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Laws/Democratic Representation Among Membership Act

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Petition by Cruion

Law Text

This act will bring democracy to guild membership.

Any guild member may nominate an existing member for promotion to a specified higher rank at the guild hall. This nomination needs to be seconded by another existing member within 3 Egyptian days.

Once a nomination has been seconded the promotion is put to the entire guild to vote at the Guild Hall. For the vote to be successful, a super majority is required. Each rank of membership is counted separately. A rank votes in favour of the vote if at least 50.01% of members at that rank vote in favour. A super majority requires at least 50.01% of ranks to be in favour. Failure to reach a super majority results in the status quo remaining.

A vote will last for 7 Egyptian days once started.

Members and ranks who abstain from voting are excluded from to the percentage calculation.


  • Valid Ballot, waiting for appearance on ballot