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Shuofthefieryheat Level 26 - Journeyman of the Human Body

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Blog Section

  • 12/08/2009 Shu went shrooming and actually found some of the shrooms on his list! Thanks to Taffer for the tip on the Pool of Tranquility locations. I'd seen the spot listed in Shroomdar but I wasn't going at the right time. This time though - I got em!
  • 12/06/2009 Shu was zoooming - logged in to find a Tower Build in progress and rushed to get some up in the 5 minutes remaining! The last tower got built <3 seconds before the end of the build! Zoooommmmm!
  • 12/05/2009 Woots! Shu and iziz did the Isis Festival and pleased the god and we both scored 100%. Shu also passed the 250 lesson mark for belly dancing.
  • 12/04/2009 Weeellll - its been an interesting week in Egypt - loads of drama and its still not over for 3 more hours. Shu moved into Rank 2 DP with Orrin, Dreasimy and Keko. Things were pretty normal until Keko revealed how he and people in the Second Rank 2 Group were planning on fixing the election. The gory details and logs can be found here. It's pretty boring until you get to the end of the round. Based on input from Egypt (E!) - Shu and Dreasimy have voted for Orrin to avoid the Keko-Fix. Personally I do not think Orrin is that much better than the Other Guy - but it seems that that's the best that can be done. Orrin seems totally un-moved by the Keko-Fix and being used by Keko that way - I guess the only thing that matters to him is that he has a better chance of being DP since the Keko-Fix has become public.
    • Update: Orrin has won Rank 2 Group 1 - so hopefully there will be some run-off now.
    • Update: Bluegrass has won Rank 2 Group 2
  • 11/30/2009 WOOT! Shu won his round of DP and is on the the next one! Great folks and good discussion in the round too. It was a real cliff-hanger at the end - so many good choices available. I am very grateful for all the votes and will do my best to respresent everyone in the next round.
  • 11/29/2009 Shu did a Tech Run to SAQ U Arch - wow! It's been a long time since Shu went and there was a load of new stuffs.
  • 11/28/2009 Shu moved on to Rank 3 Demi-Pharaoh! Woots! Got a great trade from RosieRazor for some medium gems - looks like Shu and iziz will be able to make more towers now - yay! Shu and iziz planted 2 rows of lillies in our citrus orchard and Shu passed the 200 mark in Belly Dancing Lessons!
  • 11/27/2009 Yippee! Shu got Botanist Touch! Thanks to Kalmkitty for the Khefre's Essence Shu needed for the tuition.
  • 11/26/2009 It's been a very nice Thanksgiving in Egypt today. iziz and Shu built 2 more Citrus Trees in the orchard. Shu passed the 190 lesson mark for belly-dancing and Shu finally completed List 3 for Test of the Darkest Night by finding an enormous spawn of Razor's Edge shrooms! Shu's been looking for a looong time for those and I passed the info on to others and updated Shroomdar too. Shu picked up some extras for Research Donation too. A thanks to Orrin for the tip to look on the Heaven's Gate walls.
  • 11/21/2009 THANKS Darwishi! He gave me the cobra skins we needed for Botanist's Touch (to pick up flowers). THANKS! Also added some more trees to the citrus orchard and iziz and Shu did some more smokin' too. Found out that you can get fumeology points from all herbs! Only 1 per herb. I thought if you didnt get a point the first time then you would never get a point. I just was keeping track of herbs tried - not the ones I got points from <sigh>. Maybe Teppy will fix a fumeology template like the wine tasting or acro ones - so you can keep track automagically.
  • 11/16/2009 HUZZAHz for iziz! She passed Test of the Prophet and is now L23! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!
  • 11/15/2009 Shu and iziz did some boozing and smoking - making some headway into Fumeology and hitting on the Wine Books. We can hang in the wine cellar and smoke and booze and watch the beetle tanks and enjoy the view of our pond and landscaping! How could it get any better than this? (virtually speaking of course)
  • 11/14/2009 Whoosh! iziz and Shu been choring-it-up. Did loads of papy and put 2 new trees in our new orchard area. Fixed up some high-powered flower fertilizer and started that (loooong) process - we want to put some flowers in the new orchard area. Shu built 3 towers and (drum-roll) got 24%+ and was the High Score for the build! Woots and Toots!
  • 11/13/2009 iziz has been a teaching maniac and has Shu's Belly Dancing Lessons past 120! Shu also redesigned the citrus orchard and moved it to the valley between the Flax House and Metal Shop.
  • 11/12/2009 Tower building is pretty nerve-wracking. You scan and get a "good" indicator and then after you build you find it's "too close" - LOL
  • 11/08/2009 Shu's been busy working on several projects. Got a pyro-mortar ready to show, just gotta get registered/scheduled for an event. Evidently, that's one of the hardest things to get scheduled - so Shu will just keep signing up. Also working on towers - little by little is the way Shu rolls :). iziz been teaching Shu belly dancing - might get all the lessons sometime before 2010 <LOL>.
  • 11/03/2009 Yeah for iziz! She just cleared Principle of the Towers and is now Level 21! And Shu was knocking em down too! Cleared Principles of the Pathmaker and Principle of Reason for Level 26!
  • 11/02/2009 My DP Round 3 has been terrific! So many very thoughtful players and all very qualified to be DP. Great chats and great interactions. It's been a great pleasure to have met all these fine players. I hope our selection will go on to be DP!
  • 11/01/2009 Yahooooow! Shu and iziz survived the onslaught of werewolves and got some powdered silver each and Shu got a portable cornerstone too! The count when we left was 182 villager/seers and 8 werewolves. The end count was 177 villagers and 3 werewolves! Did a great trade with Augusta (herbs for silk cloth). iziz hit a milestone: she taught her 7th facet to Hemptwister and hit Level 20!!! There are no fly's on iziz! She learned Belly Dancing from Lill - thank you Lill!

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