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Glad to see my old macro's still in use. I even found some updated for Tale 5 but my plan is to update and improve all of my old macro's. The big change since Tale 3 is my resolution. It will take some time to get them all updated and I want to add other resolutions so it's easier for others to use. I'm rewriting the macros for 1920x1080 resolution. Please chat me in game with your preferred resolution and I'll try to get it coded in.
I've been working on the Flax macro but needed a break from it. So I dug up my Carp Blade macro :) As you remember, you had to try to put the pointer in an exact spot when starting the macro or things would go wild. I've just updated this one and it now places the pointer for you. It's making 7k+ car[ blades 100% of the time.
All Macros run with ACTOOL
For those that don't run 1920x1080, go to my old wiki sites to find the originals.
But I will be adding more resolutions soon.
I've tested these macros extensively but problems seem to always come up after I post them. Some people have had problems with their eGenesis window minimizing. I have found a fix for this. Another issue is that peoples menus are different depending on which skills and techs they have acquired. I have a fix for this already written but too much to deal with at the moment with all of changes needed for the macros.
UPDATE: I have limited time lately so I'm working more on getting all of the macros running on 1920x1080. It's fairly easy to add the resolutions later anyway. I've also been working on more specialized macros lately but things look VERY promising for next tale :) IMPORTANT The big problem with my macros not working for some is because of Venery! It adds an extra line to windows so it's throwing thigs off. I'm in the process of fixing them now.
If you do run into a problem and need to stop the macro.
- Hit Alt Tab
- Press Alt immediately to select the menu bar on ACTool.
- Stop the macro.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Load ACTool as Administrator.
When reporting a problem, please include which screen resolution you were using.
Anka's Anvil
My Anvil macro - currently making 7k carp blades. Update: I got tired of working on the veggies so decided to work on this one a bit more. I've solved the 1 problem I had and the macro works %100 of the time. It's only in 1920x1080 at the moment and I want to make is so it works on more anvil orientations and add some different resolutions. Currently out of 30 carp blades, the lowest was 7100.
If you need Carp Blades. Just bring the metal to 3472, 4809 in Sinai. You can teach me some Acro while you visit :)
This is the old Barly macro I used in T2 and T3. It was written by Draeton in Tale 2. I have updated it but very little remains of the original code. I've done a major rewrite, added 3 resolutions and it's about 1/3 or less of it's original size.
Some key notes...
- This is still considered beta - All is working but I want to add a few more features.
- You need to have a "barley" plant window pinned open in your far upper right corner.
- Max barley beds for 1024x768 is 8
- Max barley beds for others is 10 - It will probably plant more but you will get out of range from other beds. Plus it throws the timing off.
- No Weed Killer - This is a brute force macro. Don't expect the same results each time.
- Don't use the Batch feature - Unless you have a ton of water and dont need refilling, the macro does not reset your position due to different about of beds for each resolution. I'll add this later.
- Have a clear area to the right of your toon for planting.
Some things still need fixing. I have a few more plans for this that will be added later.
Charcoal Hearth
This is my old macro from tale 2 converted to 1920x1080. Added Regulator option instead of always running at 1 and also added a Venery option. I may add more resolutions later.
This is my first AutoHotKey macro to run firepits. It will only run 1 firepit so far but just give me some time. There are a few more things I want to do with it before I call it complete but I have tested it up to 30 stokes without a problem. I was getting some misses earlier but that was an earlier edit.
- It's an exe file so simply run it.
- Resolution 1920x1080. Have not tested it in other resolutions
- Double F8 view zoomed all the way in.
- Chat minimized.
Once you run it, set how many stokes you want to do, you can either select a value from the drop down or type in a number. Middle mouse click on the upper left portion of the log that is in a north south orientation. I stood north of the firepit. Once you click on this spot, do not move your character. Click start and it will find the starting location and a msgbox will appear. It is here that you make sure your firepit is loaded, light it then alt tab to see the message box again, click yes and it will do its thing. I hope you enjoy.
Flax v.5.0.3
- Updated 02/13/11
This one is a monster. I've made some changes since T3. It's the old macro re-done with some improvements. You may have problems with timing if you are on an older PC but I don't think it will be an issue. It plants seed beds, then will plant enough flax to leave you with the starting seeds of 21. Uses water or not and can dump flax into a warehouse or into water to rot. This macro does not use hotkeys so you can chat during long flax runs. :)
I've added new resolutions! :) So far it works in 1920x1080, 1360x768 and 1280x1024. Please leave me comments listing which resolution you want added. If you are planting in a diagonal line, you have this set wrong. :)
Just as a warning, the first thing the macro does is zoom out a bit. Don't be alarmed. Make sure camera speed is at the default setting. I just added menu options to control the camera. The flax beds should be snug together in a group. I'll add some pictures at some point.
I did experience the problem with zooming out too far. No idea why it zooms so much today. Just use the menu item to slow it down.
You need to get the settings right when you start. Once you have those set, the macro will save them. Try starting with
- Job: Both
- Seed Plants: 10
- Batch: whatever you want
- Pick Rounds:1
- Weed #: 3 Change this for new seeds. 3 is for 2 weedings and a watering.
- Seeds/Pick:1 Change this based on the flax seed.
- Seeds in Inventory:42 I need to work on this some more. Leave at 42
- Unzoom Time: 450 I personally use 475
- Zoom Time: 1000
Known Issues:
- Macro doesn't detect water icon. I'm working on this.
- I need to rework the math at the beginning that deals with seeds. Only thing that will happen if you try using it like it's intended is that it may miscalc your seeds and you could run out while planting. Keep some extra seeds in a safe place so it doesn't use your last seed.
If your beds have space between them when planting - You need to lower the Unzoom number untill the beds are snug. Beds plant in a diagonal line - Wrong resolution selected or windows task bar has been known to throw off the coords. Autohide it.
Fixed in this release:
- Rot feature should work now, before it would work if your menu was exactly like mine. It now reads the menu correctly on 2 different toons in all resolutions for me. For the first batch of flax, the rot feature will be slower than normal because it's finding what it needs in the menu. Later rounds don't have to do this searching.
- Venery Option added: If you have "Test...." in your menus when clicking on things, it throws coords off, just sellect this option.
Multi Tool
Updated from tale 2 and should work in all resolutions. Will do Coconuts, Digs, Dirt, Hackling Rake, Hookah, Limestone and Loom. Make sure your skills tab is selected and all stats are visable.
I dug up my old veggie macro and changed into my old resolution of 1024x768. I took out the color detection like I'm doing with all of my macros. Color macros work for some but not for others.
As some of you may remember, this is the macro that I did not release in T3. It has not been tested %100 so there may be some fixes needed but all veggies have been grown in all resolution settings on my machine. You may even be able to use resolutions not listed if they are close enough to one on the list.
UPDATE: Sorry, I found some major issues that need to be fixed with this one. Working on it now.
Enjoy. Anka
Charcoal Oven
I have this one converted to 1920x1080 and so far have ran 7 ovens. It's still a bit picky, sometimes it works perfectly and others it goes crazy about 30% of the time. Still working out fixes. I'm currently making some more edits and building more Ovens. I have 7 so far with a planned 15.
Please let me know what you think and let me know what you would like to see.