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Map of Public Mines

This map uses the CondMap template and should not be edited directly. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages

markerMtAl.png Aluminum markerMtSb.png Antimony markerMtCu.png Copper markerMtAu.png Gold markerMtFe.png Iron markerdiamond.png Gem (sand) mine
markerMtPb.png Lead markerMtLi.png Lithium markerMtMg.png Magnesium markerMtPt.png Platinum markerMtAg.png Silver
markerMtSr.png Strontium markerMtSn.png Tin markerMtTi.png Titanium markerMtW.png Tungsten markerMtZn.png Zinc

Table of Public Mines

NOTE: If you add/delete mines in this table, and want the changes to show up in all the Public Mine maps on the wiki (including the one on this page), you will want to also edit the raw map data page (see Maps).

Ore Type Region Coords Nearest landmark Facilities
Copper Alcyone 1798, 2030 Flash Back Fonderie 8 Bullet furnace, 1 Gyration Cell
Iron Alcyone 1783, 2038 Flash Back Fonderie 8 Bullet furnace, 1 Gyration Cell
Lead Merope -1570 5300 UBody - Garden of Eden bullet furnaces and a hearth for cc. Please bring b&b to help maintain as it has no cornerstone
Platinum Sterope 1070, -2282
Tin Alcyone 1819, 2015 Flash Back Fonderie, 1 Gyration cell 8 Bullet furnace
Tin Sterope 2012, -1976 ASYLUM EUROPE just north of CS
Silver Sterope 230, -1501 ASYLUM EUROPE
Copper Sterope 2068, -1467 12 compression furnaces and cc hearth
Iron Sterope 1924, -1267 12 compression furnaces
Copper Sterope 1897, -1301 3 Gyration cells
Lead Sterope 1885, -1318 3 Gyration cells
Zinc Sterope 1840, -1365
Tin Sterope 1421, -1456
Tin Sterope 1986, -947 3 compression furnaces
Tungsten Alcyone 1068, 2251 Smelting facilities planned but not yet built
Zinc Merope -1671 5255 Garden of Eden-near the lead mine 4 compression
Aluminum Taygete 763, 5819
Silver Taygete 1055, 3322 Behind Tranquility Crater
Aluminum Sterope 620, -2179
Aluminum Sinai 2771, 4976 Next to CS at foot of Hills 4 compression furnaces
Copper Celaeno -2444, 908 NW of U Harm & E of S Lead
Iron Celaeno -2444, 921 NW of U Harm & E of S Lead
Tin Celaeno -2431, 915 NW of U Harm & E of S Lead
Copper Sterope 2080, -1450 2 compression, 15 bullet, 1 charcoal hearth
Iron Sterope 1925, -1270 10 compression at one mine, 5 bullet at 1848, -1234
Silver Celaeno -26, -2114
Strontium Celaeno -2022, 480 In the desert between the U Art and the S Harm None, 'cause how much strontium do you really need? ;)
Strontium Taygete 1791, 6401 east of the Schools east of the Red Sea None
Strontium Taygete 1926, 6490 east of the Schools east of the Red Sea None
Antimony Celaeno -390, -603 2 compression, no kitchen or hearth, bring CC
Antimony Merope -2451, 4637
Copper Maia 990,-3070 Pacman Lake 3x compression furnace, 3 gyration cells, reactory w/7x upgrade, cc hearth
Iron Maia 1004,-3052 Pacman Lake 3x compression furnace, 3 gyration cells, reactory w/7x upgrade, cc hearth
Tin Maia 1058,-3096 Pacman Lake 3x compression furnace, 3 gyration cells, reactory w/7x upgrade, cc hearth
Zinc Maia 991,-3057 Pacman Lake 3x compression furnace, 3 gyration cells, reactory w/7x upgrade, cc hearth
Magnesium+Tungsten Celaeno -146, -1644 2 Compression furnaces (needing repair - Year 2 Peret I-22)
Gold+Silver Sterope 230, -1488 1 gyration cell, several Compression furnaces
Lead Celaeno -1672, -206 2 compression
Zinc Celaeno -1815, -344 1 compression furnace
Tin Taygete 1219, 6138 N of U Lead.
Copper Celaeno -2041, 3012 Tin and Iron, 2 Gyration Cell, 4 CF, Kitchen, Water Mine, CC Clinker Vat
Tin Celaeno -2054, 3016 Copper and Iron, 2 Gyration Cell, 4 CF, Kitchen, Water Mine, CC Clinker Vat
Iron Celaeno -2070, 3006 Copper and Tin, 2 Gyration Cell, 4 CF, Kitchen, Water Mine, CC Clinker Vat
Lithium Taygete -130, 6127 #? compression furnaces
Aluminum Celaeno -2192, 1036 North West of U Harmony
Platinum Celaeno -2242, 1006 North West of U Harmony
Platinum Taygete 1035, 6282 Backside base of mountain NE of Chariot
Aluminum 2507, -2116 no furnaces
Titanium+Antimony Sterope 1976 -434 2 Blast Furnaces . Compoound at 0%. Needs basic fixes: Boards, bricks, mud, flax, straw, tow.
Titanium Merope -2452 4650
Iron + Tin Celaeno -1407, -499 1 Blast Furnace, building a second now
Copper + Iron + Tin Alcyone 1891, 2119 5 Gyration Cells

Public Sand Mines for Gems

Region Gem Public Sand Mine for GM
Alcyone Topaz 1758, 2314, Near CS
Celeano Emerald -1740, 829 Near CS
Maia Ruby 975, -5570 Near CS
Merope Sapphire -1590, 7634 East of CS
Sterope Quartz 1975, -2000
Taygete Opal on hill south of CS
Sinai Diamond 3102, 4671