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The Garbage trash that this game has in it now and what i deal with daily...

Copy from Bazaar Chat

Trillian: WTB 1 full eye sunstone

Glyn: it's / tricross ;-)

Zaniac: WTB hairy tooth shrooms msg me please

murtha: anyone selling good wedges? chat me please with prices

Malard: WTB Charcoal, trading in metal

SouperGrrl: WTB Hairy tooth mushrooms, chat me. Also cut stone. Lots of stuff to trade.

Zaniac: Still buying hairytooth

Sithid: WTB sheetglass, cant trade for glass mats( id make them myself if i had the mats... ). Chat with needs.

CelAmun: WTS glass, cuttable / cut stones, pulleys, medium stones and charcoal. /info for prices. PLEASE NOTE: Unless your order is *very* small I will not be making glass this weekend. Thanks!

SouperGrrl: I'll double whatever Zaniac's price is, just on principle.

Zaniac: Laughs at that comment

Rabble: Mod note: please keep posts to WTB/WTS etc. Further discussion about sales should be taken to other channels

McArine: Selling cc for wood 1:2.

Ahepetr: WTB Fine Glass Pipes.

Mortality: selling 100 hairy tooth for 25 moonsteel sheeting or 200 moonsteel ;p

So curious as to what principle it was i opened a private chat..

Zaniac: Hey and which principle is this?

SouperGrrl: which

Zaniac: the one that you would pay double out of principle

SouperGrrl: I don't get it

Zaniac: your comments on Bazzar

SouperGrrl: ???

Zaniac: 5 minutes ago on Bazaar

SouperGrrl: Boy, you better watch that lip

SouperGrrl: I

Zaniac: im curious as to out of what principle are you paying double what i am?

SouperGrrl: I'm getting sick of the harassment

Zaniac: Which harrassment?

SouperGrrl: what?

Zaniac: you said your getting sick of the harassment

Zaniac: im asking which harrassment

SouperGrrl: No, I didn't.

Zaniac: wow copies this to the wiki for others to see what i deal with when dealign with you guys

SouperGrrl: Okay, just link me up ok

Zaniac: im wondering what lip i am giving

Is it just me or is the quality of some of our members of the community getting worse adn worse as the tales go on????