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From A Tale in the Desert
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Rabble: All the gems in the game are based around 40x40 blobs
Rabble: So all of the mines from 0,0 to 40,40 will yield the same type of gem
Rabble: And the mines from 41,41 to 80,80 will be the same, etc
Rabble: So step one in becoming a super gem miner is finding the right blob for the right gem you want
Rabble: I have gem locations for everything but diamond and opals
Rabble: But you can ask around for locations that are nearer to you
Padma: is it documented anywehere?
Padma: and do the same rules apply to diamond and opal?
Rabble: Well each 40x40 blob has it's only gem type that was randomly determined at the start of the tale
Rabble: Yes, all gems work the same
Rabble: But diamonds are much rarer than other gems and I never found one (just bought them)
Rabble: And opals were only added a month ago and I haven't looked for them yet
Rabble: You can find your own blobs by getting your salvage skill up to 3+
Rabble: Then going out in the desert with a couple mining kits (i.e. the materials to build 3-4 mines)
Rabble: Then you find the middle of a 40x40 blob and drop a mine
Rabble: It will be sand .. and something.  Maybe quartz or topaz or who knows
Rabble: Mark it down on paper, salvage the mine (you'll get most materials back) and move to the next 40x40 blob
Rabble: --OR-- it's just much easier to ask for the location of a known gem
Rabble: Any questions so far?
Padma: no its pretty clear
Rabble: Ok so after you drop 10-15 mines, you'll run out of materials
Rabble: But by then you'll have hit a few gem types, topaz, ruby, etc
Rabble: The gems tend to cluster together
Rabble: So if you find one blob has ruby, there is a fair chance 2 or more of the nearby blobs will have emerald,  etc
Rabble: Now that you have your brand new mine, make some mining food.  You'll need at least cook3 or cook4.   Anything past cook4 is a waste for mining
Padma: is there a pattern?
Padma: pattern to the gem blobs?
Padma: and how can you increase likliness of larger gems?
Rabble: There is no pattern that I can see
Rabble: They are just random.  But I suspect the random number generator gets sticky at times
Rabble: And so when it drops one gem blob, it often makes more nearby
Rabble: I can give you some fairly cheap mining food recipes
Rabble: Now once you eat your food, start to mine the mine
Rabble: If you get less than 10% gems over 200 sand, tear it down
Rabble: Then rebuild the mine in the same exact spot
Rabble: If you get 10% or more gems, mine until it collapses.  Then repair it.  then mine more
Rabble: Once it gets to level 4+, tear it down and rebuild it
Rabble: The huge gems are still just a random chance but with a 10% mine and good food, you'll get a huge gem  about every 2 hours