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From A Tale in the Desert
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Shuofthefieryheat Level 29 - Journeyman of the Human Body

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SKI Lodge Egyptian Life Egyptian Wine
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The Big C Brix Shannara

Blog Section

  • 01/18/2010 Another BIG day in Egypt! Shu figured out how to make gearboxes <woooot> and made the ones required by our OSM quarry. iziz and Shu ran out and installed them in the quarry and ... they WORKED!!! We pulled 8 pieces from the quarry! It was iziz's first time doing quarrying and Shu's first time giving directions. Back at home base - the 8 OSM were converted into Pigment Mortars so it's Off To the Test of the Tattoo Races for Shu and iziz!!!
  • 01/17/2010 Shu and iziz found another OSM Quarry! Woots!
  • 01/16/2010 A busy busy day in Egypt. Shu and iziz when out looking for OSM Marble and FOUND a quarry on our first go round! Totally amazing! Shu and iziz had never done it before although Shu had done lots of stand on X in T3. Then Shu and iziz went to the Thoth's Festival and Please the God! We both cleared 100%! Shu had only discovered wine flavors a few days ago and was able to provide wines to 4 others!
  • 01/15/2010 Woots for iziz! She cleared List 1 for Test of the Darkest Night and is now at +3 CON and is now (finally) moving on to List 2. She also cleared her Enthusiast's Wine Notebook and got the Oenophile Notebook! Shu and iziz are both ready for the Thoth's ReDo Festival tomorrow - Thanks to Lill for finding Shu some cassis wine! Shu found some peach wine that was given to him by Kastou eons ago - the vintage is good but not sure of the alchohol content - so we will hope for the best.
  • 01/14/2010 OMGosh! The GODs of Egypt dropped a load of BEEHIVE SHROOMS! Over 150 Beehives where spawned in the desert. Pluribus alerted those of us on-line that an unusual spawn of Beehives had happened. Shu had just logged in to feed the camels when the announcement was made on E!. Everyone started running - Shu ran down the west side of the nile to Saqqarah and then headed west towards Khmun. Rabble found the shrooms which where at -113/352 Khmun - not far from where Shu was running. A fast run to the north and Shu and iziz got all the Beehives they needed! It was an amazing sight - Beehive shrooms everywhere and Egyptians arriving as fast as they could. Unfortunately the field despawned before everyone could get there. Pictures here: Beehive Massive Shroom Spawn
  • 01/09/2010 An eventful day in Egypt. Shu and iziz did the Hathor's Festival and we both got 92%. A special thanks to Darwishi and TheMazeEcho for helping us get the needed Ambrosias! Shu also finished List 5 for the Test of the Darkest Night and got the dreaded Beehives on List 6. Looks like it's all over for that test now.
  • 01/08/2010 Thanks RosieRazor for the great trade (medium gems for onions)!
  • 01/03/2010 We have a new 6600q+ barometer! Thanks InambaGuum!
  • 01/01/2010 Woots for iziz! She got principles of Kingmaker and hit L26!

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