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COLOR Inventory Price per WTB my price
Aquamarine 100 10 100 20
Azure 350 10 200 40
Beige 100 10 100 20
Bisque 50 10 50 40
Black 4000 10 200 40
BlanchedAlmond 14350 10 200 40
Blue 3950 10 200 40
BlueViolet 16200 10 200 40
BurlyWood 450 10 200 40
Carrot 150 10 150 40
Chocolate 13650 10 200 40
Coral 200 10 200 40
Crimson 1450 10 200 40
DarkCyan 4700 10 200 40
DarkGray 6750 10 100 20
DarkGreen 100 10 100 40
DarkKhaki 250 10 200 40
DarkMagenta 50 10 50 40
DarkSalmon 200 10 200 40
DarkSeaGreen 250 10 200 40
DarkTurquoise 6200 10 200 40
DarkViolet 25250 10 200 40
DeepSkyBlue 11150 10 200 40
DimGray 1400 10 200 40
FloralWhite 150 10 150 40
Gainsboro 100 10 100 40
GhostWhite 750 10 200 40
GoldenRod 100 10 100 40
Gray 300 10 200 40
Green 12100 10 200 40
GreenYellow 50 40 50 160
Ivory 15500 40 200 160
Lavender 100 10 100 40
LightCoral 100 10 100 40
LightGoldenRodYellow 2150 10 200 40
LightGrey 1200 10 200 40
LightPink 50 10 50 40
LightSeaGreen 50 10 50 40
LightSlateGray 700 10 200 40
LightSteelBlue 450 10 200 40
LimeGreen 50 10 50 40
Linen 200 10 100 20
Maroon 26100 10 200 40
MediumAquaMarine 12150 40 200 160
MediumBlue 650 10 200 40
MediumOrchid 500 10 200 40
MediumSeaGreen 50 10 50 40
MediumTurquoise 7150 10 200 40
MintCream 300 10 100 20
MistyRose 100 10 100 40
Navy 9500 10 200 40
OldLace 27700 10 200 40
Orchid 100 10 100 40
PaleTurquoise 300 10 200 40
PaleVioletRed 13450 10 200 40
PeachPuff 13700 10 200 40
Plum 300 10 200 40
PowderBlue 250 10 200 40
Purple 350 10 200 40
RosyBrown 150 10 100 20
Silver 200 10 200 40
SkyBlue 16700 10 200 40
SlateGray 19600 10 200 40
SpringGreen 7250 40 200 160
Turquoise 200 10 200 40
Wheat 16000 10 200 40