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Who is Sita
My grandmothers were Morrigan and Tzalaa. My ingame spouse is Tiglath-Pileser, my RL husband. He's blind so may be rather slow to respond to chats.
Users/Sita/Macros Users/Sita/Paints
'Masters Casting Box'
- 25 bolts for Offering Vault
- iron large gear
Principles still to do
- Papy
- Insects
- Shrooms
- Cactus Sap
- Pearls
- Mercury
- Metals
- Glass
Flax Figures Lint Spun in a Small Distaff or Large Distaff, produces 15 Thread per 1 Lint. Tow Spun in a Small Distaff or Large Distaff, produces 3 Twine per 1 tow.
- 80 flax -> 80 lint -> 1200 thread -> 3 linen
- 27 flax -> 27 lint -> 405 thread -> 1 linen
- 100 flax -> 100 tow -> 300 twine -> 5 canvas.
To make 1 canvas, you need 60 twine, which is made from 20 tow, or 20 flax.
- In a Gyration Cell
- 50 charcoal, and 1500 ore. Takes 15 minutes.
Metallic Obelisk
Iron, Strontium, Candles, Leeks, Mirror, Platinum, Pewter
Sheep pen for slaughtering?
Offering Vault
6 Tilapia
1 Pale Dhamasa
Dex -7 End 4 Speed -5 Con 7 Focus 0 Per 4
Moss Blessing to add attributes (like Crackly, Fuzzy, Striped, etc) can be done at an aquaduct tower once every 5 minutes.
- Click on the tower to look at the current attributes of the moss.
- "Some Crackly, Spotted moss grows here."
- Then click on "Bless this Aquaduct...." and you will see a message in Main that says (at the end of the message) that you have subtly changed the moss.
- Click on the tower again to see if the "Some Crackly, Spotted moss..." has added 1 or more new attribute/s (or subtracted any). *Wait 5 minutes to try again. -Ariella