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The following data were gathered to determine the values of Essences.



Essence 1 Essence 2 Essence 3 Essence 4 Essence 5 Ar As Bi Sa So Sp Sw To
Bottle Tree Cinnar Coconut Palm Delta Palm Elephantia P P L P L P
Bottle Tree Cinnar Coconut Palm Delta Palm Ranyahn P P P P L R
Bottle Tree Cinnar Coconut Palm Elephantia Ranyahn W P P P L P
Bottle Tree Cinnar Delta Palm Elephantia Ranyahn L P P P L P
Delta Palm Discorea Elephantia Kaeshra Ranyahn L R P L L P W R
Delta Palm Discorea Elephantia Kaeshra Royal Palm L P L L P P P M
Delta Palm Discorea Elephantia Ranyahn Royal Palm W P L L P P L P
Delta Palm Discorea Kaeshra Ranyahn Royal Palm L P L L P P W P
Delta Palm Elephantia Kaeshra Ranyahn Royal Palm W R L P L P W R
Discorea Elephantia Kaeshra Ranyahn Royal Palm L R W L P L W R
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Mini Palmetto Oil Palm Stout Palm L P P L W P L P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Mini Palmetto Oil Palm Wild Lettuce L L P L P P L P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Mini Palmetto Stout Palm Wild Lettuce L L P L W P W P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Oil Palm Stout Palm Wild Lettuce L L P P W P B P
Cerulean Blue Mini Palmetto Oil Palm Stout Palm Wild Lettuce L L P L L P B R
Cinnar Mini Palmetto Oil Palm Stout Palm Wild Lettuce L L P L W P L P
Delta Palm Discorea Elephantia Mini Palmetto Pratyeka Tree L P W L P P P R
Delta Palm Discorea Elephantia Mini Palmetto Stout Palm L P P L W P P R
Delta Palm Discorea Elephantia Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm W L P W W P L R
Delta Palm Discorea Mini Palmetto Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm L L P L W P W P
Delta Palm Elephantia Mini Palmetto Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm W P P W L P W P
Discorea Elephantia Mini Palmetto Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm L P P L P L W R
Cerulean Blue Common Basil Folded Birch Miniature Fern Palm Oil Palm P P P P L L W P
Cerulean Blue Common Basil Folded Birch Miniature Fern Palm Ranyahn P P P P L L P L
Cerulean Blue Common Basil Folded Birch Oil Palm Ranyahn P P P P L P L W
Cerulean Blue Common Basil Miniature Fern Palm Oil Palm Ranyahn P P P P L L L P
Cerulean Blue Folded Birch Miniature Fern Palm Oil Palm Ranyahn P P P P L L L L
Common Basil Folded Birch Miniature Fern Palm Oil Palm Ranyahn P P P P L L P W
Common Basil Discorea Elephantia Miniature Fern Palm Mini Palmetto L R L L P L R R
Common Basil Discorea Elephantia Miniature Fern Palm Oil Palm L P P L P L W R
Common Basil Discorea Elephantia Mini Palmetto Oil Palm L P P B P L W R
Common Basil Discorea Miniature Fern Palm Mini Palmetto Oil Palm L P P B P L P R
Common Basil Elephantia Miniature Fern Palm Mini Palmetto Oil Palm L P P L L B P R
Discorea Elephantia Miniature Fern Palm Mini Palmetto Oil Palm L P P L P L P R
Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Pratyeka Tree Ranyahn Stout Palm P L R P L P L L
Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Pratyeka Tree Ranyahn Wild Lettuce P L P P L P L L
Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm Wild Lettuce P B P P L P L P
Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Ranyahn Stout Palm Wild Lettuce P L R P L P L L
Bottle Tree Pratyeka Tree Ranyahn Stout Palm Wild Lettuce L B R P L P L L
Coconut Palm Pratyeka Tree Ranyahn Stout Palm Wild Lettuce P L R P L P L L
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Delta Palm Folded Birch Kaeshra L P L P L R P P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Delta Palm Folded Birch Royal Palm W W L P P R P W
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Delta Palm Kaeshra Royal Palm L P L P P R P P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Folded Birch Kaeshra Royal Palm L P L P P P P P
Cerulean Blue Delta Palm Folded Birch Kaeshra Royal Palm P P L P P P P P
Cinnar Delta Palm Folded Birch Kaeshra Royal Palm L P L L P R R P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Kaeshra Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm L L P P W P L P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Kaeshra Pratyeka Tree Wild Lettuce L L P P P P L P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Kaeshra Stout Palm Wild Lettuce L L P P W P L P
Cerulean Blue Cinnar Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm Wild Lettuce L B P P W P L W
Cerulean Blue Kaeshra Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm Wild Lettuce L L P P L P B P
Cinnar Kaeshra Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm Wild Lettuce B L P P W P L P
Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Delta Palm Folded Birch Ranyahn P P P P L R P L
Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Delta Palm Folded Birch Royal Palm P W L L W R P P
Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Delta Palm Ranyahn Royal Palm P P L W L R P W
Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Folded Birch Ranyahn Royal Palm P P W W W P P L
Bottle Tree Delta Palm Folded Birch Ranyahn Royal Palm P W W W L R P L
Coconut Palm Delta Palm Folded Birch Ranyahn Royal Palm P P L W L P P L
Bottle Tree Cerulean Blue Delta Palm Kaeshra Ranyahn P P P P L R W P
Bottle Tree Cerulean Blue Delta Palm Kaeshra Wild Lettuce W L P P L R L R
Bottle Tree Cerulean Blue Delta Palm Ranyahn Wild Lettuce P L P P L R L W
Bottle Tree Cerulean Blue Kaeshra Ranyahn Wild Lettuce L L P P L P L P
Bottle Tree Delta Palm Kaeshra Ranyahn Wild Lettuce L L P P L R W P
Cerulean Blue Delta Palm Kaeshra Ranyahn Wild Lettuce W P P P L P L P
Cinnar Coconut Palm Folded Birch Pratyeka Tree Royal Palm W L L P P P P L
Cinnar Coconut Palm Folded Birch Pratyeka Tree Stout Palm W L P P W P P L
Cinnar Coconut Palm Folded Birch Royal Palm Stout Palm W P L L P P P L
Cinnar Coconut Palm Pratyeka Tree Royal Palm Stout Palm W L L P P P P W
Cinnar Folded Birch Pratyeka Tree Royal Palm Stout Palm L L W P P P P L
Coconut Palm Folded Birch Pratyeka Tree Royal Palm Stout Palm P L L P P P W P

