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Digging and Skills Timer

  • It will walk you through the setup process via GUI menus
  • Monitors the black/red text in skills tab and only clicks when they are black (no longer tired)
  • Option to stop at a certain number of clicks or let run continuously
  • Option to eat grilled foods at the correct time, repeatedly
  • This script was created for dig sites and digging limestone/dirt, primarily. However, it would work with anything that uses a skills timer (ie the popup box that says "you are too tired to do something")
  • Idea Uses: Dig sites, Limestone, Dirt, Sand Mines, Pumping Acqueduct, Carving, Barrel Grinder, Deep Well, Kitchen (ie Seperating Coconuts), Loom, Clinker Vat, Hookah more...


  • Popups can occur from a few things including, but not limited to:
    • You dont have enough materials in inventory to repair mine or you set it to watch the wrong red text in one skill and you got tired (ie 19 str and 17 perception - you should be monitoring perception, but if you monitored Strength, then a popup will eventually occur that you got too tired)

How to configure popup box detection: Towards the top of the script you will see: PopX = 530 PopY = 479

This is the x,y position of the OK button on a popup box at 1024x768 resolution. If you dont use that resolution, then you will need to manually configure the coordinates. Don't worry, you can skip this step if you dont care about popup detection. The script will still function correctly with the wrong coordinates or wrong resolution.

You need to find the coordinates of any yellowish portion of the OK button on an ingame popup box. Just be careful not to get the coordinates of the black text of the word "OK". Make sure you get coordinates of the yellowish background.

Use my Get Mouse Position to find coords

Easiest way to make a popup box occur, so you can record location, is to try to make bricks on a rack without ingredients in inventory. Once the popup box occurs (Saying you need blah blah) then use that to record the x,y position you need.


  • Press Ctrl+Alt+W to start script
  • Upon starting the script, it will ask you to enter the amount of clicks (leave blank for unlimited) and if you are eating grilled foods.
Note it will eat food when the script begins (so dont eat manually first). Then it will eat every 10 Teppy Mins (11:00 real time)
  • It will then ask you to hover a black letter (ie a black letter in the word Endurance, in skills tab). A tooltip will display while you are moving mouse around and confirm when you are hovering a black letter. Then press F2 to set this position.
  • Next it will tell you to hover, where you want it to click (Pinup menu or an icon), and press F2 again to set.
    • If you chose the Grilled Food option, then it will then ask you to set the click position of your Consume pinup menu. Hover and hit F2 to set that location.
  • At anytime the script is running hold the F2 key a second and it will reset the click number to zero (but will still remember the previously set skill timer monitor location and the click position.
  • Optional: If you want the script to pause/halt whenever an ingame popup box error occurs, then view the instructions "How to configure popup box detection". Otherwise, disregard, the script will work correctly without it or even with incorrect info :)

It will now go to work by monitoring the black letters in skills tab. When it is black (no longer tired) it will click. While it is red (tired), it will not click and continue monitoring until the letters turn black for another click, repeat.

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