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Jump to navigationJump to search//Brute Force Barley Macro - updated for T5 //Pin your "Barley" plant window in the far top right corner. There is a menu with //this macro now but the plant coordinates are not implemented yet. There are delays //you can change if the macro is going too fast. //Have about 70 water and fertilizer per round. The batch feature will work but be //certain you have enough water. It will drift away from your starting position. I //will be fixing this later. // The comments below are from the old version of the macro. All can be changed in // the menu now. //I will be cleaning this up a bit. :) Anka Constants Plants = 2 //This is the number of Barley beds you want to plant. SleepTime = 200 //If you're having major problems with lag try moving this to a higher //number (these are in milliseconds). This delay is used between most //commands MoveSleepTime = 1500 //This is the delay used for when the character is actually moving. //Again this is in milliseconds, if lag is troubling you, try //Upping this number. LoopWaitTime = 1000 //This is used in the loop to check if it should feed or water the //barley more. If you Change the times above up or down you may need //to do the inverse with this in order to not waste fertilizer or //worse, harvest the barley before it's done. PlantX = 973 //If you don't want the barley planting box in the upper right, //can change this (and the Y value below this). PlantY = 47 //See above comment Batch = 2 newx = 0 newy = 0 DragX = 103 DragY = 44 AddX = 210 AddY = 0 PinX = 194 PinY = 47 BarY = 163 HarvestX = 114 HarvestY = 229 CloseX = 180 CloseY = 107 BWin = 0 StepRightX = 0 StepRightY = 0 StepDownX = 0 StepDownY = 0 StepLeftX = 0 StepLeftY = 0 ResetX = 0 ResetY = 0 varX = 0 varY = 0 Adding = 0 LoopNum = 0 WinNum = 1 NumberAdded = 0 varColourY = 0 varColourX = 0 varAddX = 0 varOriginalMouseX = 0 varOriginalMouseY = 0 MousePosX = 0 MousePosY = 0 varDelay = 0 MDelay = 50 Res = 0 Windows = 0 PlantCount = 1 End Object Danger //6x8 116, 135 231=2,2|230=2,4|230=2,6 117=4,0|236=4,2|235=4,4|237=4,6|119=4,8 231=6,0|115=6,2|115=6,6|229=6,8 End Object Harvest //6x8 134, 135 231=2,0|226=2,2|226=2,6|230=2,8 235=4,0|234=4,2|234=4,6|233=4,8 End Form Barley, Settings ed1=Editbox:# of Plants:2 ed2=Editbox:Sleep Time:200 ed3=Editbox:Move Sleep Time:1500 ed4=Editbox:Loop Wait Time:1000 ed5=Editbox:XCoords of Plant Barley:973 ed6=Editbox:YCoords of Plant Barley:47 ed7=Editbox:Batch:2 ed8=Combobox:Resolution:1024x768, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1920x1080 end FormLoad Barley, Barley.frm if ShowForm Barley Set Plants = Barley[ed1] Set SleepTime = Barley[ed2] Set MoveSleepTime = Barley[ed3] Set LoopWaitTime = Barley[ed4] Set PlantX = Barley[ed5] Set PlantY = Barley[ed6] Set Batch = Barley[ed7] Set Res = Barley[ed8] else stop end FormSave Barley, Barley.frm Keydown @{Tab} 200 Delay 2000 call Resolution Loop $Batch Loop $Plants call MakeBarley Compute NewX = {screenwidth} / 2 Compute NewY = {screenheight} / 2 Case When $PlantCount <= 4 SetConst $MousePosX = $StepRightX SetConst $MousePosY = $StepRightY Call LeftClick2 Delay $MoveSleepTime When $PlantCount = 5 SetConst $MousePosX = $StepDownX SetConst $MousePosY = $StepDownY Call LeftClick2 Delay $MoveSleepTime When $PlantCount < $Plants SetConst $MousePosX = $StepLeftX SetConst $MousePosY = $StepLeftY Call LeftClick2 Delay $MoveSleepTime End Inc PlantCount End Loop 63 SetConst WinNum = 1 Loop $Plants Case When $WinNum <= $Windows Compute NewX = $PinX + ($AddX * ( {loopno} - 1)) - 18 Compute NewY = $BarY When $WinNum > $Windows Compute NewX = $PinX + ($AddX * ( {loopno} - $Windows - 1)) - 18 Compute NewY = $BarY + $AddY End SetConst varColourX = $NewX SetConst varColourY = $NewY Call TestColor Inc $WinNum End Delay $LoopWaitTime End //Harvest SetConst WinNum = 1 Loop $Plants Case When $WinNum <= $Windows Compute NewX = $HarvestX + ($AddX * ( {loopno} - 1)) Compute NewY = $HarvestY When $WinNum > $Windows Compute NewX = $HarvestX + ($AddX * ( {loopno} - $Windows - 1)) Compute NewY = $HarvestY + $AddY End SetConst $MousePosX = $NewX SetConst $MousePosY = $NewY Call Rightclick2 //Close Window Case When $WinNum <= $Windows Compute NewX = $CloseX + ($AddX * ( {loopno} - 1)) Compute NewY = $CloseY When $WinNum > $Windows Compute NewX = $CloseX + ($AddX * ( {loopno} - $Windows - 1)) Compute NewY = $CloseY + $AddY End SetConst $MousePosX = $NewX SetConst $MousePosY = $NewY Call Rightclick2 Inc $WinNum End SetConst $MousePosX = $ResetX SetConst $MousePosY = $ResetY //Call Leftclick2 Bell stop End Procedure MakeBarley SetConst MousePosX = $PlantX SetConst MousePosY = $PlantY call RightClick2 //plant barley spot Compute MousePosX = {screenwidth} / 2 Compute MousePosY = ( {screenheight} / 2 ) + 80 call RightClick2 // click on barley Call GetMousePos MousePos $BWin Delay $MDelay Case When $WinNum <= $Windows Compute NewX = $DragX + ($AddX * ($PlantCount - 1)) Compute NewY = $DragY Timestamp $NewY When $WinNum > $Windows Compute NewX = $DragX + ($AddX * ($PlantCount - $Windows - 1)) Compute NewY = $DragY + $AddY End DragTo $NewX, $NewY //Drag Barley to appropriate spot timestamp $NewY Delay $MDelay Call SetMousePos Case When $WinNum <= $Windows Compute NewX = $PinX + ($AddX * ($PlantCount - 1)) Compute NewY = $PinY When $WinNum > $Windows Compute NewX = $PinX + ($AddX * ($PlantCount - $Windows - 1)) Compute NewY = $PinY + $AddY End SetConst MousePosX = $NewX SetConst MousePosY = $NewY call RightClick2 //This pins the window open //water Loop 2 Case When $WinNum <= $Windows Compute NewX = $PinX + ($AddX * ($PlantCount - 1)) Compute NewY = $PinY + 116 When $WinNum > $Windows Compute NewX = $PinX + ($AddX * ($PlantCount - $Windows - 1)) Compute NewY = $PinY + 116 + $AddY End SetConst MousePosX = $NewX SetConst MousePosY = $NewY call Rightclick2 Case When $WinNum <= $Windows Compute NewX = $PinX + ($AddX * ($PlantCount - 1)) Compute NewY = $PinY + 136 When $WinNum > $Windows Compute NewX = $PinX + ($AddX * ($PlantCount - $Windows - 1)) Compute NewY = $PinY + 136 + $AddY End SetConst MousePosX = $NewX SetConst MousePosY = $NewY call RightClick2 End Inc $WinNum End Procedure TestColor //This actually tests the colours based on the position set in TestColourWhich LoadRGB $varColourX, $varColourY timestamp $varColourX, $varColourY if {RGBBlue} > 220 //If it's really high in blue content else Call GetMousePos Compute NewX = $varColourX + 18 SetConst MousePosX = $NewX SetConst MousePosY = $varColourY call RightClick2 Compute MousePosY = $MousePosY + 20 call Rightclick2 Call SetMousePos Delay 100 end end Procedure StepRight SetConst $MousePosX = 1343 SetConst $MousePosY = 567 Call LeftClick2 End Procedure GetMousePos //find the original coords of the mouse SetConst varOriginalMouseX = {MouseX} SetConst varOriginalMouseY = {MouseY} End Procedure SetMousePos //set the mouse back where it came from MousePos $varOriginalMouseX, $varOriginalMouseY End Procedure LeftClick2 call GetMousePos MousePos $MousePosX, $MousePosY Delay $MDelay LeftClick Delay $MDelay Call SetMousePos End Procedure RightClick2 Call GetMousePos MousePos $MousePosX, $MousePosY Delay $MDelay RightClick Delay $MDelay Call SetMousePos End Procedure Resolution Case When $Res = 1920x1080 SetConst PlantX = 1859 SetConst PlantY = 39 SetConst BWin = 1061, 525 SetConst StepRightX = 1330 SetConst StepRightY = 580 SetConst StepDownX = 955 SetConst StepDownY = 1000 SetConst StepLeftX = 535 SetConst StepLeftY = 580 SetConst Windows = 9 SetConst AddY = 712 SetConst ResetX = SetConst ResetY = When $Res = 1360x768 SetConst PlantX = 1300 SetConst PlantY = 40 SetConst BWin = 781, 370 SetConst StepRightX = 977 SetConst StepRightY = 410 SetConst StepDownX = 667 SetConst StepDownY = 694 SetConst StepLeftX = 352 SetConst StepLeftY = 410 SetConst Windows = 6 SetConst AddY = 483 SetConst ResetX = 91 SetConst ResetY = 136 When $Res = 1280x1024 SetConst PlantX = 1220 SetConst PlantY = 40 SetConst BWin = 742, 498 SetConst StepRightX = 899 SetConst StepRightY = 544 SetConst StepDownX = 633 SetConst StepDownY = 879 SetConst StepLeftX = 331 SetConst StepLeftY = 534 SetConst Windows = 5 SetConst AddY = 750 SetConst ResetX = 158 SetConst ResetY = 164 When $Res = 1024x768 SetConst PlantX = 963 SetConst PlantY = 40 SetConst BWin = 614, 370 SetConst StepRightX = 739 SetConst StepRightY = 400 SetConst StepDownX = 516 SetConst StepDownY = 654 SetConst StepLeftX = 286 SetConst StepLeftY = 400 SetConst Windows = 4 SetConst AddY = 497 SetConst ResetX = 5 SetConst ResetY = 124 End End //Updated by Anka for Tale 5