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Shuofthefieryheat Level 29 - Journeyman of the Human Body

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Blog Section

  • 12/14/2009 Shu finally got to do a Pyrotechnics Show and got a respectable score of 361 points for his first try! The winner was 535 points so Shu will be aiming for more points on the next go-round. Grabbed a level too - now L29.
  • 12/13/2009 Been busy busy bees. Shu and iziz vatted up some wines and then planted some more citrus trees in the Mall. Added some cat statues (crystal obis) to the orchard and added a few more lillies too.
  • 12/12/2009 Shu and iziz did the Thoth's Festival and got 91% each. We also grabbed a new level too! Shu is L28 and iziz is L25
  • 12/11/2009 Puff - Puff - Puff Shu and iziz did a round of hookah smoking and got a few more points. Puff - Puff - Puff
  • 12/10/2009 Whee! Shu finished another Shroom List and now has +5 CON! Now on to List 5.
  • 12/08/2009 Shu went shrooming and actually found some of the shrooms on his list! Thanks to Taffer for the tip on the Pool of Tranquility locations. I'd seen the spot listed in Shroomdar but I wasn't going at the right time. This time though - I got em! Yay! Shu and iziz both passed Principles of the Freeman and we each got a level! Shu is L27 and iziz is L24!
  • 12/06/2009 Shu was zoooming - logged in to find a Tower Build in progress and rushed to get some up in the 5 minutes remaining! The last tower got built <3 seconds before the end of the build! Zoooommmmm!
  • 12/05/2009 Woots! Shu and iziz did the Isis Festival and pleased the god and we both scored 100%. Shu also passed the 250 lesson mark for belly dancing.
  • 12/04/2009 Weeellll - its been an interesting week in Egypt - loads of drama and its still not over for 3 more hours. Shu moved into Rank 2 DP with Orrin, Dreasimy and Keko. Things were pretty normal until Keko revealed how he and people in the Second Rank 2 Group were planning on fixing the election. The gory details and logs can be found here. It's pretty boring until you get to the end of the round. Based on input from Egypt (E!) - Shu and Dreasimy have voted for Orrin to avoid the Keko-Fix. Personally I do not think Orrin is that much better than the Other Guy - but it seems that that's the best that can be done. Orrin seems totally un-moved by the Keko-Fix and being used by Keko that way - I guess the only thing that matters to him is that he has a better chance of being DP since the Keko-Fix has become public.
    • Update: Orrin has won Rank 2 Group 1 - so hopefully there will be some run-off now.
    • Update: Bluegrass has won Rank 2 Group 2

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