteTiger Jan-16-2012 Peret I-3 6am
South Egypt -750, -5250 Brown Capture Public Pheros Jazkar Jan-16-2012 Peret I-3 6:00pm
South Egypt -500, -5250 Furry Capture Public Pheros Jazkar Jan-16-2012 Peret I-3 6:08pm
Hinterlands -1000, -7500 Bushy-tailed Capture Public Remco Jazkar Jan-16-2012 Peret I-3 8:34pm
South Egypt -750, -5250 Brown Capture Public Pheros Taral Jan-16-2012 Peret I-5 6:47am
South Egypt -500, -5250 Furry Capture Public Pheros Taral Jan-16-2012 Peret I-5 6:58am
Hinterlands -1000, -7500 Bushy-tailed Capture Public Remco Taral Jan-16-2012 Peret I-5 8:26am
South Egypt -500, -5000 Furry Capture Public Pheros Menoblack Jan-17-2012 Peret I-6 11:17am
South Egypt -1250, -5500 brown Capture Public Taral Feyth Jan-16-2012 Peret I-8 8:13am
South Egypt -750, -7250 Bushy Capture Public Eclipse Jaxum Jan-16-2012 Peret I-8 11:20 pm
South Egypt -750, -4250 Furry Capture Public Avanya Reese Jan-23-2012 Peret I-22 8pm
Hinterlands -1000, -8000 Ruddy Capture Public Kanara Kanara Jan-24-2012 Peret I-24 8:02pm
Seven Lakes -500, -1500 Pigmy Capture Public Daxier Daxier Jan-24-2012 Peret I-24 8:14pm
Hinterlands -1250, -4450 Brown Capture Public AbesG AbesG Jan-25-2012 Peret I-27 4:00pm
South Egypt -500, -7750 Bushy-Tailed Capture Public AbesG AbesG Jan-25-2012 Peret I-28 2:00am
Hinterlands -250, -8000 Bushy-Tailed Capture Public AbesG AbesG Jan-25-2012 Peret I-24 4:00am
Hinterlands -500, -8000 Bushy-Tailed Capture Public AbesG AbesG Jan-25-2012 Peret I-24 4:15am
Hinterlands -1000, -4250 Brown Capture Public Cyndi Cyndi Jan-26-2012 Peret II-1 2:00am
Hinterlands -1250, -6750 None Clean Public Spooner Shepara-Ka Mar-18-2012 Shem II-21 1:23am
Hinterlands -500, -2750 Pygmy Capture Public Ashtarii illusid Feb-11-2012 Peret III-13 4:30am
South Egypt -250, -4500 Brown Capture Public Anuket illusid Feb-22-2012 Peret IV-12 8:00pm
South Egypt -250, -6250 Bushy-tail Signs Public Fumen Feb-22-2012 Peret IV-14 5:30am
Hinterlands -1500, -5000 Ruddy Capture Public Fumen Fumen Feb-22-2012 Peret IV-14 8:15am
South Egypt -750, -5500 Brown Capture Public Fumen Feb-23-2012 Peret IV-16 7:45pm
South Egypt -1000, -6750 Bushy-tail Capture Public Fumen Feb-24-2012 Peret IV-17 12:00am
CCR 6 6482 Sharp-Toothed Capture Public Amora Amora Feb-25-2012 Peret IV-21 6:25pm
South Egypt -750, -7000 Furry Signs Public illusid Shepara-Ka Mar-18-2012 Shemu II-21 2:56am
Hinterlands -2250, -3500 Pygmy capture public lilac Trillian Mar-05-2012 Shemu I-13 2.40pm
Hinterlands -1500, -4000 Brown Capture Public lilac Nabirye Mar-05-2012 Shemu I-14 4:30am
Hinterlands 0, 5250 Sharp-Toothed Capture Public ? Dreasimy Mar-08-2012 Shemu I-24 7:30pm
Hinterlands -1500, 4750 Brown Capture Public Ozier Dreasimy Mar-09-2012 Shemu I-25 3:41am
Hinterlands -1500, 4750 Brown Capture Public Freyja Ay Mar-09-2012 Shemu I-25 3:59am
Hinterlands -1250, -6250 Clean Clean Public Illusid Shepara-Ka Mar-18-2012 Shemu II-20 11:33pm
Hinterlands -1250, -6500 Clean Clean Public Freyja Shepara-Ka Mar-18-2012 Shemu II-21 1:09am
Hinterlands -1958, -4394 Clean Ruddy Public JaylenaeYbarre May-02-2012 SAkhet II-21 6:28am
Hinterlands -2500, -6500 Bushy-tailed Capture Public Mariamom Mariamom May-27-2012 Akhet IV-20 10:30pm
South Egypt -750, -6250 Brown Capture Public Mariamom Mariamom May-27-2012 Peret I-1 01.30am
South Egypt 2950, -5700 Short-Haired Capture Public Neftis Neftis July-01-2012 Peret IV-7 1:30am
South Egypt 3200, -5700 Short-Haired Sight Public Neftis Neftis July-01-2012 Peret IV-7 1:30am
River Plains 250, 4000 Pigmy Capture Public Neftis Neftis July-01-2012 Peret IV-7 4:48am
River Plains 600, 4200 Sharp-Tooth Capture Public Neftis Challen July-01-2012 Peret IV-7 4:48am
South Egypt -750, -5750 Bushy-Tailed Signs public Olivia Ikairi July-02-2012 Peret IV-9
Four Corners 500, 4250 Pygmy Signs public Ikairi July-04-2012 Peret IV-14
Four Corners 500, 3750 Sharp-Toothed Captured public silver Ikairi July-04-2012 Peret IV-14
South Egypt -750, -5750 Bushy-Tailed Captured public Olivia Ikairi July-05-2012 Peret IV-17
Hinterlands (SE) -1500, -6750 Brown Captured public Ikairi Wyphy 26 July, 2012 Shemu II-17
Hinterlands (SE) -1000, -6500 Bushy-Tailed Captured public Sebilis Wyphy 26 July, 2012 Shemu II-17
Hinterlands (SE) -1500, -5750 Furry Signs public Ikairi Ikairi 27 July, 2012 Shemu II-19
Hinterlands (SE) -250, -5750 Bushy-Tailed Signs public Ikairi 27 July, 2012 Shemu II-19
Hinterlands (SE) -500, -5750 Bushy-Tailed Signs public Ikairi 27 July, 2012 Shemu II-19
Hinterlands (SE) -750, -5750 Bushy-Tailed Signs public Ikairi 27 July, 2012 Shemu II-19
South Egypt -500, -5750 Sharp Toothed Captured public Wyphy 29 July, 2012 Shemu II-24
Hinterlands (SE) -1250, -5750 Furry Signs public Wyphy 29 July, 2012 Shemu II-24
South Egypt -750, -6000 Bushy-Tailed Signs public Wyphy 29 July, 2012 Shemu II-24
Hinterlands (SE) -1000, -6000 Bushy-Tailed Signs public Wyphy 29 July, 2012 Shemu II-24
Hinterlands (SE) -1250, -6000 Bushy-Tailed Signs public Wyphy 29 July, 2012 Shemu II-24
Hinterlands (SE) -750, -5250 sharp-toothed captured public Hounddog 28 Jan 2013 Akhet III-18