Seven Phoenix
ZFree Birds Guild House:- River Plains 1518, 3471
Players who have passed
Fuzz, Stevehotep, Wampak, Bryce, Tallow
Warehouses for each pheonix:- 1477, 3367
Wood Treatment Recipes
- Being Born - Soft, Rotproof, Fireproof: 250s beeswax, 70s potash, 10 lime
- Growing Old - Soft, Fireproof, White: 20s H2O, 40s Potash, 10s Saltpeter, 20s lime
- In His Prime - Rigid, Hard, Fireproof: 100s Lead, 60s Ash, 10s Lead
- On the Hunt - Hard, Black, Fireproof: 180 Lead, 20 Lime, 20 Sulfur, 30 Ash
- Parting Ways - Hard, Volatile, Black: 40 oil, 60 petrol, 20 sulfur
- Taking Shelter - Pliable, Fireproof, Blonde: 150 Ash, 10 BW, 10 H20, 10 Sulfur, 10 Saltpeter
- Twisting Fate - Soft, Fireproof, Nontoxic: 40 H2O, 30 Potash, 30 Lime, 10 Saltpeter