Final Values

Material Temp Recipe Drops Ar As Bi Sa So Sp Sw To
Bottle Tree 59 4 Mineral, 5 Vegetable, 1 Wood 6 0 1 -3 -2 0
Cerulean Blue 68 8 Mineral, 2 Vegetable 6 -1 -2 0 2 0
Cinnar 49 1 Grain, 7 Vegetable, 2 Worm 6 3 0 -1 -2 -3 2
Coconut Palm 16 4 Wood, 6 Worm 6 0 0 -1 0
Common Basil 52 8 Vegetable, 2 Worm 6 0 -1
Delta Palm 59 4 Mineral, 5 Vegetable, 1 Wood 6 -2 1 0 2 -3 0 -1
Discorea 36 8 Grain, 2 Vegetable 6 0 3 -3 -1 0 -2
Elephantia 25 5 Grain, 5 Worm 6 0 -2 -1 0 0 -3
Folded Birch 12 8 Wood, 2 Worm 6 0 0 0 -2 1
Kaeshra 63 3 Mineral, 7 Vegetable 6 -2 0 0 -1 -3
Miniature Fern Palm 14 6 Wood, 4 Worm 6 -3 0
Mini Palmetto 46 6 Grain, 4 Mineral 6 -2 3 0 -3 -1
Oil Palm 47 3 Grain, 6 Vegetable, 1 Worm 6 1 -2 0 0 0 3 -3
Pratyeka Tree 71 1 Fish, 9 Mineral 6 0 3 -2 0 1 0
Ranyahn 73 3 Fish, 7 Mineral 6 0 -1 2 0 1 3
Royal Palm 60 10 Vegetable 6 0 1 -3 0 -2
Stout Palm 59 4 Mineral, 5 Vegetable, 1 Wood 6 0 0 0 1 2 0
Wild Lettuce 32 3 Vegetable, 7 Worm 6 1 3 0 0 2 -2